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Most Thai schools to reopen Monday if they pass assessments, requirements


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Very likely they will open the primary school in our village.

And it's about time.


Today still busy working with paintjob etc.

Long ago they built an open air mensa under a roof.


Also the secondary school of the subdistrict was lively yesterday.

Maybe some preparation/instruction?

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Strange reading about the number of schools still closed. My 9 year old son's school (a fee paying but certainly not international school) closed a couple of weeks after opening in August (?) but then suddenly reopened a few weeks later with just a day's notice. Has been open for several weeks now though closed for half term this week.


No idea why this opening was allowed up here in deepest Isaan.  Maybe the school needed the money and guessed that nobody would notice!   

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8 hours ago, sungod said:

'As for students in both “dark red” and low risk provinces, there is no requirement for vaccinations, but officials will try to convince them or their parents to allow them to be vaccinated for their own safety and for that of the parents.'


Common sense at last.

I would imagine that these opening situations are largely dependent on locale readiness. Some have been ready and willing for a couple of months now, while others are clearly not that organised as of yet. 

I believe their has been a determined push to vaccinated teachers and staff most everywhere......

The real factor might be to monitor if the extended family/household members of the respected students - inoculated or not. 

As well as the politics behind vaccinating children or not, which has largely been made up by scientific bullocks. 


Who knows what kind of protocol measures might be expected or in place if or when schooling reopens.....


Personally, I don't think the general percentage numbers [47-48 percent presently] are ready for any such universal and forced upon opening. 

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45 minutes ago, sungod said:

Not disputing that its my job to ensure they attend, just pointing out its not my job the pay school fees and teach my kids most of the day myself, thats the teacher's job. I have the utmost respect for teachers trying their best but still admitting online learning is no way a substitute, it's the 'pretend' teachers who tell us everything g is OK and online learning is fine that annoys me.

Teaching online ( done properly) is more time consuming both in preparation and marking/feedback. Assessing grades, always fairly subjective, is far more difficult. If nothing else it should expose any "pretend teachers".


Now whether the schools will take any action over "pretend teachers", or even identify or monitor them is another matter...

Edited by herfiehandbag
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On 10/28/2021 at 7:49 PM, bangkokbonecollector said:

My daughters school is opening on the 15th November and she is receiving her second Pfizer jab at the end of this month, only about 20days after her first.

The "powers" are in a rush, to heck with the specified 21-28 day interval. Good thing is kids are still more resistant. Good luck to your little one.

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5 hours ago, Kwaibill said:

The "powers" are in a rush, to heck with the specified 21-28 day interval. Good thing is kids are still more resistant. Good luck to your little one.

I actually contacted BioNTech and they said it was fine. The initial study was actually done with a 21day gap. Actually she got it on the 9th so it is 21 days today then. Still more resistant to what?

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On 10/30/2021 at 3:06 PM, bangkokbonecollector said:

I actually contacted BioNTech and they said it was fine. The initial study was actually done with a 21day gap. Actually she got it on the 9th so it is 21 days today then. Still more resistant to what?

Resistant to Covid 19. So far children have a much lower rate of serious disease when infected. Not yet known why, exactly, but a wee bit of good news.

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11 hours ago, Kwaibill said:

Resistant to Covid 19. So far children have a much lower rate of serious disease when infected. Not yet known why, exactly, but a wee bit of good news.

Yea that definitely seems to be the case and I think in the future when we the adults are all properly vaccinated against all the different strains, she will not be getting any further jabs.

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On 10/29/2021 at 7:16 PM, SeaMike01 said:

If a kid's school's online lessons are "a joke" someone isn't doing it right. Either the teacher hasn't done the work to make the lessons engaging or challenging, or the parents haven't been paying close enough attention to what the student is supposed to be doing. I have almost a hundred students and we have lesson plans for every class. The good students whose parents work with them to make sure they do the assignments and homework are enjoying classes and doing well. Yes, some kids are excelling at online learning. The kids who are struggling often don't show up to class and don't do the assignments, putting them further behind. Then the parents say "online learning sucks". Hmm. So, okay. It's up to you.

In our case it's the lesson plans that are a joke, my son finishes his online lessons and homework in minutes and he consistently gets good grades.  I noticed he'd finish so fast that I started teaching him various subjects myself and then quiz him on them, even asking him related questions weeks later to ensure he remembers.  I don't mind teaching him, but as others have asked "isn't that why I'm paying the school?"  

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