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Large Department Store Refuses to Give Free Bag


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29 minutes ago, JimTripper said:

One of the worst gimmicks ever, bag charging.


I'm not sure why it was implemented. Corporate could just raise prices on a few things, still give the bags for free, and eliminate a daily hassle for everyone at the checkout each time.


You would also drop the time for people waiting in line, confusion over the charge, and nickel and dime perception of the brand and store.

Why do you think that bags should be free ?

You are purchasing an item from a supermarket/Shop , why shouldnt you have to pay for it ?

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9 minutes ago, KhaoNiaw said:

Why do you need the straw? (If you're driving and drinking it OK but otherwise why?)

Habit, just like a few in this thread who have 50/60/70 years of free bags now demanding that they should still be free, even suggesting the store manager (employee) should pay for them so they can stay free lol


I actually ditched the straw and took off the lids it tasted so bad, so yes you're right, no need for straw


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4 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:

What is so hard to understand? 

A lot of people are concerned about the miles-wide floating plastic trash islands that are now found in EVERY ocean, and have done something about it. Until you've seen it for yourself, or even worse, had to swim in it, one can't imagine the immensity of the problem. Stopping free bags is one way to encourage more people to become ecologically helpful... even if they remain ecologically uncaring. While it may save retailers some money, that was NOT the motivation around the world for reducing plastic waste.


It's not a 'daily hassle for everyone at the checkout each time.'  In fact, most people are now bringing their own bags, or asking for cardboard boxes. Virtually every supermarket and department store has free boxes to give away. These days, it's only Karen who put up a fight at the check-out counter... and people standing nearby just shake their heads... or laugh at them.


(By the way, in case you don't realize it, this boat is in the middle of one of the smaller floating plastic trash islands in what was once pristine waters in the Caribbean. Not so pristine any more, is it.)




The way to fix that is by using a paper bag, not charging for plastic bags.

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18 hours ago, Speedhump said:
23 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

No, nothing like your pickup analogy, there is a law dealing with that.  There is no law that bans the use, distribution, sale or whatever of plastic bags of the type being discussed here.

I take you at your word. You must be more aware of current legislation. 

Thanks you, I do know that what I posted is accurate.    I'm sure that if I am wrong some of those contradicting me will produce the appropriate legislation specifics.

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11 minutes ago, bbko said:

So chopping down millions of trees is better than customers bringing their own reusable bags??

No bag is best, next comes reusable bags. Paper next best. Recycled plastic next (I think). Discarded plastic last. Trees grow back and paper turns into soil again (it just takes a long time).

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4 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:

What is so hard to understand? 

A lot of people are concerned about the miles-wide floating plastic trash islands that are now found in EVERY ocean, and have done something about it. Until you've seen it for yourself, or even worse, had to swim in it, one can't imagine the immensity of the problem. Stopping free bags is one way to encourage more people to become ecologically helpful... even if they remain ecologically uncaring. While it may save retailers some money, that was NOT the motivation around the world for reducing plastic waste.


It's not a 'daily hassle for everyone at the checkout each time.'  In fact, most people are now bringing their own bags, or asking for cardboard boxes. Virtually every supermarket and department store has free boxes to give away. These days, it's only Karen who put up a fight at the check-out counter... and people standing nearby just shake their heads... or laugh at them.


I get the no plastic thing... I agree with it. 


One of my main issues through this Covid-19 pandemic is that I’ve never seen and used so much single use plastic in my life. Its like we forgot the last 10 years or turning the tide back on Plastic. 


Another pet hate is all the unnecessary plastic packaging on so many products. 


I am in full support of the no plastic bags issue. 


But, the Supermarket did not provide a suitable alternative - they made the consumer pay extra for the privilege of being able to carry their items home. I believe this is wrong. 


As far as the ‘karen thing’...  It seems anyone who expresses an objection to something is having the word ‘Karen’ thrown at them... but this isn’t what being a Karen is. Standing up for customer service and consumer rights is not being a karen.


I consider it my right to be given the opportunity to be able to carry my shopping home with me at no extra cost.


The Op had a perfectly reasonable and valid point - why should be he charged any money to carry his items that havre just cost him 9000 baht ???  (or however much it was). 


Perhaps the supermarket manager will re-thing this policy and next time someone else who is shopping will be given a non-plastic-bag as part of the serviced (a minimum spend of perhaps 500 baht would not be considered unreasonable). 




Now, final point: Has anyone had their shopping delivered by Supermakert's (in Thailand), i.e. Tescos, Big-C, Tops etc.....   So many plastic bags everywhere, sometimes just a couple of items per plastic bag !!! 


So... the supermarket chain (which was probably one of the above) insisting on charging 4 baht for a non plastic bag was not operating out of any ’sense for the environment’ it was operating out of profit. 

Being able to identify and recognise this doesn’t make one a Karen, it doesn’t make the Op a Karen, it makes him someone who is not prepared to accept silly BS and will walk away, even if doing so adds inconvenience. 






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43 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Thanks you, I do know that what I posted is accurate.    I'm sure that if I am wrong some of those contradicting me will produce the appropriate legislation specifics.

The problem I suppose is (as I thought, my memory served me correctly) that it was very widely referred to as a ban, as this article from a national newspaper in January 2021 demonstrates:


"The ban on single-use plastic bags was the first step of the country's long-term plastic waste management plan, which will include measures to stop using other items such as cap seals, plastic cups and straws as well as polystyrene food containers." 

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On 4/22/2022 at 10:22 PM, Mac Mickmanus said:

We are supposed to be trying to cut down on waste and the use of plastic bags is bad for the environment , you really should not be using new free plastic bags from shops , you should be taking your own bags .

   Surprising that you made such a big fuss over a 4 baht bag , but in future you should take your own bags when going shopping 

Nothing more needed to be posted after this, the 3rd response (except for the jokes).


Instead 7 pages and counting.

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54 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I get the no plastic thing... I agree with it. 


One of my main issues through this Covid-19 pandemic is that I’ve never seen and used so much single use plastic in my life. Its like we forgot the last 10 years or turning the tide back on Plastic. 


Another pet hate is all the unnecessary plastic packaging on so many products. 


I am in full support of the no plastic bags issue. 


But, the Supermarket did not provide a suitable alternative - they made the consumer pay extra for the privilege of being able to carry their items home. I believe this is wrong. 


As far as the ‘karen thing’...  It seems anyone who expresses an objection to something is having the word ‘Karen’ thrown at them... but this isn’t what being a Karen is. Standing up for customer service and consumer rights is not being a karen.


I consider it my right to be given the opportunity to be able to carry my shopping home with me at no extra cost.


The Op had a perfectly reasonable and valid point - why should be he charged any money to carry his items that havre just cost him 9000 baht ???  (or however much it was). 


Perhaps the supermarket manager will re-thing this policy and next time someone else who is shopping will be given a non-plastic-bag as part of the serviced (a minimum spend of perhaps 500 baht would not be considered unreasonable). 




Now, final point: Has anyone had their shopping delivered by Supermakert's (in Thailand), i.e. Tescos, Big-C, Tops etc.....   So many plastic bags everywhere, sometimes just a couple of items per plastic bag !!! 


So... the supermarket chain (which was probably one of the above) insisting on charging 4 baht for a non plastic bag was not operating out of any ’sense for the environment’ it was operating out of profit. 

Being able to identify and recognise this doesn’t make one a Karen, it doesn’t make the Op a Karen, it makes him someone who is not prepared to accept silly BS and will walk away, even if doing so adds inconvenience. 






Your impassioned essay -  in defense of increasing plastic waste because a lazy person wasn't capable of folding a plastic bag and carrying it in his pocket - 

is duly noted.



("I am opposed to plastic waste except for the times when I am not")!





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2 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

Your impassioned essay -  in defense of increasing plastic waste because a lazy person wasn't capable of folding a plastic bag and carrying it in his pocket - 

is duly noted.


("I am opposed to plastic waste except for the times when I am not")!


Your hyperbolic response is quite frankly dumb. 


You have mentioned that the Op is lazy.

You have mentioned that the Op is incapable of folding a plastic bag.

You have mentioned that I an defence of increasing plastic waste. 


Those comments are wrong, utterly stupid and obtuse - You are imagining what others are writing, countering comments you have made up and imagined others to have made... how stupid is that ?


You fail to understand that people do not carry a reusable bag around with them at all time.

You have failed to recognise that people do pop into a shop on a whim when out doing something else and many not always have their reusable bag with them.


To further the idiocy of your argument, you even made up a quote for me in an pathetic example of gaslighting.... thats really dumb.


I am opposed to the use of single use plastics....  and suggest the use of a fabric bag (just like villamarkets provide). 


Now... IF you want to enter intelligent discussion and take a step above the moronic gaslighting and strawman idiocy you will recognise that in no comment have I mentioned plastic bags are acceptable - I have mentioned that there is a viable non-plastic alternative which should be offered for free with a minimum spend.


But... Posters such as yourselves just want to win, to do so you remove context, miss quote, make up your own quotes, gaslight, virtue signal, go full on strawman... but never never do you actually handle the points directly, perhaps you don’t have the intellectual skill set to do so. 


It was clumsy of the supermarket to charge someone any money at all for a bag when that person had spent 1000s of baht. 


The intelligent and customer friendly response of the store ’should’ be to offer a reusable non-plastic bag with a ‘minimum spend’ (i.e. 500 baht) - many other supermarkets in Thailand already do this. 


This point is being missed by so many people on this thread - either they are stupid or being deliberately obtuse for the sole reason of attacking the ops point. 












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      Six pages on this--must have struck a nerve.  I agree the OP could have brought his own bags or bought them.  But, part of me does lament the lack of good service one often finds these days, as well as, apparently, the wholesale abandonment of currying customer loyalty.  And, the lack of authority given to front line workers to make exceptions to the rules, as circumstances warrant.

      I realize plastic bags are discouraged but, as far as I know, I think paper is still ok.  I'm surprised that one big Thai department store, which will remain nameless, appears to have abandoned the classic paper department store shopping bag.  Seems so short-sighted as it alienates customers like the OP and the bags serve as very inexpensive advertising for the store.  

     Not long ago my partner and I bought 6 fairly expensive, collared shirts at this same store.  In saner times, the clerk would have put them in a department store paper bag with handles and the stores logo splashed on the side.  Quick and easy.  And, off we would go, walking through the mall advertising the store for free.  Instead, the clerk very laboriously wrapped up the shirts using some plain, loose paper and a ton of clear tape--like you'd wrap a Christmas package.   We had brought bags but we had used them for other purchases.  Can't remember if they actually had bags on hand to buy at the counter we used but it was too amusing watching the whole ridiculous gift wrap process--which seemed to be how they were now doing things.   And, off we finally went, walking through the mall with our anonymous package.

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9 minutes ago, FolkGuitar said:

You're right. And you can. Just bring your own bag. If you don't want to carry one, ask for a free box. All the stores have them. Problem solved.


What would your comment be to a manager that tried to charge you for a box?

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14 minutes ago, FolkGuitar said:

Frankly, I doubt this would happen so I won't respond to it. 


You haven't answered the question though, have you?


The question again is, "What would your comment be to a manager that tried to charge you for a box?"


Is it possible, after spending a significant amount of money in a shop, that the manager wants to charge you for a box, you may fell somewhat aggrieved? 


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13 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

What's the point of making something up that hasn't been reported and is unlikely to happen.


Well, a 4 baht bag is given complimentary in other shops, but not the shop the OP went to, or, not on the managers instructions.


Did the OP make up this story?  Has it not been reported here?  If it was likely to not happen, why did it happen to him?


I suppose it's never likely you will be asked to move to a table with strangers in The Triangle Bar, but hey, it happened to you, and you came on here and had a big cry, and that was for free.    ????????


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1 hour ago, FolkGuitar said:

You're right. And you can. Just bring your own bag. If you don't want to carry one, ask for a free box. All the stores have them. Problem solved.


Or they can give you a non-plastic bag to carry your shopping in...  Problem solved !!!!! 


And the idea that everyone should carry around their own bag just incase they pop into a shop is utterly preposterous....   OK if they have a car, a motorcycle or larger bag etc they can just put their bag in that, thats what I do. But I don’t carry a spare bag in my pocket at all times - the suggestion that people should is just idiotic. 

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1 hour ago, FolkGuitar said:

I have some shopping delivered every month. I ride motorcycle and can't carry large, bulky items, or too many heavy bottle and cans, so I have either Tops or Rimping deliver when I do a 'big shop.'

BOTH deliver in cardboard boxes. Not a single plastic bag used.

Thats good to see... 


I hope its changed recently.... However, up until 6 months ago the delivery (in Bangkok from Tesco’s, Big C and Tops) came with loads of plastic bags... More so than had we shopped ourselves and used their plastic bags !!!.... 


1 hour ago, FolkGuitar said:

If I happen to walk into a supermarket, forgetting to bring my own cloth bag, I'll buy one for a few baht. I won't demand that the store give me a free one.

So would I... But that does not mean I don’t completely understand the Ops point. 


And it certainly doesn’t mean I’ll deliberately miss his point and attack him for essentially being principled. 


1 hour ago, FolkGuitar said:

I won't come onto Social Media and cry about how I've been mistreated.

Most people won’t because too many people start gaslighting and completely miss the underlying issue instead choosing to take the opportunity to ridicule people like the Op for being petty or accusing them of being a Karen etc.. 


These issues very often seem small and minor at the start, sometimes they are just the thin end of the wedge. 

Next time the bag is 50 baht because no one seemed bothered !! (doesn’t happen ? how much are the cloth bags in the UK ?? £3 ???).



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