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How much time does your wife/gf spend talking to friends?


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Yup - mrs can easily spend 2 hours or more any given day on the phone to her ma alone. Ive asked many a time what in the world they could possibly have to talk about for so long. Never get a sensible answer. I know they got a new puppy at home on one occasion though - get some edited highlights on its progress.  

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She's not allowed to talk to anyone ... ????


Apparently very little compared to OP & others.  Don't have a whole lot of local friends, only 1 family.  Talks with a few past friend from working days, and family, but far from a daily or even weekly conversation.


All pretty busy enjoying their lives, or working at it, so don't spend much time on useless chit chatting/gossiping.   Keeps up with some on FB.  Family, siblings, most up in N & NE, and I think 1 or 2 at Krung Thep.  We're an hour below Hua Hin.


Sort of out of sight, out of mind.  Catch up every week or 2, if something's happening.

Edited by KhunLA
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My wife is the same , will go round the village to her different friends house , sit and gossip ,

Then returns home and will phone her sister about all the gossip.

She can't half rabbit.

Sometimes I think of taking the phone off her and buying her a bull horn or microphone and amp. and strapping it to her motor bike.....

Lottery day is an entirely different animal.

I would say 80 % of the village are ringing each other up or visiting each other.

It gets her out the house though......

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10 minutes ago, bbko said:

My Thai wife is very sociable, she can turn a simple interaction of getting food from a vendor into a 10 minute chat session.  

Definitely something the wife also does, as we have our 2 or 3 favorite munch spots, and as regular customers, she strikes up conversations, about food, prep, farming, sourcing, and not so much gossiping.  We usually dine off hours, so owner or staff have time to chit chat.


Not while eating, as annoying & rude, but prior to or after, she'll yak away, in which time (after), I'll go sit with dog in the car ... ????

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After she has done all her work around the house ,starting in the

afternoon ,she's on the phone , she can be talking with her cousin

in USA for an hour or more at a time,i's a good job is free , I would

run out of conversation after 5 mins, 

regards Worgeordie

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We stopped at roadside vendor yesterday to pick up a BBQ fish. We ended up being there for around 20-25 minutes whilst we had a drink and they chatted away. As we left I asked if she knew the lady. 'No, we've never met before', she replied. It's the same in shops or on Baht busses, anywhere in fact!


Back home in the village, our house is always wide open and folks are coming in and out all the time. 'Chicken farm' is the local's term for it. They just never stop.


I lived in China for a while and I thought they were gregarious, But Thais are the champs, no doubt about it!

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Same same.
When I talked to my ex, her concentration and focus lasted max 15 min.
You talking too mut, tinking too mut.

Then, she went to talk on the phone, twitter, tiktok, line, whatsApp, messenger non-stop.

They can talk forever but unfortunately not with us.

There must be some magic between thai people.

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26 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

I wouldn't mind so much if it worked both ways ...

I'd just prefer to sit in the car for those 5 ish minutes, with the dog or on the internet myself.


For me it works both ways.  I do whatever, whenever I want.  She never question or has a problem, as she know, I wouldn't care if she did, and would be a relationship ender if she did.  She is #4, and knows I have no patient for silliness.


If up to her, she could easily be a homebody, garden, cooking, sewing, all day, everyday.  Me, after snapping photos, flying drones & playing with RC toys, I get bored, and I'll just let her know ... "going to Krung Thep, Surat Thani, Krabi, Phuket or whatever tomorrow.  If coming pack something."


"How long ?" ...  "I don't know, till bored."  


If she can put up with me, don't think 5 minutes won't kill me ... ????

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24 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

You guys must be a lot more tolerant than me.

Funny there was one thing my mrs used to do that drove me absolutely  insane. She would accept calls (particularly from her mum or sister) at the most inopportune times - like while we were at a restaurant or waiting to go into the cinema.  Instead of canceling it or quickly telling them she would call back later - she would instead proceed to talk for the next 20 minutes. I really struggled to get across to her how rude it was. Her answer was always that it could have been important. Id say - well after a minute - when you know its not important why not excuse yourself. Silence. 

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Unless I'm in a rush, I don't mind my wife chatting with family/friends/strangers, it often times leads to positive things; word-of-mouth referrals, favorable selections, better treatment, etc.  And Thais have a good memory for falang faces, many times I'll be alone and interact with a "stranger" and they'll say they know me/my wife and now I made a new positive connection.  Thank you tilac.

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3 hours ago, 2long said:

When not asleep, my wife spends probably 90% of her time talking to friends/family. 

- on the phone

- up the road

- in front of the house

- over Som Tum

- while ironing


It's nice that she's sociable and popular, but jeez I don't know where she gets the energy. There's no shortage of content, because the lottery, local gossip and having to say everything 4-5 times is normal because they're all also doing something else or interrupting each other.


Tell me I'm not alone here, ..... PLEASE!

My gf often switches off her phone when one or two annoying friends call her more than once a day.


But to be fair, when she had a drink or two too much then she calls all her friends for hours. Luckily that doesn't happen too often. 

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7 minutes ago, bbko said:

Unless I'm in a rush, I don't mind my wife chatting with family/friends/strangers, it often times leads to positive things; word-of-mouth referrals, favorable selections, better treatment, etc.  And Thais have a good memory for falang faces, many times I'll be alone and interact with a "stranger" and they'll say they know me/my wife and now I made a new positive connection.  Thank you tilac.

Sure they remember you.
You are probably the only whiteface in the village.
Imagine you are African, they also would recognise you.

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She might talk to a neighbor over the fence/low wall for about 10 minutes max....

She overheard a couple of neighbors gossiping & rarely talks with them, but they all get along....She dislikes gossip.....

Once, she spoke to another neighbor (that basically works - then home <cute with great legs>) for about 2 hours & I thought maybe I missed the apocalypse or something.....The neighbors are all long time, settled owners..... 

She might talk to her folks once every two weeks.....Our oldest daughter is in the Uni so they check in a few times a week - never over 10 minutes ...

Friends - rarely, she's got a group of 12 from her Uni days that had formed a study group....Each went on to be successful & their contact over time has dwindled....FB seems to cover all their updates.....

However, when there are family visits they'll prattle on for hours....

I'm actually more visible & outgoing around the Mubaan than she is....

Phone conversations - I've never seen her talk for over 15 minutes....

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21 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

They'd say we don't give them enough money.

i was thinking along those lines - or something like "Why does my teerak have to make sensible plans for the future - he think too much??"

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