Slip Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 4 hours ago, Spock said: All this nonsense you read in here about a flower (@700 baht a gram) being slipped into food that is probably cheaper than the flower placed in it! Just astounds me how dangerous a tiny bit knowledge can be in the hands of the uneducated, including boomers who obviously failed to boom but should still know better. If a leaf or two had been slipped into anything, the imbiber would be none the wiser, but no one is going to waste an expensive bud sticking it in the food of some consumer. Why would they do it? What would they hope to gain? Once the punters get hooked on all the reefer pills in the food, they will be chucking up flowers willy-nilly. Replacement theory suggests they will be back for the devil's pad kapow lettuce (kai dao) again in short order. 2
kingstonkid Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 12 hours ago, PJPom said: All I can say is GOOD, how many others think legalising Cannabis was wrong. I now wait to be told I am a boomer and know nothing. The legalization was not wrong; it was the way that Anutin and the great one did it. You can not legalize something that you know nothing about and not have the rules established as to what can and can not be done. This was Anutin trying to become the next PM and nothing more. The department that should have been consulted first finally grew a pair and since the government will not do anything, they stepped in with the big hammer and did it for them. It is the same thing as governments in the West instead of passing legislation relying on the courts to take action so that they can look good to the voters. As to the alcohol issue, wait for it I am sure the non-elected people will step up and make that decision for them also. Let's face it politicians are useless they are too worried about getting re-elected and making their money from others to do anything
Popular Post kingstonkid Posted November 15, 2022 Popular Post Posted November 15, 2022 6 hours ago, khunjeff said: One of the most idiotic aspects of this whole "debate" must be the constant fear-mongering that weed is secretly being slipped into food and drink - as if any vendor would add an expensive ingredient without touting the fact and charging extra... TIT would not be the first time that a person was given a drug that they did not know about so they end up being hooked and using. Does anyone remember the little stickers that looked so cute in the 70's , how do people think most of these drug dependencies start? You know the dealer, the dealer is a manWith the love grass in his hand The dealer for a nickel Lord, he'll sell you lots of sweet dreams 1 1 2
RayC Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 7 hours ago, NorthernRyland said: I was just in Pai over the weekend and those dirty pot smoking hippies are going to be devastated if these new rules happen. I imagine that it will take a few years for the news to filter through to Pai, and a few more years for the hippies to comprehend what they are being told. 1 1
MrJ2U Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 3 hours ago, JimboB4 said: So is cannabis still. It hasn’t gone anywhere nor is it going anywhere they just restricting advertising. Seems like more restrictions than that. Just have to wait and see. I believe the government just sees a way to profit immensely and wants a piece of the pie.
shdmn Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 8 hours ago, Spock said: I am a boomer and know a hell of a lot more than the younger generation about marijuana. Your youth was obviously nowhere near as misspent as it could or should have been. Whether legalising was right or wrong, what is wrong is allowing so many people and businesses to spend a lot of money setting up what they thought was a legal trade then change the regulations and force them out of business. The government should not be making up policies as they go along. This is just another example of the Thai government not thinking through a situation before introducing new regulations to the public. That is not exactly accurate. All the gov't did was decriminalize marijuana. Selling marijuana for recreational use was never a part of that. 1
George FmplesdaCosteedback Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 Same old story and I expected this to happen. In Thailand nothing is ever thought through before it is announced. This was made legal very quickly and people have disregarded what the intention of legislation was. They said all along "it wasn't intended for marijuana to be used recreationally", but that is what has happened. I gave the stuff up in 1991 so it doesn't bother me. I hope those who are sick can still benefit from its use though.
kwilco Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 13 hours ago, PJPom said: boomer and know nothing. I'm a boomer and know you are wrong. What has happened in Thailand is thy couldn't organise a p-up in a brewery. or a high in a hash house. Like most laws in Thailand they are implemented by dictum and totally un-thought out. There is also a lot of confusion between quackery and any social harm. The social damage caused by cannabis compared to alcohol is insignificant but the medical benefits or cannabis are so insignificant as to be worthless yet the government went down the medical path - how daft can you get???? 1 1
kwilco Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 20 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said: Same old story and I expected this to happen. In Thailand nothing is ever thought through before it is announced. This was made legal very quickly and people have disregarded what the intention of legislation was. They said all along "it wasn't intended for marijuana to be used recreationally", but that is what has happened. I gave the stuff up in 1991 so it doesn't bother me. I hope those who are sick can still benefit from its use though. " Thailand nothing is ever thought through before it is announced" absolutely - it is asymption of recreational users that they think by trying to push it as a"medicine" they can then get to use it recreationally...... total red-herring as it is almost useless medically. 1 1
Dogmatix Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 1 hour ago, kingstonkid said: The legalization was not wrong; it was the way that Anutin and the great one did it. You can not legalize something that you know nothing about and not have the rules established as to what can and can not be done. This was Anutin trying to become the next PM and nothing more. The department that should have been consulted first finally grew a pair and since the government will not do anything, they stepped in with the big hammer and did it for them. It is the same thing as governments in the West instead of passing legislation relying on the courts to take action so that they can look good to the voters. As to the alcohol issue, wait for it I am sure the non-elected people will step up and make that decision for them also. Let's face it politicians are useless they are too worried about getting re-elected and making their money from others to do anything There wasn't any department stepping with a big hammer. It was all Anutin's work and he even signed the two page decree himself. Anutin's Cannabis and Hemp Bill, which contains very similar provisions was voted down by the Democrat party MPs in the govt coalition. With no Cannabis Act in place, Anutin is vulnerable to attacks from the conservatives in the next election, criticising him for creating a free for all. So he went for a stop gap solution in the form of a ministerial regulation he could issue himself. This is obviously much easier to repeal than an act of parliament but Anutin is banking on still being able to conrol the Public Health Ministry. Anutin is basically going for the minimal regulation he can get away with without triggering a conservative backlash that could harm his prospects in the next elections. 1
George FmplesdaCosteedback Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 7 minutes ago, kwilco said: " Thailand nothing is ever thought through before it is announced" absolutely - it is asymption of recreational users that they think by trying to push it as a"medicine" they can then get to use it recreationally...... total red-herring as it is almost useless medically. I agree, however some do say it helps alleviate the symptoms and pain of certain conditions, so I'm not against its use for "medical purposes" for that reason. I have a friend with chronic arthritis who hates all the painkillers and says it works. He used to work in a nuclear power station control room so he is a pretty sensible and responsible person.
Dogmatix Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 39 minutes ago, shdmn said: That is not exactly accurate. All the gov't did was decriminalize marijuana. Selling marijuana for recreational use was never a part of that. It's pretty clear that, in spite of their protestations about intending to legalize for medical use only, marijuana for recreational use was exactly the main intent. Top BJP worthies have huge vested interests in plantations. If medical use only was all that was required, why bother to legalize the buds? Medical marijuana was legalized in 2019 and available in clinics all over the coutry, mainly in oil form. The emphasis on keeping extracts with more than 0.2% THC illegal was smoke and mirrors to make most people including govt MPs from other parties believe that only CBD plants would be legal. The strategy worked well.
kwilco Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 49 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said: some do say it helps The evidence is so thin it is really to be ignored. Anecdotal evidence I'm afraid is just a joke - "I have a friend who...." The truth is that the only way that cannabis can be verified is by proper scientific process - e.g. double blind peer reviewed papers and not just one either, There has been some serious evidence that it might have effects on fits/tremors etc - but there simply isn' enough research done. You may have noticed that almost every quack medicine has the same sort of claims - they always claim to relieve pain - the reason for this is that pain is almost completely subjective - it is impossible to measure in any factual way and is also subject to psychological issues and even placebo effects. However the fact that in most of the world cannabis has been illegal for years means that there has in fact been very little research done and that that has is very shallow. There is a massive problem with cannabis and medication and that is that so many people WANT it to be some kind of miracle cure that it is now subject to every quack, hypochondriac and con-man to jump in and claim its efficacy. so-called papers are released that when looked at tun out to be nothing more than wishful thinking r cherrypicking and anecdotal evidence - but the Thai healthcare system which allows both TCM and McDonalds into their premises is a soft target for this kind of poppy-cock. 1
Popular Post Gilligan In Drag Posted November 15, 2022 Popular Post Posted November 15, 2022 Advisory Warning: The following post is a long one. Containing such hazards such as sarcasm, satire, retarded american style humor in which stupidity is regarded as funny, exaggeration, hyperbole, comparison and contrast of things on topic to other things that are somewhat unrelated to the topic at hand such as beer prohibition, blunt (no pun intended) honesty, uncited references, references to things you already knew and everyone knows because its common knowledge/sense as well as references to things which you might be unfamiliar with and may find traumatizing and disorienting because you never heard of them before, references to past events and situations as reported on Thai Visa/ASEAN Today, events that may now be politely regarded as having never transpired such as beer advertising in bars being banned. You may find it rather tasteless and tactless to refer to things that happened in the past after all thats in the past why can't we all just get along and focus on the present and If you should decide to read on and then don't know where to get off when it all becomes too much, may I suggest that you ask someone to take you to the emergency room for testing and treatment rather than push the sad face response button or the confused face response button at the bottom of this post. While doing that might help you feel better for a few days it is no substitute for a visit to the emergency room and a chat with a qualified emergency room worker or other hospital employee about Gillagan In Drag's rather horrific post. Thank you! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I've actually had a good time since June with all of this. I hadn't smoked ganja at all since 1986, but I had left the U.S. never to return long before it was legalized in California and other places over there so here I was suddenly out of the blue, thanks to a guy I am sure despises me, Mr Anutin, free to buy a bit of online gonja without fear of ending up like something off of the Banged Up Abroad series tossed in a cell with likes of Sobraj the killer of filthy pot head back packers! But the old lady (The old lady indeed! what a boomer, or Sobraj for that matter!) and I picked up a couple of seedlings at the market in June for 90 baht each (What a rip off! I know, you got yours for 85! Go home Boomer! Get outta here you ruin it for everyone! Why don't you go weave your own tennis shoes from scraps of clothes and old hot water bottles that I beg from the kindly Thai populace and it costs me nothing while I solve the climate crisis and <deleted> like you go to Central and buy sneakers and drive up prices and overpay for a taxi home and get on ASEAN today and moan about ganja! Aghh!) and the guy, who seemed a bit of pot head, said it was good and strong stuff. And four months later, I still think he was steering us right the plants smell pretty nice right now. But I wanted to see how the plants fared with minimal fuss, just got some well seasoned cow manure mixed with some sand and a small amount of clay and some worm castings and tossed it all into a couple of 5 gallon buckets and a bit of banana tea home made bloom booster during the flowering stage once a week and any day now we are going to get what will probably turn out to be an ounce after drying and curing . The plants are definitely undersized only about 150 centimeters tall not the giant woolly 6 meter tall skunk monster octopuses reeking of road kill that yield 20 kilo bales per plant that you and your Gen Z buddies used to grow in kindergarten! . These plants were very dainty and willowy and airy... and therefor "Folkin crahp, ya!? If it ain't 30 foot plant FTX Zelensky Face Grease Sasquatch Pickles and Puke Cookie that guzzle three thousand dollars a month of nutrients , its not even ganja! " But the buds we are growing definitely smell like the Thai stick I ordered online and hopefully when I harvest I get the trichomes part of it right, I really am just going to have to take a wild guess that they are not quite ready just yet but should be very soon. Even if I blow that and just get ruined fatigue weed to smoke, complete with firecracker exploding surprise seeds in your joint, the original exploding cigar, and immediately just feel burned out, blind, parched and forsaken like we used to from the old midewy Colombian leftovers with a free rusted nail inside every dime bag back in the day, it will still all have been quite interesting and rewarding with minimal fuss and if it turns out to be good to smoke, the whole legalization fiasco was a big success for me. The only thing I don't like about what they are saying now about "new" ganja rules is not being able to advertise it. Not because I like advertisements, and what find of a weirdo-wet blanket doesn't love ads, but because what constitutes an advertisement has, in the case of beer, been interpreted mostly very ungenerously if i am being generous, or if i'm not i'll say is interpreted in a manner that is insane. But hey! Whoa! That's OK though, up to you! But this is a very bad time for beer if you want anything other than Chang/Leo/Singha. And I expect ganja to go the same way. OK, I'll shut up forever about all this soon, I'm thankfull that it seems for the moment that ganja will remain decriminalised, so what else do I want, right? But since June any other beer has been much more illegal that pot. Things went from 10 years ago or so when there suddenly was very nice European and American beers being available, that you could order online or go to a place like Wish Beer in Pra Kanong and try to it being aggressively taxed to the point that you (or I anyway) couldn't afford it, to then its advertisement being forbidden and online sales banned in the name of protecting the children of Thailand so that even supermarkets cannot tell you what beers they have online that no, that's considered advertising and that informing you what they cost is apparently advertising too, so, no you have to go to the supermarket and see what they've got which is why the internet is so helpful. Then there was news here on this very website, what 15 years ago or so, that bars and pubs within 200 meters, I think, of any school were to be shuttered. There was a few months of cat and mouse games between the police and bars and statements in the media by apopleptic men in the public health ministry, men who should have been born into fierce lineages of iron warrior nuns fighting against the evil of alcohol in the Women's Christian Temperance Unions of Des Moines Iowa and Schnickettperschnicketteschnack, Pennsylvania but the pub and bar bannings never seemed to stick, perhaps it got worked out that police got a new schedule of payments from bas near schools which is like all of them practially and the media had nothing else to say about it anyway, and that was the end of it so I'm not really sure any of this is going to stick either with regards to ganja shops and cafes and mini vans. Not that I care that much, none of that is my thing but if people want that why not? As far as I am concerned blasting your brains out and everyone around you with your 5g mobile phone is probably leagues more harmful, but we've all been brainwashed to say thats a conspiracy theory and forget it all, lets just be insane and normal at the same time about this and be hysterical about harmless things while enthusiastically embracing anything that actually is a danger. Ready to go to the emergency room yet? Too bad riding around without helmet with four people on a scooter while tapping away on your phone seems to be decreasing as a thing, what am i supposed to hoot about, how everyone still wears masks in Thailand? And well, we can't have ganja cafes and vans either because someone would start to get a little too far ahead economically and not at some loan monger's mercy I suppose so we'll have to curtail the pot van thing so sorry you must be gutted. And as with beer the same random out of sequence just doing things as it occurs to them actions from the govt is ongoing with the latest, "Lets allow small companies to brew beer in Thailand and allow people to make it at home and lets drop the afternoon ban, but lets not really just kidding about that, well no maybe lets kind of do it, well no, what do you think, oh forget it. And no, you still can't show a beer label anywhere not even in a bar, thats advertising!" As you recall it got to that point about 10 years ago, bars being shut down and or fined for having beer promotion posters and coasters and beer mugs with beer logos on them in a bar. I am not making that up it got to that point point for a month or so. Whats next, what will it be this time? You can't talk about beer or ganja can't say the name of a beer or say the word bong even in a bar and have to indicate what you want by pointing at it with your elbow while looking the other way to make your choice appear inadvertent or open to the bar/bud tender's preferences. "Would you like a complimentary sachet of egg shells to walk on with your non-Singha-Chang beer sir?" Looks like the same people applying the same template to cannabis to me. 1 1 2
redwood1 Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 I am sure everyone in Thailand only smokes weed for medical needs....So everyone is respecting the law....
hotchilli Posted November 15, 2022 Posted November 15, 2022 19 hours ago, webfact said: This could see the end of places like Sukhumvit Soi 11 in Bangkok, for example, where vans line the street, notes ASEAN NOW. It could also mark the end of street stalls selling weed in the area. A free for all instigated by Anutin.. the so called health minister? Seems more like profit before professionalism.
pizzachang Posted November 16, 2022 Posted November 16, 2022 On 11/15/2022 at 9:21 AM, bamnutsak said: Asssuming the van has a license then they can still sell flower. Whether they can get the "appropriate" license might be an issue? Not sure what new criteria might be required. What actually happens will be similar to what happens everywhere - a black market develops and what used to be prosecution for 'selling illegal drugs', becomes prosecution for 'selling without a license'. 1
Popular Post Mickeymaus Posted November 16, 2022 Popular Post Posted November 16, 2022 They should have made a law that selling between 2pm and 5pm is not allowed - this should be enough ????. It works great for the even much more dangerous drug alcohol . Or not? 1 2
Popular Post SiSePuede419 Posted November 16, 2022 Popular Post Posted November 16, 2022 On 11/14/2022 at 6:37 PM, PJPom said: All I can say is GOOD, how many others think legalising Cannabis was wrong. Yes, legalizing The World's Safest Least Toxic Drug in the world is wrong. But having The Most Dangerous Drug in the World (Recreational dose is toxic dose) commonly known as "booze" is 100% perfectly legal is right. OK, Boomer. ???? 1 2
tomacht8 Posted November 16, 2022 Posted November 16, 2022 Back and forth, forth and back and forth, flip flop, U-turn 1,2,3 How often rules and laws are enacted, changed and withdrawn again and that in a very short time is amazing. The rug is being pulled out from under the feet of many small entrepreneurs again. This lack of planning ultimately leads to chaos. Law creating amateurs.
JimboB4 Posted November 16, 2022 Posted November 16, 2022 Sounds like you all are jumping the gun once again. My source who’s been selling it for 3 years and was the first shop to open says it only effects the street sales. Here’s information that is a little more accurate.
Mr Meeseeks Posted November 16, 2022 Posted November 16, 2022 10 hours ago, hotchilli said: Seems more like profit before professionalism. Thailand in a nutshell. 1
robsamui Posted November 16, 2022 Posted November 16, 2022 21 hours ago, brucegoniners said: These guys just can't make up their minds. And they wonder why attempts to get business to Thailand largely fails. First they go off half cocked and adopt an "anything goes" policy. Now they don't like what they decided. This hurts businesspeople. You'd think they'd want to help them. For many years the whole business of Thai thinking - particularly politicians - really upset me. The Thais are delightful people - warm and friendly - but why why why did government and immigration policy change direction from one day to the next? Then, one day, it suddenly came to me. If you fix the idea in your head that Thai policy makers are 11 years old, it all makes perfect sense. Confused thinking, the sudden changes of mind, tantrums and petulance, and an adolecscent proccupation with following trends combined with a desperate need to appear cool and superior . . . just think of the country being run by the top year of a primary school ('grade school') class and it all makes sense! 1
Harveyboy Posted November 17, 2022 Posted November 17, 2022 On 11/15/2022 at 9:09 AM, lujanit said: Walking along Sukhumvit yesterday there are a lot of shops selling weed. There has been some serious money put into setting them up. I just see these rules as another opportunity for the BIB to extort owners. Very little will change. Government making a U turn on a law it passed How Unusual..
roger101 Posted November 18, 2022 Posted November 18, 2022 I think the moral of the story is DON"T TRUST POLITICIANS.
JustThisOnePostOnly Posted November 20, 2022 Posted November 20, 2022 On 11/15/2022 at 2:25 PM, Spock said: Whether legalising was right or wrong, what is wrong is allowing so many people and businesses to spend a lot of money setting up what they thought was a legal trade then change the regulations and force them out of business And this is after the wreckage to businesses here caused by covid. I'd be absolutely livid. The people just went through so much already. Give them a break <deleted>. 1
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