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Unhappy Love in Thailand


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I am clean, I smell good, I shower at least 3 times a day, I have changed my grooming products, but flies and mosquitoes still love me. 

My friends Love to go out with me because I am Big love magnet and biting beasties live my friends alone

Repellents just do not work for me.

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I'm reasonably sure that repellents don't work much at all.


Everybody gets bitten by mosquitoes, it's the reaction to the bites that's different.


Over time you will have almost no reaction to them at all but believe me - you will still get bitten.


Bites can be treated with anti histamine creams like Systral which contains Chlorphenoxamine Hydrochloride, this antihistamine is also available over the counter in tablet form.


Read this : https://www.washington.edu/news/2011/08/02/when-mosquitoes-bite-take-antihistamines-for-relief/


From the above article :


For best relief, I encourage patients with mosquito bite sensitivities to begin taking an antihistamine a few hours before going into an area where they are likely to be bitten.


The itching is a reaction to the bite, some people will beat this naturally and not notice it. Maybe give the above a go and see if there's a difference....I would.


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Deet or Picaridin are really the only ingredients in mosquito repellant which are proven to be effective for most people. You'll always get people coming out with stuff like garlic or lavender oil or skin so soft or eucalyptus or some other concoctions. Whilst that may work for them it certainly won't if as you say you are a mosquito magnet. A spray with Deet is essential for areas of skin which are not covered. Hydrocortisone cream and antihistamine tablets to treat the swelling, itching. Best advice, certainly for the evenings is "cover up"

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The OP has what is called sweet blood here. My GF has it. The mossies head for her every time, and leave me alone.

Some say it's related to the compounds present in the breath, which varies from person to person.

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For years now, even in my own country I use marmite or vegemite.

I spread it on 3 slices of toast for breakfeast 2/3 times a week.

Or a teaspoon in a glass of hot or warm water and drink it.

It gets into the bloodstream.

I think it could be the yeast extract.

Maybe yeast could do the same.

I like marmite and vegemite so that is what I use.

Takes a little while for it to get into your system. It works for me.

Only works for mossies and sandflies.



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Many people are a magnet to mozzies, but I've been taking a daily Vitamin B Complex for 25+ years and find it works well. I believe the B1 and B12 leave a scent on your skin that the mozzies don't like.. 

Always used Blackmores Exec. B.. 


There have been many international scientific studies done, and many state Vit B doesn't do anything to detract mozzies whilst some others have found that it can work with some people.. 


As a general rule of thumb, if one takes a strong Vit B Complex tablet daily, continuously over a period of several months and longer, trace elements remain in your system which do repel mozzies.. My Thai GF gets bitten alive and I'm left alone.. 

But once you break the cycle and then start again, it takes 3 months to be fully in your body's system again.. You can't just take one like it's a paracetamol and expect it to work instantly, because it won't.. 


Vit B is also supposedly good for reducing stress and in my case at 61yrs not a single grey strand of hair or baldness.. My 2 brother siblings, one younger and one older are both nearing baldness with all grey hair if any.. I think a great anti-ageing tonic as well, in my case.. 5556..

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I've done a lot of reading on mozzies since I moved to the tropics because the little buggers almost ate me alive until I learned what to do about them.


Ours are the brown variety and carry no disease but they still make you uncomfortable when they bite. The Texan ones are the worst I've ever encountered.


First they buzz your face and the clever little buggers can detect your blood group. They love O Pos. They need a blood meal before they lay their eggs. They only operate between dawn and duck. They prefer to operate near water, preferably stagnant.


What can you do? A few have mentioned yeast extract/vitamin B. Works for me. Wear light coloured clothing. They disguise themselves against dark colours. Limoncella spray. It chokes them.


Things they like. Fag smoke, sweaty feet, alcohol fumes and after shave. They go for the capillary system and they try and get the joints where the veins are close to the surface. Knuckles, elbows and wrists are favourites. Little faquirs always get the inside of my wrists while I'm fannying about on the phone. Yeah, I know......


If bitten, Tiger Balm or Savlon is instant relief. They inject an anaesthetic first so they get time to suck the blood out. This is what causes the swelling and itching when it wears off. If neither is available, the condensation on the outside of your glass will take the heat away.


Buy an electric mozzie bat, the best invention ever. Like a tennis racket with a low ampage centre. It's amazingly satisfying to watch them go up in smoke. Look for them in your bathroom hiding against dark surfaces and fire 'em up.

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5 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Well cover up before a dengue mosi gets ya there's also malaria, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, filariasis, tularemia, dirofilariasis, Japan eseencephalitis, Saint Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Ross River fever, Barmah Forest fever ... ????

Not to mention Zika fever.

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Traubert got it right. O positive blood is more attractive to SOME mosquitoes than other types. I have this issue. I get bitten within 2 minutes in the morning if I go into the Kitchen or Bathroom, but rarely in the evenings...…. Having many people around (like in a big party or attending an event) also seems to confuse them and the I am rarely bitten. I do find the Softel spray and citronella sprays work, but you need to spray all your exposed flesh, because the mosquitoes will find the bit you missed. Protection lasts about 3 hours for citronella, a bit longer for the chemical ones. I prefer citronella as more natural.

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I once went to Mahidol University hospital to get anti-malarial stuff for a trip into deepest, darkest SEA (this was around 2004).  Turns out, at least at that time, this was the place in Thailand taking the lead in research of mozzie-borne disease, and it was a great curiosity that a farang tourist found his way there.  Turns out the only person present who was fluent in English was one of the research doctors, a young fellow, and we had a good chat.  I asked about repellents and he laughed, said NOTHING works as well as DEET.  He gave me something they were currently working on, but told me not to get my hopes up; they put vanilla scent in it, so strong it turned my stomach so I couldn't use it.



Edited by bendejo
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7 hours ago, Deerculler said:

I use marmite or vegemite.

Vegemite would repel anything.... Aussie anti Mossie.


Awful on toast, try spreading it on your skin.


(I now have half the posters on TV covering themselves with Vegemite) :cheesy:

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19 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Maybe don't shower and don't use grooming products and maybe soon the flies will find another victim. ???? 

I gave you a "like" because I actually agree with you...all that perfume and cleanliness would attract all around...nevermind the flies....But then I thought..."Hang on!...I never shower or use soap....and they love me too" ?

Edited by dotpoom
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9 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Well cover up before a dengue mosi gets ya there's also malaria, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, filariasis, tularemia, dirofilariasis, Japan eseencephalitis, Saint Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Ross River fever, Barmah Forest fever ... ????

Where did you find that list of mosquito borne illnesses? Denque, Malaria, West Nile, Yellow Fever, Japanese Encephalitis. Yeah...I know about those ones.

         But where did you find those other ones?

  Ross River? St. Louis Encephalitis, Dilofilariasis,  Equine viruses? Barmah  Forest Fever etc. ?   Never heard of them before. I thought Tularemia is rabbit fever. In Canada there is also Bird Flu passed by mosquitos as well as West Nile. But not the other diseases.  

    Are all of them in Southeast Asia? 

Yellow Fever is not in Southeast Asia.

   Just wondering where you got that list.....certainly interesting. 

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