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Thailand to announce nationwide curfew starting Friday


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55 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Perhaps they just want to keep it that way. 


If you've got something empirical that justifies your cynicism about the number of cases, let's hear it.  If you haven't. what was your point?

See post #14 :closedeyes:

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23 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

This is good news but such measures are not enough. Thailand needs to find a way to do mass testing, preferably with the newly developed SUPER QUICK on the spot results type that don't even need a painful nose swab, and they also need to do massive blood tests for antibodies to begin to understand the percentage of the people here that have already been infected and recovered. 

Yes, but so much easier to set up a road block.



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55 minutes ago, z42 said:

What's the point? The numbers of covid19 deaths will be astronomical whether or not a curfew is imposed or not. Plus the numbers given up to now are pathetic and an insult to even the stupidest in society.

This curfew will just squeeze the life out of the people even more. The country is gonna be in a dreadful state when this thing is declared over and borders open, etc again.

The point is to get ahead of it initially, then gradually ease restrictions every two weeks, and monitor, based on what number of infections are 'acceptable'. This way minimizes it getting completely out of control while you're waiting to see if half measures are having any impact. We have enough data to know quarantine measures work. Less clear, is what level of quarantine is required to maintain an orderly spread, while things like mask production and test kits ramp up.

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4 minutes ago, rupert the bear said:

personally i think its a bad idea.no need -just enforce what you have now,the no of deaths is small.its hard to bs the death,total infections perhaps but i do feel its lack of testing by and large for what ever reason,we need  mass testing available easily,not the usual thai nonsense where no one can decision make in a logical manner or coherently spread information.private hospitals need to be nationalised when dealing with corona related  patients.testing must be available to anyone with symptoms quickly and free and all their contacts. this is what will slow it down not more drivel and screw ups.it will cause a mass return again and some panic buying even though it kicks in at 10pm,some people are dribbling idiots,look at sweden this is  country with a good health system intelligent and theyve gone the other way,citizens have a life theyve an economy too.death rates same as elsewhere so.....be nice if we could make our own minds up,thats difficult as the sheeple cant ,too busy taking in messages from idiots who put us where we are from day one.media is end of the world constantly.if as its looking likely the death rates under 0.5% we just better get on with life.its about the 99.5% who need jobs,work,money and economy,movement etc.testing where its taken place so far is dropping the death rate at a staggering rate so.........thats my view.i social distance wash hands and mask so......im tired of this mass hysteria,whats next a dutarte approach where the slums starve and if they protest you shoot them?baaah baah baaah

But the sooner the country gets its fully under control, the sooner it can get back to normal.  Why just wait until things could become even worse?  better to act now by implementing some strict rules like South Korea did

Edited by Kaopad999
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1 hour ago, ChipButty said:

I think it should be 8pm the other night a group of Farang outside 7/11 drinking the sauce looked like a few Russians

I don't understand how they think a curfew from 10.00pm until 4.00am will stop the spread of the virus.  I understood that the bars and clubs were all closed anyway.  It should be restricted movement and self isolation for the whole 24 hours.


Why isn't Thailand taking it's lead from other countries that are ahead of them?

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12 minutes ago, Dap said:
1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

Perhaps they just want to keep it that way. 


If you've got something empirical that justifies your cynicism about the number of cases, let's hear it.  If you haven't. what was your point?

See post #14 

This is post 14 at the moment and it's just z42's subjective opinion...

"What's the point? The numbers of covid19 deaths will be astronomical whether or not a curfew is imposed or not. Plus the numbers given up to now are pathetic and an insult to even the stupidest in society.

This curfew will just squeeze the life out of the people even more. The country is gonna be in a dreadful state when this thing is declared over and borders open, etc again.

If the economy doesn't collapse completely i'll be amazed"


How exactly does that provide empirical evidence that the figures are not right?  Some anonymous poster's opinion is not evidence.

Edited by Just Weird
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1 hour ago, Liverpoolfan said:

Doesn’t bother me in the slightest, im in bed at 8 most nights. 

Sure, and the girls for hire on Internet will offer a "Special curfew rate". At least something to look forward to.

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2 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

This is post 14 and it's just z42's subjective opinion...

"What's the point? The numbers of covid19 deaths will be astronomical whether or not a curfew is imposed or not. Plus the numbers given up to now are pathetic and an insult to even the stupidest in society.

This curfew will just squeeze the life out of the people even more. The country is gonna be in a dreadful state when this thing is declared over and borders open, etc again.

If the economy doesn't collapse completely i'll be amazed"


How does that provide empirical evidence that the figures are not right? 

I never tried to say it did :cool:

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1 minute ago, London1boy said:
1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

Perhaps they just want to keep it that way. 


If you've got something empirical that justifies your cynicism about the number of cases, let's hear it.  If you haven't. what was your point?

Here's something empirical, the stated 100+ cases per day is incorrect. Thailand isn't testing enough people to get an accurate figure. As an example in Phuket only 1,200 people have been tested where a

That is not empirical evidence that the figures are deliberately false which is the suggestion that I was responding to, that's just your opinion of the number of cases.

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1 hour ago, Kadilo said:

Quite stringent measures for a Country that shows so few cases ????

Not in the slightest. In Fact I believe it's to little to late. 

For two weeks + now we have all seen the news from all over the world.

Starts as Thailand's rates of infection are now then escalation is inevitable.

In my view (but hard I know in Thailand to enforce due to culture and Family ties) total lock down is the only way as Laos has done as soon as they started seeing cases.

I hope I'm wrong I really do but I believe Thailand is in the very early stages of a massive outbreak.

All those out there treating this as "I will be fine" time to recalculate your thoughts. 

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Just now, London1boy said:

Thailand isn't testing enough people to get an accurate figure, this daily rate of around 100+ per day is nonsense. In Phuket as an example only 1200 people have been tested, where as other nations are testing upwards of 20k per day....I guess having a low amount of testing helps give the impression the country is doing well in containing the virus. Is that empirical enough for you?

I would be guessing but probably not 

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1 hour ago, Kadilo said:

In reality the UK have gone further because the measures bought in are actually being enforced. 
It’s 10pm til 4am. How is that stopping people going to work?

It isn't.  That was my point.  Thailand, like the UK, is still allowing people to go to work, although encouraging them to work from home.

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3 minutes ago, Dap said:
8 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

This is post 14 and it's just z42's subjective opinion...

"What's the point? The numbers of covid19 deaths will be astronomical whether or not a curfew is imposed or not. Plus the numbers given up to now are pathetic and an insult to even the stupidest in society.

This curfew will just squeeze the life out of the people even more. The country is gonna be in a dreadful state when this thing is declared over and borders open, etc again.

If the economy doesn't collapse completely i'll be amazed"


How does that provide empirical evidence that the figures are not right? 

I never tried to say it did

Yes, you did: you clearly suggested that post 14 would show some empirical evidence, it doesn't.

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19 minutes ago, rupert the bear said:

personally i think its a bad idea.no need -just enforce what you have now,the no of deaths is small.its hard to bs the death,total infections perhaps but i do feel its lack of testing by and large for what ever reason,we need  mass testing available easily,not the usual thai nonsense where no one can decision make in a logical manner or coherently spread information.private hospitals need to be nationalised when dealing with corona related  patients.testing must be available to anyone with symptoms quickly and free and all their contacts. this is what will slow it down not more drivel and screw ups.it will cause a mass return again and some panic buying even though it kicks in at 10pm,some people are dribbling idiots,look at sweden this is  country with a good health system intelligent and theyve gone the other way,citizens have a life theyve an economy too.death rates same as elsewhere so.....be nice if we could make our own minds up,thats difficult as the sheeple cant ,too busy taking in messages from idiots who put us where we are from day one.media is end of the world constantly.if as its looking likely the death rates under 0.5% we just better get on with life.its about the 99.5% who need jobs,work,money and economy,movement etc.testing where its taken place so far is dropping the death rate at a staggering rate so.........thats my view.i social distance wash hands and mask so......im tired of this mass hysteria,whats next a dutarte approach where the slums starve and if they protest you shoot them?baaah baah baaah

Even at .5% mortality rate that’s 39 million dead people if you let it spread unchecked across the globe. May seem insignificant to you but not to others.

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