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Best Coffee in Thailand?


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I am a daily coffee drinker.

However, I struggle to find decent coffee here.

I always end up on the nestle instant c**p.

I'm bored of it now.

I dont currently own a coffee machine, however that may soon change.


I'm looking for advice on great coffee (thai or imported please)

Can be beans or processed, though processed would be preferable at the moment as like I said no coffee machine.

I would be very interested in hearing about high quality local brands,.

Price not really a factor.


ta very much! 

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A good bean to cup type machine is a must, if money is not the problem. You then have the option to use beans or pre-ground coffee. Beans is a matter of taste, experiment as others have already said. Minimex have a couple of good machines available in Robinsons with their brand of coffee available via mail order. 

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Aeon MaxValue sells Doi Chaang (yes, two a's; not always in stock) of whole bean Espresso Supreme, SHB 100% Arabica coffee. Expensive at 270 baht for 250g bag. Pre-ground.


Pacamara in Rain Hill shopping plaza, across from Philippines Embassy, has some great coffee and does not charge arm and leg. P2 Blend or Napoli. Both 100% Thai Arabica. Good shop, good staff.


I use a Vietnamese phin (stainless steel filter cup). Grind setting same as French press or about 12-15 coarse roast.

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56 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Nestle Red Cup works for me with Carnation condensed milk .......... Viet coffee, Cafe Sua

I bought a filter coffee maker, but just can't be bothered with it.

 for 40 years, for me it has always been Kopi Tarik... but in LOS I always adopt a nice thai Cafe Bulan... the nearest real equivalent of how the locals really drink it


Yes - Never again bother about a silly coffee filter machine, as the result loses all the gritty character... But; one can try another variation - the Plunger pot. This works well with either of Thai, Malay, or Viet coffees from the Provinces


I sometimes make the process quite complicated, for better results: 

(firstly because I drink sooo much of it, I have resorted to variation towards reducing the caffeine...

 - Currently I am swilling down up to 8 mugs worth, but using the qty of grounds normally required for one!

1. Throw 2 dessert spoons into bottom of Plunger & Fill with Hot


2. Settle (standing) for 10 mins and then grab my Viet Coffee Phin Drip mug


3. Viet Mug put on top of a separate Jug, and then pour all the Plungers contents over.


4. Do a back'n'forth contents exchange between the Jug and the plunger (effectively a slower version of making a kopi tarik) 

Another outcome of this stage, is that the Viet Drip filter mug is slowly collecting heaps of the spent grounds, for discarding)


5. after doing this cycle several times, I now grab my coffee Calico filter


6. Do a coupla Kopi Tarik back'n'forth exchanges between the Plunger and the Viet Dripper - and this collects 99% of the remaining spent grounds


7. Grab ones drinking mug, and pour in - adding Condensed (Nestle) Milk as reqd 


Above qty 2 dessert spoons as a massively reduced from normal amount, and it may seem too diluted for some tastes - so simply Double to 4,  if you want a better Hit  


If you do not Filter, it'll be like eating a slice of Turkish Expresso 


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I was bought a small Dolce Gusto machine a while ago and I like it. It takes minimal cleaning and makes a decent cup of coffee in less time than boiling a kettle. Ive recently bought pods from Cafe Caps on Lazada, as my local Villa is outside the area I'm allowed to travel to, and I'm very happy with them.



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4 minutes ago, NightSky said:

Nestle instant gold blend is my goto cup

same here.

Well, nestle gold crema to be exact.

I feel it's a very average cup though.

Nothing to really write home about..

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1 minute ago, madmitch said:

I was bought a small Dolce Gusto machine a while ago and I like it. It takes minimal cleaning and makes a decent cup of coffee in less time than boiling a kettle. Ive recently bought pods from Cafe Caps on Lazada, as my local Villa is outside the area I'm allowed to travel to, and I'm very happy with them.



If your old enough to remember that CAMP Essence stuff just after the War anythings  nice that paint stripper..

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If price is no issue why not invest in a drip coffee machine (just over 1000 baht) and try some of the Thai coffee beans. 

I always check the actual producers online and some sell directly and cheaper than Lazada.


As for instant, well I try not to drink it, but sometimes at the office I may grab a cup. A friend bought some instant coffee from Chumphon and that in my opinion is the best instant coffee. Not sweet and a good taste of coffee. I have never seen it in Bangkok though.

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