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PM unsure 7-day lockdown of Bangkok will stop spread of COVID-19


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13 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

I agree whole heartedly with what you say and your assessment of the situation, but what they are doing now is about as much good as a chocolate teapot, something drastic has to be done and the sooner the better, these clowns have no idea of what they are doing full stop.

What happened to all the AstraZeneca jabs that they were so confident were arriving? The Thai people have been very badly let down by those currently in power, the same can be said for expats, there many on this forum that fall into the vulnerable category, and probably a lot more Thais. I  seriously hope that at some point in the not too distant future we will have been vaccinated so do not risk being seriously ill or even fatefully infected.


Of course I'll be classed as bonkers, and derided but this is now beyond a joke.

Maybe it's part of the plan. Jus sayin

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Of course if you vaccinated your population; problem what problem. However as that is an ongoing chucklehuck. Sad because unlike other countries Thailand had so much time to get things right, but in the end they didn't. 


4 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“How can we be sure that, after the lockdown, it will be over? If it is not, what should we do? I think that, if we get hurt but it will be over, then we should do it but, if we get hurt and it does not work, then we should explore other means,” said the prime minister,


Times tough now ... Hope it works out for you. 

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

how about asking medical experts because you very obviously are not equipped to make that call


PS. This does not mean A-Nut-In. Try a real medical expert ..............LOL

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