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Royal Thai Navy moves forward with proposal to purchase more submarines, dismisses criticism

Jonathan Fairfield

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Hmmm another great idea like the Blimp that never flew or flews for a few mission and they could not afford parts, so they discarded it.



Edited by Rhys
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57 minutes ago, colinneil said:

There is none so blind as them that cannot see.

So the photos showing hundreds of people waiting patiently on Pattaya beach for food hand outs are fake, open your eyes, stop trying to be clever.

Colin, you seem to be the opposite of clever, which is very ok. Your whats called a follower.


But back to your claim. You state that people starve in Thailand. Show me recent links or reports that support your claim. A handout of food is not the same as starving.


Starving is death caused by lack of food. Or do you claim that people are starving in the UK and USA  also, for the simple fact they get foodstamps or are on welfare?




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1 hour ago, SomchaiCNX said:

Did you forget to take your pills? You did not mention the number of submarines the two biggest bullies own. Why, because they are your communist friends? Like I told many times before those with a veto right within the (useless) UN are the biggest bullies and offenders. 

You do not seem to notice the winds have changed. They blow from the West no more.

Its funny you say communist friends. Communism is a relic of the forgotten past, maybe still a factor of importance in your mind? Or do you really think China is communist? Only in name sir. Nowadays China is far from being communist, its hyper nationalistic. And they are hell bent of making sure the West can never again impose unequal treaties.

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11 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:


It doesn't matter because they are unusuable in Thai waters anyway. They are also no match for surface vessels either because they can't hide in shallow water and can be easily caught up with bu surface vessels and sunk with depth charges.  Subs need much deeper water so they can hide under the layers of water at different temperatures that makes them harder to find and hit. They are also complete sitting ducks against anti-sub aircrafts. 

I think you are right. The American submarine USS Lagerta was depth charged and sunk with all hands in May 1945 while on patrol in the Gulf Of Thailand. 

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5 hours ago, Silencer said:

Would love to see the threat assessment and war plans that call for submarines as the answer. Amphibious assault, off-shore pounding from destroyers, submarine warfare, protecting vital shipping channels, drug interdiction? Who is attacking? Why subs vs. surface ships? Where do the subs hide in the shallow Gulf in such scenarios? Who has ever threatened Thailand by sea? No military credible reason for this deal but we all already know that.

One of the first excursions undertaken by Myanmar's submarine acquired from India was to enter the Gulf of Thailand.

From a military perspective submarines present as an extremely important tactical threat.

Coupled not only with the desire to "keep up with the Jones's"  militarily the protection of resources in the Andaman Sea has been a long expressed desire for Thailand.

Back in 2011 the Thai Navy failed to swing a deal for 8 second hand German made subs but Yingluck declined the request.

Militarily there is some credibility but unfortunately that is not in the perspective of the general public who have little interest in observing large sums of money being sent anywhere but to themselvesespecially at this moment .

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6 hours ago, keith101 said:

Protect the country from who LOL the only ones stupid enough would be the Chinese and that's who   you are probably buying them from so yet another waste of money like the space program instead of looking after the citizens affected by the Pandemic .

They are not stupid. They thought of that - because Thailand has no trained crew for submarines, they will use Chinese crews. And to save the cost of repainting the submarines, they will keep the chinese markings on the subs. And to avoid any accidents in shallow waters (as several posters have pointed out ) they will patrol the South China Sea around the Philippines.....

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