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On 7/24/2021 at 3:13 PM, xylophone said:

What is remarkable is that someone could post such a crock and believe it:- "100's of millions of people are taking doses of ivermectin right now that are greater and more frequent than what I outlined. This is happening all over in different areas of India, South America, etc. There have been zero reports of side effects and in every area it has been administered cases of covid have plummeted. I have looked at the graphs of multitude of countries and areas where it has been administered and it is remarkable".


Perhaps try this...........

Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and howlet's wing,--
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble

Dear Dr Xylo, I have a large wart on the end of my nose that frightens children when i try to give them my special apples. Could you please offer a remedy that will also protect me from covid?

Regards W. Witch.

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People still seem to be trying to both justify their belief and convince others that they should or shouldn't self-medicate with ivermectin. The extent to which the ivermectineers go to to convince others is fascinating. It seems they need others to reinforce their own beliefs, so it is a cult of sorts.


As with freedom of religion, I think people should be free to choose, and self-medicate, but they should limit their efforts to influence others. I fully support ivermectineer's choice to self-medicate.




Anyway, the OP seems past that stage and just wants to know where to buy it. And what is a fair price.


IMO, ivermectineers here should share whether they use it for prophylaxis or treatment, their dosage, and the results.










Edited by mtls2005
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On 8/1/2021 at 4:03 PM, ArcticFox said:

This is what this really comes down to.  If you contract Covid what's your personal game-plan.

Those who only believe main-stream, establishment authority figures will go with the newest, most expensive treatments that may or may not save your life or prevent long-haul covid symptoms.

Those who distrust the profit motives of large pharmaceutical companies and who can comprehend the massive sums of money that facilitate legislative, media, and regulatory capture and who are open to reading observational studies and who have serious questions about the new practice of banning the voices of preeminent scientific voices who have views counter to the NIH, WHO, and CDC narratives - people like myself - will use the new protocols using inexpensive repurposed drugs that have shown promise in front-line clinical observational studies and anecdotal evidence in the treatment of covid.  These studies are primarily in poor countries where even oxygen is unavailable no less drugs that are completely beyond the affordability of average citizens, or ventilators, or first-world hospital conditions.  These studies happen out of innovation.  Necessity is the mother of invention.  These treatments that may or may not save your life or prevent long-haul covid symptoms.  However, the evidence is compelling enough to me personally to take my chances with repurposed drug protocols.

Life is a krap-shoot, xylophone.  You roll the die and take your chances.

Those who are pro-establishment and pro-authority - then best of luck with Remdesivir, other extremely expensive drug protocols, and ventilators.
Those who are pro-innovation and question both establishment and authority - best of luck with Ivermectin and other repurposed drug protocols. 

It comes down to personal choice although pro-authority proponents tend not to like personal choice.  The freedom of personal choice is anathema to those who embrace authoritarianism.  If you chose a course that is counter-establishment - you will be ridiculed and attacked.  That's just the nature of the world today.  New Normal.

For those who think like I do, you tune out the ridicule and steer your own course.  Ocean explorers of old were ridiculed by those who accepted the established wisdom and knew that the oceans ended in a waterfall at the ends of the world and beyond that "Thar be dragons."  Only fools failed to accept that Truth!

Believe what you need to believe.  I'll do the same.  I'll respect your decision.  And you?

Not quite true. Both Aristotle and Pythagorus had theorised the earth was round and Eratosthenes proved it by around 200 BC. Of course there are always some that will hold on to wacky theories regardless.

To quote the great British General Melchett. "If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through".

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40 minutes ago, Hugh Lao said:

To quote the great British General Melchett. "If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through".

Yep - proven many times in the trenches of Belgium during WW1

Stiff upper lip = many many stiffs

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On 8/11/2021 at 1:11 PM, beammeup said:

So now that we have had to wade through all the BS of the people how love to hear themselves talk, do we know where to find Ivermectin?

Bought mine from Lazada, 100 tablets for 70 baht COD. Came in about 10 days.

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6 hours ago, Hugh Lao said:

Dear Dr Xylo, I have a large wart on the end of my nose that frightens children when i try to give them my special apples. Could you please offer a remedy that will also protect me from covid?

Regards W. Witch.

Dear Hugh Lao, I am informed that the large wart on the end of your nose actually enhances your appearance so I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Indeed you may wish to try and grow it larger and then apply for a starring part as a witch in Macbeth, because I'm sure you would fit in very well, standing round the cauldron stirring in all of the special unproven ingredients your little heart desires.


No charge for the "medical advice".


Dr Xylo.

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6 minutes ago, Tony125 said:



Mississippi Poison Calls Soar As Vaccine Skeptics Turn To Livestock Drug For COVID-19



One person hospitalized, probably taken the paste for larger animlas like horses, doses for smaller animlas based on your weight will do no harm

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On 7/24/2021 at 6:32 PM, xylophone said:

You are being very selective and mixing things up to suit your case, because research does show that ivermectin can be dangerous, and even if it's discoverer has been awarded the Nobel prize, it wasn't awarded because of the fact it was efficacious against Covid!


I will listen to the virologists and specialists/doctors worldwide who have basically said that there is no evidence whatsoever that ivermectin is useful against Covid, and even when one research paper put forward results that showed it could, this research paper was shown to be totally flawed.


Sure, it can be used to treat worms and parasites, but no evidence whatsoever that it is useful in treating Covid.


And as for being a dangerous drug, well there is no specific dosing regimen offered for ivermectin against Covid, so people are free to do what they want with it and in that case, it can be dangerous.


I will listen to the experts and I don't consider somebody on a forum here to be one of those, although I will say that Partington, a long-time poster, has a lot of knowledge in this area because it is his field of expertise.



Even the levels of ivermectin for approved uses can interact with other medications, like blood-thinners. You can also overdose on ivermectin, which can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension (low blood pressure), allergic reactions (itching and hives), dizziness, ataxia (problems with balance), seizures, coma and even death. 


That wouldn’t be a surprise to the World Health Organization, the Food and Drug Administration or, indeed, Merck, a manufacturer of ivermectin. The drug company says there is “no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies; no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and; a concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.”

Many years ago I underwent a course of Ivermectin treatment for suspected microfilaria. Initially tablets and 1 final time an injection. I was taking 24 (3x8)milligrams orally every 7 days . I do not know what the jab volume was but I know it was excrutiatingly  flocking painful. I was not aware of any side effects whatsoever. The diagnosis of micofilaria withdrawn after 3 months due to know response to symptoms . But I think if I'd pee'd in the bushes at that time even earthworms would have done a runner !


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On 7/23/2021 at 5:52 AM, fearless1 said:

I bought the cheap Chinese pet Ivermectin off of Lazada. It comes in 5 mg tablets of 100% Ivermectin



You hope that's what you bought....


At least your screen name, unlike many others, is representative of your person.

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Since Covid rear its ugly hear (rear ?) I notice that all the Thai bashing on this Forum has now changed to China bashing.

Reminds me of back in the day when 'Made in Japan' was synonymous with cheap.

Now look where Japan is.

China will be the same. They are the ones spending billions on R and D while the west is Import Import Import and not making Nuttin'

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58 minutes ago, Henryford said:

I have no choice. We are denied Ivermectin from any reliable source.

Yes and no.  There is also the option of buying the human-approved version from a Thai pharmacy for 1250 baht for twelve 6mg pills.  More than likely that would really be Ivermectin.

Edited by suzannegoh
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46 minutes ago, suzannegoh said:

Yes and no.  There is also the option of buying the human-approved version from a Thai pharmacy for 1250 baht for twelve 6mg pills.  More than likely that would really be Ivermectin.

Indian .. how could you trust that? (sarcasm) 

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1 hour ago, suzannegoh said:

Yes and no.  There is also the option of buying the human-approved version from a Thai pharmacy for 1250 baht for twelve 6mg pills.  More than likely that would really be Ivermectin.

Ludicrous price and almost impossible to get

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17 hours ago, NotEinstein said:

You are obviously unaware of the fact that 97% of antibiotics used in US are manufactured in China.

Why You Shouldn't Trust Anyone Who Claims over 80 Percent of America's Drugs Come From China

A misleading statistic has made the rounds. But it’s based on a misreading of a government report



The answer is that over half of the active pharmaceutical ingredients used to make “American drugs” are made in China and India, with more coming from China. The fact is that most finished prescription drugs sold in U.S. pharmacies are manufactured in facilities located all over the world, but very few in China.Mar 5, 2563 BE

https://medium.com › pharmacychecker › which-u-s-medi.



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5 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Why You Shouldn't Trust Anyone Who Claims over 80 Percent of America's Drugs Come From China

A misleading statistic has made the rounds. But it’s based on a misreading of a government report



The answer is that over half of the active pharmaceutical ingredients used to make “American drugs” are made in China and India, with more coming from China. The fact is that most finished prescription drugs sold in U.S. pharmacies are manufactured in facilities located all over the world, but very few in China.Mar 5, 2563 BE

https://medium.com › pharmacychecker › which-u-s-medi.





Gary Cohn, then chief economic advisor to President Trump, argued against a trade war with China by invoking a Department of Commerce study that found that 97 percent of all antibiotics in the United States came from China.

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