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Who will never vaccinate except if forced to for visa reasons ? and do you think that they will force us ?

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1 minute ago, ebice said:

So you get all cranked up, go on a rage if people don't share your interests, or beliefs they are of "limited brainpower", etc BUT for some reason you keep trying to chop them down, first by saying they are "wrong" but you can't prove it,only to get more wound up which is very telling to me. Read u like a book. Relax Holland, go elsewhere to vent your frustration.

got to agree w/ him looking at your numbers and doing some quick googles seem to show that Singapore did very well right up until they thought they had it under control then it started to spiral. I remember a story coming out of there shortly after they started to reopen about a vaccinated guy getting sick and passing it on to something like 100plus ppl all in one night of hitting the bars. Thankfully their draconian measures allowed them to track and verify this. vaccination has been successful even if you don't believe your own docs from you contrary it is widely accepted in the medial field(cdc/who/etc) that vaccination is key to our coming out of this. 


one country might spin it but is your impaction that the numbers coming out of almost every part of the world showing success/failure based on vac numbers are manufactured so the cabal of the medical industry and take over?


Its accepted you can have a "breakthrough event" and still get covid if your vaccinated and that doesn't discount vaccines because that's always been a known issue. this vaccine(the core) is something that we have worked w/ for a long time we adjusted it and then it went thru tests to cover the adjustments from the base that they where very familiar w/.



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1 minute ago, robblok said:

antivax idiots would spread too much lies

Lies you say, prove it, prove I have lied. You can't, and it infuriates you,  and now you need a bigger shovel soon, maybe a hydraulic excavator for your deepening hole.

Also, where does it say I am an anti-vaxer or I am against vaccines? Show me that.


Because I deal with reality and you bumble along in your alternate reality, you need to falsely accuse, use insults, get uptight, etc....oh yeah baby, u are a book, with huge FONT.

Hook, line & sinker.

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3 hours ago, ebice said:

Ah, but, w/o vaccination only 29 deaths compared to >300 deaths with high vaccination rate.

Because it was the beginning of the pandemic, infections need time to spread. Then depending on the virus how quickly it spreads.  Delta variant is much more virulent and spreads much faster than original Covid

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On 7/26/2021 at 7:50 PM, wobblyjohn said:

Who knows if immigration will force vaccination for you and the sake of others


If you ARE Vaccinated.... 

Why are you concerned or scared  about him not being vaccinated? 

Are you saying that your Vaccination is not working? 

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16 minutes ago, ebice said:

Lies you say, prove it, prove I have lied. You can't, and it infuriates you,  and now you need a bigger shovel soon, maybe a hydraulic excavator for your deepening hole.

Also, where does it say I am an anti-vaxer or I am against vaccines? Show me that.


Because I deal with reality and you bumble along in your alternate reality, you need to falsely accuse, use insults, get uptight, etc....oh yeah baby, u are a book, with huge FONT.

Hook, line & sinker.

What do you mean can't prove you lied and it infuriates you ?


Let me play your game.. where does it say im infuriated show me that. (its my posting style and yes i insult antivaxers more)


And i already proven you lied, withholding data to make something look a certain way is lying too. As i said others seen through you so why should i go on proving the case. No point actually. You pride yourself on your cold facts while everyone sees what you intended to do and it just did not work.

8 minutes ago, ebice said:

What inaccurate information are you referring to?

 Like i said others see through you too. You think your so smart but everyone sees through you.


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8 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Now, I've no idea what are you going on about. I mentioned India, not the prime minister.

you being obtuse isn't something i can't help, covid was/is totally out of control  in India. the horse de-wormer. there is a pill format that is for humans for parasites I have yet to see a accredited medical establishment come out in favor of it.


you can clearly see that from the vids linked in the article that you decided to not even really reply to. your lack of being informed especially after those vids perked awareness is willful it seems. 



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1 minute ago, robblok said:

 Like i said others see through you too. You think your so smart but everyone sees through you.

I am smart enough to know when something is right, wrong, true or false. The problem here is you are not smart enough to know the difference and in the face of adversity keep attempting to paint me as a liar, spreader of misinformation but you have failed, consistently and keep losing and failing and flailing as well, and you have trouble dealing with it. Time to grow a pair Holland.

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27 minutes ago, ebice said:

Lies you say, prove it, prove I have lied. You can't, and it infuriates you,  and now you need a bigger shovel soon, maybe a hydraulic excavator for your deepening hole.

Also, where does it say I am an anti-vaxer or I am against vaccines? Show me that.


Because I deal with reality and you bumble along in your alternate reality, you need to falsely accuse, use insults, get uptight, etc....oh yeah baby, u are a book, with huge FONT.

Hook, line & sinker.

I agree w/ you. Here you may not be lying its very possible you are uninformed Willfully after almost 2yrs one would think but..your kind of misinformation is dangerous and one thing the left learned after 4 years of trump is you can't sit back and just let trumpets talk. Not saying you are just a gen statement on what kind of response is needed now to misinformation.


as for the w/ and /s confusion. On that if your serious and you then look at your post count your not lying..your just not very smart. you can't have that many posts (here who knows how much you post in other locations) and not run into the short version for "with" and "sarcasm"

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Just now, ebice said:

I don't quite understand you.

agreed but thankfully most countries have support systems for those that struggle w/ day to day tasks that can seem confusing to them and the majority of the population think is common sense.


I'm a supporter of healthcare for all and if it goes thru that means you might get the support you need. I hear that horse dewormer(not the pill for humans) has shown great strides in the parasite "boomer". i can't find that link to post..sorry..i will keep looking but.. you know "i did my research". Hold on we got you i mean if our society can support flat earthers we got a spot for you.

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You will not be forced, you may be given the option to comply or not comply with the requirements and it may be that your choice not to will affect your visa.


No social life and plan to wear a mask forever, what a life, might as well be dead in my book.

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3 minutes ago, JWRC said:

You will not be forced, you may be given the option to comply or not comply with the requirements and it may be that your choice not to will affect your visa.


No social life and plan to wear a mask forever, what a life, might as well be dead in my book.

you know vaccines(not the covid one) are already mandated? 


https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/keythingstoknow.html?s_cid=10536:%2Bthe %2Bcovid %2Bvaccine:sem.b:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN:FY21

Of the 16 immunizations the CDC recommends for children and teens, all 50 states (plus the District of Columbia) mandate diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, measles, rubella and chickenpox. In addition, every state except Iowa mandates immunization against mumps.


as for not a life and being dead..well here is for the US military




so the guys that protect the US(ya there is a separate discussion for how US uses its military power but..) have to deal with not only a insane amount of mandatory vaccines depending n where they go. Check out the fully kitted out guys running around Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan.. tad hot to wear full kit(mask etc) but they do. We sent them there and they deal w/ it. its your chance to step up and do the same thing militaries do for their contrives when/if they deploy. hell the same thing the doctor that does a 12hr surgery to replace your alcohol soaked organs. stop being a snowflake and man up and help the team cross that finish line. have some empathy for those that can't get the vaccine. 


My friends got a 8 year old far on the spectrum its extremely hard to get him to keep on a mask because he just can't understand it all.. wear a mask for him because he is having a hard time due to his mental state. cute kid you would like him. Consider it your good deed to help ppl understand why we need to do this. 

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Just now, candide said:

In the U.S. stats are also showing that Republicans died more from Covid than Democrats. Unless the virus would be politically biased, this is due to the lower vaccination rate among Republican voters.

Who would have thought that, even I a non American and not that interested in American news had a feeling republicans were more antivax. Your explanation makes great sense. 

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4 minutes ago, earthscar said:

and the rallies that GOP kept/keep putting on. that one state had that biker get together again this year and if it follows the pattern of vax deniers we will see another super spreader event like was tracked last year w/ that same event. 

It likely also played a role.

Taking into consideration the vaccine and other aspects such as the one you mentioned, the updated Darwinian law is now: "the non-survival of the dumbest".

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32 minutes ago, robblok said:

Who would have thought that, even I a non American and not that interested in American news had a feeling republicans were more antivax. Your explanation makes great sense. 

fun tidbit for you non amercian ????


Link to full artcle so you can see wher the numbers are from 





By the looks of it, Republican attacks on masks and COVID-19 vaccines don’t seem to be particularly healthy for people living in red states. In several instances in recent months, both COVID-19 cases and deaths are notably higher in Republican states than in Democratic blue states, according to an analysis of data by The Washington Post.

The Post said the analysis reveals the “inescapable overlap of pandemic and politics.”

In a single, obvious example, of 54,000 people who have died since late June, in the latest wave of COVID-19, nearly 1 in 5 has died in Florida, where GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis battles against wearing masks. So a state with just 6% of the nation’s population accounts for 18% of the nation’s COVID-19 deaths this summer, the Post reported Friday.


numbers are fun 


Of the 18 states that have new death totals higher than the national average, 14 voted for Trump

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1 hour ago, ebice said:

I am smart enough to know when something is right, wrong, true or false. The problem here is you are not smart enough to know the difference and in the face of adversity keep attempting to paint me as a liar, spreader of misinformation but you have failed, consistently and keep losing and failing and flailing as well, and you have trouble dealing with it. Time to grow a pair Holland.

Like I said earlier, I don't accuse you of lying, though you do omit to mention significant factors that undermine your point of view. 



It's not lying, but neither is it intellectually honest. 


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2 minutes ago, placnx said:

Looking at demonstrations in Europe against masks and vaccine passports, the opposition seems to be a mix of political and people who are simply against any impediments or inconveniences to their lifestyle. As for Christian sects, some are reactionary while others are progressive, so there's polarization there, too.

In the Netherlands its some Christians (more extreme ones in our biblebelt). Then a lot of people who mistrust governments and trust social media. Its not so much certain political parties and so on. 


Anyway the fight is getting more extreme on both sides. 

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1 minute ago, placnx said:

Looking at demonstrations in Europe against masks and vaccine passports, the opposition seems to be a mix of political and people who are simply against any impediments or inconveniences to their lifestyle. As for Christian sects, some are reactionary while others are progressive, so there's polarization there, too.

remember watching those horror movies and decrying the director expecting us to believe that some big breasted blond girl would be dumb enough to go down the stairs into basement. I mean we all know the killer is there.


no one...oh sh..yep there really are ppl that dumb.. 70plus million of them. and that's just in the USA...

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