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Who will never vaccinate except if forced to for visa reasons ? and do you think that they will force us ?

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40 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

What I think is up to me, right or wrong.

And what I put in my body is also up to me.

My body, my choice.

Asserting a fact such as "The moon revolves around the sun" is one thing.

Asserting a belief such as "And what I put in my body is also up to me" is quite another.

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Mixing Pfizer, AstraZ COVID-19 shots with Moderna gives better immune response




This report is particularly interesting to me because I originally had a first shot of AZ followed by a shot of Pfizer. I'm still waiting for a booster shot. From the article


"The study also found that a first dose of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine followed by any of the other candidates in the study generated a particularly robust response"



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1 hour ago, BE88 said:

After 75 pages of comments where most insult the other party out of ignorance, I think reality must be looked at, I have come to the conclusion that we are all victims of manipulation, both on one side and on the other.


So let's get back to our inner tranquility and watch this collective madness pass by hoping to see the end soon.

Seems like the Virus is here to stay 

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On 7/27/2021 at 12:37 AM, internationalism said:

But there would be shortage of vax, especially for foreigners, for many years. Thanx to dr Anutin.

The only reason the government will try to force vax on foreigners is for their money, not because 

they do care about your health or health in the general population.

Rather counterintuitive to my recent free pfizer vaccination experience. 


Noboby looked at me twice, and they had a translation card handy to explain the fields on the form that caused me problems. Nor was I the only pale face in the crowd.



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1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Seems like the Virus is here to stay 

Yes, unfortunately.  Along with the possibility of 30k variants, since the genome has 30k letters, and hopefully, the hysteria when every time one is identified, such as Omicon ceases.  Although, I suspect that won't be the case, since Big Pharm has made ridiculously huge, obscene profits via covid.


How it remains the top 3 - 10 headliner of most news media everyday is mind boggling.  I have my own opinion about that, but another day, another thread ... ????

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5 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Yes, unfortunately.  Along with the possibility of 30k variants, since the genome has 30k letters, and hopefully, the hysteria when every time one is identified, such as Omicon ceases.  Although, I suspect that won't be the case, since Big Pharm has made ridiculously huge, obscene profits via covid.


How it remains the top 3 - 10 headliner of most news media everyday is mind boggling.  I have my own opinion about that, but another day, another thread ... ????

5.26M dead


thats why its still on the headline. last time i checked the US was still losing roughly 1k ppl a day to it. We are not even close to having it under control let alone having a plan to deal w/ it in the long run. The shocking amount of hold outs, while still a minority, is hampering the global response. 


Failure on the part of the 1st world countries to support those less able to supply their population with the vaccine. 


The fact that this newest variant is seemingly even more contagious then the delta is scary. initial reports seem to indicate that the omicron version while more virulent is less damaging. What does that mean? you don't die but have life long health issues? Remember when you say someone died of old age that's just a catch all for underlying causes. Soon we shall see that people will die 10-20 years from now and the damage they sustained from their covid case was a underlying issue.


When you say you don't understand why its still in the news then maybe this jem will open your eyes..though at this point i don't see how this isn't something your at least vaguely aware of.


COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death across most of 2020, but in December 2020 and early 2021, the illness surged and briefly became the number one leading cause of death in the U.S., far surpassing even cancer and heart disease deaths in those months.


I can't verify this atm but there was a meme saying that more kids died to gun deaths then covid. the person who put it out was trying to say something but i don't think it was what they actually said because..ya more then 300 kids died to guns..thats horrible and should be fixed(gun laws) that doesn't take away from the fact over 200 died. keep in mind when they say kid they are not talking teenagers.

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11 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Do you realize how many children, under the age of 5 die every year from preventable & curable diseases ?  Every year.

Many of which are in undeveloped nations, and in countries where vaccinines are not mandated for children or even available, and again poor living conditions and unsfae drinking water.

Disease too often effects poverty stricken people in underveloped countries, this virus is affecting across social levels and mainly fatal to those with underlying comorbidities, although some otherwise younger healthy individuals also.

This one has stretched hospital and health services across the globe.

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14 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

5.25 million of 7.9 billion, is a small %.

And yet #1 & #2 causes of death aren't in the headlines of every news outlet every day, morning & night.


Go figure.  Or the decades prior.  I, we can rattle off #s of millions dying every year, but didn't get the headlines, weekly or monthly, let alone, all day & night.


Do you realize how many children, under the age of 5 die every year from preventable & curable diseases ?  Every year.

The world has their priorities a$$ backwards.  IMHO



Totally agree, and that leads me to believe there is something amiss or hidden in the 'Covid-19 worldwide devastating pandemic'.   100 Million people die every year in the world. 5 million from covid in 20 months is 3% annualised  of that 100 million.


Footnote. I have had my 2 AZ's and not against vaccination in any way, but something troubles me. Usually I react (and sometimes very acutely) to medication however they are administered. With the 2 AZ's....absolutely nothing, could have been the old lethal dihydrogen oxide for all I know.

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On 12/6/2021 at 4:18 AM, placeholder said:

I thought it was pretty clear that I was throwing back at that person how nonsensical his post was. And I included Washington to show the mindset of one of the the founders of the Republic in regards to vaccination.

Sorry. I am too used to hearing references to the original text of the Constitution and how it doesn't give anybody the power to mandate vaccination. I was trying to show that the government does have powers to require vaccination. About "human rights", public welfare can override the so-called human right to refuse medical care.

Edited by placnx
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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I thought it was killing the obese and those already near death.

Generally the fit and healthy don't die easily from disease (excepting a few outliers).

It’s killing people who aren’t vaccinated on a order of magnitude greater than those who are vaccinated, regardless of any other health issue.



Edited by Chomper Higgot
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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

What I think is up to me, right or wrong.

And what I put in my body is also up to me.

My body, my choice.

What you think is entirely up to you, but if you post what you think into a discussion forum then what you think is up for discussion.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but you got the jabs. Good choice.

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2 hours ago, earthscar said:
  • Heart disease: 659,041
  • Cancer: 599,601
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 173,040
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 156,979
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 150,005
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,499
  • Diabetes: 87,647
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 51,565
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 49,783
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,511

i constantly see articles about possible cures, causes and plans for these. a absolute insane amount of money is being spent by companies trying to combat those. these are constants and thus we forget about the crazy amount that die from them. the difference is that Covid came out of no where and we had it devastate the economics and personal lives of ppl on the scale of a world war.


the graphic you show doesn't show what you want it to. from 1990 we had 6.5mil and as of 2017 we had 2.4. progress, there is defiantly room to discuss how privatized medical research has hampered our ability to fight certain low % diseases. there was a really good last week tonight episode where the discussed a few illnesses that probably affected 1000 to 3000 ppl in the whole world and thus didn't provide a bit enough financial incentive for companies to research let alone sell the cure.


those are separate discussions and do not mean that covid should have less attention. Hell at the same time we where having covid out break there was a ebola(still is i believe) and locus in S Africa. all devastating and its a shame that a good portion of the world media didn't do a  better job covering it. only so many hours in the day as horrible as that is.


the bottom of your posts has a very ironic line:

If you're not part of the solution, then you are the problem ????



Just take note of the one stat, for diarrheas disease; 500+k under 5 yr old, and 10% of the total 5+million.  As many as covid over 2 yrs, and that's 1 yr ... and children.  Simple solution, clean drinking water and some vaccines & basic 1st world meds ... preventable & curable.   How hard to provide just the basics.  Sadly, that's an improvement over prior years.


No headliners for them, daily, weekly or monthly.


How many billions spend, and how many 10s of billions in profit from covid, to save how many old folks on their last leg ... yea, a$$ backwards.

Edited by KhunLA
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18 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Just take note of the one stat, for diarrheas disease; 500+k under 5 yr old, and 10% of the total 5+million.  As many as covid over 2 yrs, and that's 1 yr ... and children.  Simple solution, clean drinking water and some vaccines & basic 1st world meds ... preventable & curable.   How hard to provide just the basics.  Sadly, that's an improvement over prior years.


No headliners for them, daily, weekly or monthly.


How many billions spend, and how many 10s of billions in profit from covid, to save how old folks on their last leg ... yea, a$$ backwards.

So people, many of them children, die of a list of diseases, therefore COVID doesn’t matter.

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4 hours ago, earthscar said:

5.26M dead


thats why its still on the headline. last time i checked the US was still losing roughly 1k ppl a day to it. We are not even close to having it under control let alone having a plan to deal w/ it in the long run. The shocking amount of hold outs, while still a minority, is hampering the global response. 


Failure on the part of the 1st world countries to support those less able to supply their population with the vaccine. 


The fact that this newest variant is seemingly even more contagious then the delta is scary. initial reports seem to indicate that the omicron version while more virulent is less damaging. What does that mean? you don't die but have life long health issues? Remember when you say someone died of old age that's just a catch all for underlying causes. Soon we shall see that people will die 10-20 years from now and the damage they sustained from their covid case was a underlying issue.


When you say you don't understand why its still in the news then maybe this jem will open your eyes..though at this point i don't see how this isn't something your at least vaguely aware of.


COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death across most of 2020, but in December 2020 and early 2021, the illness surged and briefly became the number one leading cause of death in the U.S., far surpassing even cancer and heart disease deaths in those months.


I can't verify this atm but there was a meme saying that more kids died to gun deaths then covid. the person who put it out was trying to say something but i don't think it was what they actually said because..ya more then 300 kids died to guns..thats horrible and should be fixed(gun laws) that doesn't take away from the fact over 200 died. keep in mind when they say kid they are not talking teenagers.

Actually 5.1 million dead is only the official count. Epidemiologist have been keeping track of excess mortality and their calculations show that the real death toll more than twice as high.



If you follow the link and plug Thailand into their calculator their calculations come up with the actual death toll being about 59,000 vs. the roughly 21,000 that Thailand claims to be the case.


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8 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

What if you were infected with Ebola, and were walking around infecting people? 

Well, if it were Ebola he'd have to be walking around hugging people. Ebola is only spread by actual contact. BritManToo doesn't strike me as being much of a hugger. Still, I get your point.

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8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

What I think is up to me, right or wrong.

And what I put in my body is also up to me.

My body, my choice.

What you do with it is not your choice , even in the countries which make vaccines mandatory ( any vaccine ) you can always say no . This however got consequences, workrelated , fines , refused treatment ( should be, idk if it is actually the case ) , refused entry , ...

Also , "what i put in my body is up to me" , try it injecting some heroin in front of any police station ... we will see if it is up to you .


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8 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Mixing Pfizer, AstraZ COVID-19 shots with Moderna gives better immune response




This report is particularly interesting to me because I originally had a first shot of AZ followed by a shot of Pfizer. I'm still waiting for a booster shot. From the article


"The study also found that a first dose of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine followed by any of the other candidates in the study generated a particularly robust response"



What are the Side Effects of the Pfizer, Moderna COVID Booster Shots?



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2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Just take note of the one stat, for diarrheas disease; 500+k under 5 yr old, and 10% of the total 5+million.  As many as covid over 2 yrs, and that's 1 yr ... and children.  Simple solution, clean drinking water and some vaccines & basic 1st world meds ... preventable & curable.   How hard to provide just the basics.  Sadly, that's an improvement over prior years.


No headliners for them, daily, weekly or monthly.


How many billions spend, and how many 10s of billions in profit from covid, to save how many old folks on their last leg ... yea, a$$ backwards.

You had me right up till the point where you made it a sacrifice this age group for this group. As previously stated the medical field in research is defiantly lacking. the answer isn't to cut funding on vaccines that help all age groups not just the 50plus and those w/ weakened immune systems. You seem to think that its just those over 50. it hits them hard but also strikes all age groups and the newest version seems to widen its effected age range even more. 


you don't need to have one or the other. you can support and advocate for improved vaccine mandates and improved care for less known and less sexy illnesses. your so close to "getting" it its painful. 

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