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Over 84% of Thailand’s COVID fatalities had not been vaccinated


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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

It can simple be summed up by stating you are less likely to die if you have been vaccinated, but that is hardly great news for the large majority of the country who have still been unable to get even one or praise the Gods, two of the necessary jabs.

Behind the headlines is the unspoken admission that the vaccine rollout was very late to start, very slow to roll out and has resulted in  many unnecessary deaths.

Headline tends to suggest it was their own fault for being too stupid to get a vaccine, when in truth it is the government incompetence to blame.

Yep, government incompetence. entirely.... 

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5 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Anti vaxxers, are you listening? 

I am not an anti vaxxer and I am not vaccinated I get my flu shot every year but due to

circumstances I have not been vaccinated yet. Hold your horses. I am not in Thailand at the moment 

I am in the west and have no problems getting vaccinated. Let me explain why I am not

vaccinated. So I had my flu shot (like every year) than I had to wait for a few weeks to get my covid shot OK? But in those few weeks I broke my leg (not nice at all) So I could not attend a clinic or

just an GP to get my jab.I am still waiting to get a lift to the GP of my friend since the GP,s

don't make house calls for Covid-19 vaccination. So not every body is an anti vaccer OK?

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2 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

This statistic is so full of complete BS... 


OF COURSE, a much higher number of COVID sufferers who were NOT vaccinated die ... BECAUSE IN THAILAND ALMOST NO ONE IS VACCINATED... thank you, government, for NOT taking care of your people.


Every other discussion you people had above - including being vaccer or antivaccer etc, is fully irrelevant. 

Well.....not almost no one.

18% as of today and growing substantially as every week passes. 

Finally got it into gear after months of mismanaged BS.

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