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Thailand tipped to be removed from UK’s ‘red list’


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9 hours ago, hotandsticky said:


Read the post!   It is not about visitors, it is about returning Brits.

Exactly, I know British people who have had Sinovac/Astra Zeneca, is that acceptable?


Also, the UK needs to confirm that those us us fully vaccinated with Pfizer in Thailand are ok?

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35 minutes ago, falang1969 said:

Exactly, I know British people who have had Sinovac/Astra Zeneca, is that acceptable?


Also, the UK needs to confirm that those us us fully vaccinated with Pfizer in Thailand are ok?

You mean you know British people IN THAILAND!


I am not posting about them - I am talking about the impact on Brits coming from the UK then having to quarantine on their return....... not required when amber.

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stupid system,it doesnt matter what country you come from,its if you are double vaxxed and present a neg pcr,thats all it takes nothing else,whether from thailand or timbuktoo.each country must recognise the others apps and vacc regimen except if a vacc doeant work against  the delta virus so we can hopefully be delivered from the human wave tactics of the greed ridden nation to the north

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1 hour ago, Cake Monster said:

Thailand being placed on the UK Red List was not just all about Vaccination numbers.

A large emphasis was placed upon the lack of Testing that Thailand doing to monitor the Variants active in the Country, as well as testing for new Variants.

There would almost certainly have been a large amount of sceptecism about transparency of Vaccination numbers Etc to have made this decision to include Thailand on the Red List.

The Country will have a hard time convincing the UK that things have changed dramatically enough to warrant being removed from the List any time soon me thinks.

At this stage this post is the most sensible and I quite agree with @Cake Monster

Why, the very title of this thread "Thailand tipped to be removed from UK’s ‘red list’" is disingenuous...IMO

I'm tipped to win the lottery...by me!


Sorry @webfact but until the UK Govt announces it, this is "pie in the sky" or possibly "wishful thinking"

All that is fact is that there is an imminent  review of the different coloured lists by UK Govt.

Until then we can conjecture all we like.


Having said that, it's now 12:42 BST on 14th September...... it may all change in a few hours...or it may not. ????

Anyone care for an each-way bet on a 2-horse race? ????

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Well Covid cases are rising again in the UK, not falling, although there are regional variations.  It is muted that the traffic light system could be scrapped in it's current for but that the red zones will remain.  As clear as mud!


As always in the British media, you can find "facts and proposals" that will suit your arguments if you look hard enough.  If you then match that to a government full of inadequates who change direction at the drop of a hat then you have to conclude that it is anybodies guess as to where we will be by October.

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10 hours ago, Griffo63 said:

Hopefully if this comes about the UK will also recognise Siam Bioscience AZ, Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines too.  Many countries in the EU have already done this so there must be a good prospect the UK follows suit 

I wouldn't get your hopes up. Post Brexit, the UK seems to do what it wants almost in contradiction to the the rest of the EU. There is no facility to have WHO approved vaccines entered onto the NHS system. But we can live in hope. 

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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

It is muted that the traffic light system could be scrapped in it's current for but that the red zones will remain.  As clear as mud!

Also read they intend switching from colors to the vaccine status of each individual, regardless of where they have travelled from!!!


That will shaft the expats even worse than colors, as now you can't just go to an amber country for 10 days.

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5 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

Also read they intend switching from colors to the vaccine status of each individual, regardless of where they have travelled from!!!


That will shaft the expats even worse than colors, as now you can't just go to an amber country for 10 days.

It'd be interesting if you included a link to that as I have not seen that snippet of news.


Sorry for affected expats but it makes much more sense if it is enacted to treat people as individuals rather than lump us/them all in categories.

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1 minute ago, VBF said:

It'd be interesting if you included a link to that as I have not seen that snippet of news.


Sorry for affected expats but it makes much more sense if it is enacted to treat people as individuals rather than lump us/them all in categories.

Mmmm...sorry.....just picked it up surfing news sites. If I come across it again I will post.


It might be in Bunter's Winter plan this pm!

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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I would be wary of reports of what is "proposed", as this government tends to go on fishing expeditions (usually dressed up as leaks) to get consumer feedback and then decides on whether to go ahead or not.  Even then they are liable to change their minds if there is a backlash. 


Johnson has said that Covid is here to stay that we have to learn to live with it.  Another profoud statement form our dear leader.

Who was it said "Deep down, he's quite shallow"? 

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Despite the headline, the article doesn’t actually say who is tipping (hinting, suggesting) that Thailand will be removed from the red list. Nor does actually say that anyone has done so. It simply repeats a synopsis of the UK traffic light process.


meanwhile, this is a screen shot from sky news rolling Covid coverage. 12 countries “tipped” to be moved from the red list, no mention of Thailand among them. It’s all speculation of course.




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6 hours ago, anchadian said:

Fourteen nations, said Mr White, are likely to remain on red: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Egypt, French Guiana, Montenegro, Philippines, Seychelles, Suriname, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia.



The far left writers must have been foaming at the mouth writing this article 


Literally written just to say Pakistan and Turkey will be coming off the red list 

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Anyone who can get BBC News Live https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-58536961 it's on now..so far:


A quick rewind to the Commons a little earlier when the health secretary was saying there would be an update on rules for international travel ahead of a formal review point on 1 October - and he suggested PCR tests for fully vaccinated travellers would be scrapped in favour of cheaper lateral flow tests.


I'm watching it whilst "working" - will update if any FIRM announcements are made - the bold above is mine  and nothing about lists so far so don't get too excited yet!


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10 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

Despite the headline, the article doesn’t actually say who is tipping (hinting, suggesting) that Thailand will be removed from the red list. Nor does actually say that anyone has done so. It simply repeats a synopsis of the UK traffic light process.


meanwhile, this is a screen shot from sky news rolling Covid coverage. 12 countries “tipped” to be moved from the red list, no mention of Thailand among them. It’s all speculation of course.




From the OP:



“Countries on the red list, which includes Thailand, are expected to shift to less restrictive amber or green rules following a drop in Covid rates, reports the i.”


 i news is tipping it. 

Suggest you get yours checked. 

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29 minutes ago, david555 said:

Here some enlightening about what is all guessed about here go change and announced to Brits 


Covid winter plan: what it could mean for you (telegraph.co.uk)

Excellent find. ????


Quoting from that link:


"Red list shrinks

The Telegraph understands that the “red list” of Covid high-risk countries, which will remain in existence after the reforms, will be significantly shortened. 

Downing Street figures believe the definition for when countries are on the list is too strict and are working with scientists and government ministers on a less stringent definition.  

The new focus will be on countries with many cases of variants most likely to break through UK vaccines, such as the Beta variant, first found in South Africa. 

Currently there are 62 countries on the red list. 

A senior Government source said that would be “significantly” reduced, with scientists to pick where to draw the new line.

There will be a new framework for international travel published around the formal review point for the travel list on October 1."

Watching BoJo on BBC Live as I type this and he's just said "There WILL be a new framework for international travel"


UPDATE... The briefing has ended but nothing further said except that Prof Whitty came as close as I’ve ever heard to saying that Conspiracy Theorists are idiots without actually using those words... I bet he wanted to though!


So presently, we still need to wait until October 1st (just over 2 weeks) for definitive answers.

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