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PM Prayut: Civil servants must hasten to address people’s problems


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15 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

The government has consistently patted themselves on the back while denying responsibility for poorly thought out policies and strategies.

Oh, and they have adopted Lalisa (without her consent).

The enigma of Thainess.

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Isn't it great to see the country's civil servants working according to the governments defined recovery plan, with the budget assigned for each measurable action that has been identified. Thailands success, measured by the quality and execution of their exstensive planning......" the just fix it for me attitude"



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9 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The Prime Minister insisted that civil servants have to adapt themselves and adjust their working principles to come into line with the new normal era. They have to bring in changes and various innovations to support their work, open up and link information in accordance with the 20-year national strategy.

That's a huge ask.

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9 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Regarding water management, the government is working to address related issues and proceed with water management in a methodical manner with the use of satellite technology. As a result, it is able to reduce losses and damage more effectively, as relevant agencies are working together and acquiring tools and equipment to be ready to deal with flooding.

Man the pumps... every year.

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31 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Civil servants are the problem, alas not the solution.

The system is the truer problem and where all the unnecessary and make believe issues lie.

Been of this manner forever and one shouldn't expect changes anytime in the near/distant future, as the cycles of phuckwittery continue to perpetuate themselves.

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10 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The government has consistently implemented measures to assist those affected, and has allocated additional funds to cope with adverse effects on the economy and society as well as other challenges, so that the country can overcome the crisis.

Like the "lets go half scheme" that benefited the civil servants who were sitting at home on salaries,  while others who were less fortunate had to work or scrape by on savings?

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7 minutes ago, Scott Tracy said:

I would suggest that they are part of the problem. The government with it's lack of foresight and rubbish policy making strategy causes the issues. The flooding, poverty, etc is a symptom.

I agree. The only consistency in Thai governance has been the instability and erratic application of populist policies over many decades most of which have been designed to placate the majority long enough to extract as much benefit as possible in the greater interest of those in power and their enablers until the wheel turns once more. Even momentary foresight gets over ridden in the process such as the original concept of preserving a flood corridor to bypass Bangkok but which is now blocked by lucrative industrial complexes. Poverty is a tool to preserve the status quo of the process until objection to promises of progress are unforthcoming provoking a simple turn of the same wheel once more.


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25 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Great to see Khun Prayut Chan O Cha pushing authorities into acting more for the Thai people and reminding them of their responsibilities.  With the Covid19 vaccination progress slowly taking shape it will still be some time before things get back to normal.  


"Back to normal" ?

I think many many Thai would prefer something better rather than more of continued subjugation !

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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

Great to see Khun Prayut Chan O Cha pushing authorities into acting more for the Thai people and reminding them of their responsibilities.  With the Covid19 vaccination progress slowly taking shape it will still be some time before things get back to normal.  



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Oh stop man! Do you not realize nobody is listening to you anymore? You are the laughing stock of the nation. Perhaps one of the most tragic figures in Thai history. Maybe even the entire region, and we are talking about a region with alot despots and failures.

Prayuth has zero credibility, on any level. He is stunningly incompetent, and has long overstayed his welcome. And now, he has failed the nation miserably with this latest wave, which could have easily been avoided, had some precautions been taken by locking down Samut Sakhon province immediately, and later locking down Bangkok, as you creeps promised you would. Just another failure to uphold any and all promised you make. Your word is about as good as the word of a snake oil salesman, in Tombstone, in 1872. 

What ever happened with your promises to root out your bad apple immigration guys, on the border? They likely let in thousands, to line their greedy pockets. Do you care at all, on any level, about anything other than your own enrichment, and the vintage of ridiculously expensive champagne you will have this evening? There is no saying the extent of the corruption in this administration, but the army is not exactly known for integrity.
You must step down, or be removed. You are the most toxic force this nation has endured for a very long time. The youth is right. You must go. Out. Get out now! Amazing that the suicide rate could be higher than Burma? Or maybe there is no accurate info coming from that despot nation. This is not surprising. The youth started a Facebook page on how to leave Thailand, and make a life for yourself in another country. A million members now.

Where is the hope? Where is the promise of a better future? With a country that is being so badly mismanaged, and an economy that is being destroyed and sabotaged before our eyes, one can easily become despondent. How will things change, if the youth is not even allowed to show dissent? How to get rid of the dinosaurs once and for all. And unlike in the past, there is absolutely no moral leadership of any kind here anymore. 

Very sad. For those of us lucky enough to have a steady income, it is sad, but we live good lives. My heart really goes out to most of the Thai people. Their lives are being crushed. Woe is Thailand. The people are going to have to "dispose of" these sabateur clowns, before their nation drops to 125th in the world in GDP, down towards Burundi, South Sudan, Somalia, Niger and Afghanistan. 

The pride of SE Asia? Once, maybe. Before they made the historic and monumental mistake of letting the Thai army destruction crew take over. 

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