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Thailand to try alternative COVID-19 vaccination method to stretch supplies


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5 hours ago, smedly said:

is this the approved and tested method to administer this vaccine - it isn't is it - why are you doing it - has AZ approved this ???????????


Mr Anutin - do you dilute concrete mix when building  ???????


AZ need to get invalved in this now - someone is telling lies

as far as the diluting concrete i think that's where my builder got his from for my drive ..more Cracks than soi 7 

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My first dose of Pfizer I had some pain in my arm, as well as headache and some dizziness that lasted for 5 days. My second dose I psyched myself up and went "all-in" as if it was going to be my last day alive or something, as I've heard the second dose is a lot worse. Nothing. A little pain in my arm for barely a day and nothing else whatsoever. Nada. Now it's almost like I wanted to get sick so I could know it was working at least. I asked my wife's friend, a doctor, who said it's normal, everybody react differently. I'll just have to take her word for it then I guess ????

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9 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Cannot see why they need to stretch them when government officials  are regularly saying they will be getting about half a billion by end October.


Course, if it's not true, and they aint coming, it makes sense

What ever happened to the Thai owned company that was going to mass produce Astra?????

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Only study of "under the skin" I found was from this Leiden University wich says that under the skin you can get 5 time more vaccine so' under skin 50 instead of 10 intramuscular ( in Thailand I think they give 12 af AZ , at least that is what nurse told me when got vaccinated ...)

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I found this information regarding the storage of Pfizer vaccine



Which basically says that it can be kept in the FREEZER for up to 2 weeks, and in the REFRIGERATOR for up to 31 days.

Someone can explain please.


Freezer. Before mixing, the vaccine may be stored in the freezer between -25°C and -15°C (-13°F to 5°F) for up to 2 weeks. This beyond-use date replaces the manufacturer’s expiration date. The total time vials are stored at these temperatures should be tracked and should not exceed 2 weeks.


Refrigerator. Before mixing, the vaccine may be stored in the refrigerator between 2°C and 8°C (36°F and 46°F) for up to 1 month (31 days). After 31 days, contact the manufacturer for guidance. If directed to discard any remaining vials, follow the manufacturer's and your jurisdiction's guidance for proper disposal

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11 hours ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

Why are they always trying to cut corners,, just follow the scientific proven results... 

Because they need to get to the magical number vaccinated (single jab) to open up again as fast as they can?



Edited by fondue zoo
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3 hours ago, koratkarlos said:

You really begin to wonder if this government cares about the Thai people.  The lack of scientific and medical discipline is concerning.

I think the answer is obvious 

rich powerful i.e. government and its merry mates  fully vaccinated


plebs ah well never mind who cares


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4 hours ago, pops1 said:

I had my second dose of pfizer yesterday. At first I felt fine, a little headache but nothing too bad. Today I feel like I did 10 rounds with Tyson Fury. My body is aching all over.  I feel like I got the mother of all flu. Had the shakes last night and couldn't sleep.

Over 70, had 2 Pfizer jabs, neither caused any side affects.

I suspect the degree of any affect on a person from any covid vaccinations depends on an individual's natural immunity, especially when it comes to having healthy blood composition and organ (lungs, heart, kidneys, liver) maintenance.

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I think this might affect the travel plans of many Thais, as the more Governments that read about the brain dead plans coming out of there, the more complicated it will get for those Thais who want to travel to get into other countries.

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13 hours ago, worgeordie said:

I received my Astrazeneca jab a few weeks ago , i was expecting

some kind of reaction ,  nothing at all, I did not even feel the needle

go in, no mark on my arm, I am wondering if it even happened ,????????



Me too. But I saw the plunger go down. So I don't doubt that it happened. With hundreds of vaccinations per day, those nurses are getting pretty skilled and sticking needles into people's deltoids.

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39 minutes ago, Marco100 said:

Only study of "under the skin" I found was from this Leiden University wich says that under the skin you can get 5 time more vaccine so' under skin 50 instead of 10 intramuscular ( in Thailand I think they give 12 af AZ , at least that is what nurse told me when got vaccinated ...)

The only vaccine Leiden University [specifically "Anna Roukens, an internist and infectious disease specialist at LUMC"] appear to be using in this, so far very limited, study is Moderna [mRNA type] Whereas the university was significantly involved in the development of the J&J Janssen [virus vector type]. Therefore it's a    s   t   r   e   t   c   h  [to put it mildly] for Thailand to use this very limited study, on one type of vaccine, as a justification to use the subcutaneous procedure for all types of vaccine. As they appear to be suggesting. No wonder the responsibility is being offloaded:




14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said the method, which doctors began exploring last month, could be used at the discretion of medical professionals, providing it was supported by evidence.

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26 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Over 70, had 2 Pfizer jabs, neither caused any side affects.

I suspect the degree of any affect on a person from any covid vaccinations depends on an individual's natural immunity, especially when it comes to having healthy blood composition and organ (lungs, heart, kidneys, liver) maintenance.

I am 74 in two months, and had my second AstraZeneca jab on Sunday and it was a very smooth operation/process by the Thai folks, so praise to them for that, and as far as side-effects go, slight ache in the upper arm and feeling very tired the next day, but all seems fine now.


I'm glad that it's over and done with, and every day I read in the paper that yet another anti-vaxxer has died from Covid 19, and it brings to mind a post on one of these threads whereby an anti-vaccine poster posted what he thought was a funny quip, when he suggested that all those who were having the vaccine would be the guinea pigs for the anti-vaccine crowd – – hmmmm!

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4 hours ago, Thai Visa Member 999999 said:

This has been proposed in the scientific literature over and over so I'm not sure why people are making it out to be some crazy idea. The Thai govt last month said they were testing this so it really shouldn't be a surprise. It sounds more like people who don't understand science are mouthing off in a knee-jerk reaction. 


There has been some scientific research outside Thailand into what they're proposing, but it involved the Moderna vaccine, and the one I'm reading hasn't been peer reviewed as yet and involved a very small number of subjects:


Intradermal administration of low-dose mRNA COVID-19 vaccine induces strong immune response, study finds


Scientists in the Netherlands recently conducted an open-level, randomized-controlled trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of fractional intradermal doses of the mRNA-based coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine mRNA-1273 (Moderna).


The trial findings reveal that the fractional dose regimen of the Moderna vaccine is well tolerated and safe and is capable of inducing robust antibody responses in vaccine recipients. The study is currently available on the medRxiv* preprint server.


In the first part of the study, two doses of 10 µg mRNA-1273 vaccine were administered intradermally to 10 individuals at an interval of 28 days. Similarly, in the second part, two doses of 20 µg mRNA-1273 were intradermally administered to 30 individuals at the same interval. The vaccine recipients were healthy adults aged 18 to 30 years who tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 in both serological and PCR-based testing.






But at least for now, the prevailing and approved method of administration is intramuscular, not intradermal.


And there's some thinking that intradermal may make the vaccine less effective:


"The manufacturers advise that the vaccine should not be injected intravascularly, subcutaneously or intradermally.3 Injecting a vaccine into the layer of subcutaneous fat with poor vascularity resulting in slow mobilisation and processing of antigen leading to vaccine failure.4 The antigen may take longer to reach the circulation after being deposited in fat, delaying presentation to T and B cells that are essential for immune response. In addition, there is a risk that the antigens may be denatured by enzymes if they remain subcutaneously for prolonged period. Subcutaneous injections can lead to localised cellulitis, granuloma formation and abscess."






Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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14 hours ago, tso310 said:

Amazing Thailand !

Yes, Thailand now leads the world in scientific research! This procedure could lead to the rest of the world being saved!


I think it's wonderful that Thai scientists are foremost in the world and have now developed a way to increase the amount of vaccine required for booster shots by x5 -- and that it also strengthens immunity!


This scientifically proven technique -- tried and tested on . . . well, 'lots' of people -- over a period of . . . well, a 'long time' -- and has resulted in a huge percentage of . . . well, 'lots and lots of percentage' of success!


Many on this site will mock and dispute this wondrous technique -- that will now be adopted by the rest of the world -- well, 'soon'!!!  Many will wonder at the development of this technique by Thai scientists -- many of whom have been 'home-trained' in Thailand!


You 'sceptics' will be surprised to read in the world Press and on the world Media of this . . . today . . . well, maybe tomorrow (allowing for the time difference) . . . well, 'soon', anyway!


And they are shortly to announce that trials of just rubbing the vaccine on the skin (no need for needles) with a bit of cotton wool have been successful for both the first and second shots!  Mock ye not!



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Absolute lunacy! Injections into muscle ensures best immune response as it avoids fat and also distributes the vaccine more rapidly via the blood and lymph systems. Also it reduces the reaction at the injection site as the circulatory systems move the Vaccine quickly away which is why we don't feel the injection in the first place. 

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5 hours ago, Guderian said:

Why not just let patients lick a drop of vaccine off a doctor's finger, that would stretch it even further, and think of all the money saved by doing away with syringes!

Maybe the best way would be to share the syringes... it would certainly save time and money to use the same syringe for every partial dose from the bottle....

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