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you do realise if your old you wont be a long time right?


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On 9/22/2021 at 8:36 AM, ivor bigun said:

Well i am now old and to be honest have had a bad heart in my 30s ,never thought i would make sixty ,much less mid 70s, i can honestly say i have had a bloody fantastic life ,born in a small town ,out every day in the country with my mates ,luckily my family were not poor,in the 60s went to London lived in a great bed sit ,partyed like you would not believe ,with people you have heard of i bet ,then they were just up and coming ,had sex with more girls over the years that i can count or remember many of them ,although one or two stood out . been married a few times ,well a good few ,to very lovely ladies ,still friends with a couple , became well known in one thing and still get people asking me about it ,(would never have believed it) then came to Thailand for a short holiday ,as i was working for myself , met a nice girl came back 6 wks later and dated her for quite a bit,got into a business in BKK  and while coming back and fore ,met my now wife ,her family had business and a few condo blocks in BKK ,we dated ,she came to the UK to see if we could make a go of it ,we did.

lived in uk for a good few years ,came back here with our son ,who now runs a small company .

we have a lovely house and i am as happy as larry,hope it continues for a good few more years as my wife is only in her 50s and worrys about me all the time

boy life has been great ,you wouldnt believe the half of it ????  

Your forgot to mention your beautiful pool

And your impressing Yacht

And...and... and ????

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42 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

To create a sense of urgency, that compels me to really make the most of the time I have left in this lifetime, I measure it in terms of months. Maybe 240 months? Maybe? That is not a long time. Make it worth it. Make sure you are doing stuff you are passionate about. Make sure the remaining years count for something. 

What makes you think it such a negative way that's sad why not take everyday as it comes at whatever age you are. 

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On 9/22/2021 at 8:10 AM, georgegeorgia said:

Now my question is mostly related to those over 60 ,those old farts like me,or should i be politically correct ,and say mature aged guys ,the thing is,are you aware you will probaly die between 78 & 83yo?

Are you doing everything to enjoy this time you have left ? are you going to get your goals completed ,enjoy that time you have left ?

Originally I could not see myself to retire from work, even at age 70, until I discovered a paradise island in Gulf of Siam and asked myself: »When is enough, enough? Is it worth working so hard to pay high taxes, and only save up a little? And when I’m finally old enough to retire, and enjoy my tiny savings, I may be too old to enjoy?« No, visits to Thailand had changed my view of life: »I am single, no ties are holding me; enough is enough!«...:whistling:


I pulled the work-plug when I was 56, to instead to enjoy my life, so far for 16 excellent years on a paradise island. However, predicting, especially the future, is extremely difficult, so until I find the "Fountain of Youth", I need to plan realistically - luckily the scientific news mentioned that a longevity pill might be available within the next decade - and also include worst case scenario in the planning, i.e. in case I outlive the statistic average, which I'm actually planning for, so I need to budget my funds to last, so I don't need to die because I'm running dry of funds...????


In "worst case scenario" I will live more than 100 years, so I better keep myself both fit - because a 100-years birthday will be fun - and keep some savings for a party; and probably most important, I must mingle with folks younger than me, so I have a guest list for my cool party...????


Until then I need to enjoy a funny life for another 28 years, and after the major 100-turn, I believe that every birthday is worth celebrating with a party, as they are gifts from someone high up above us, whatever that flying monster is...????


Note: Many mentions that being positive and look forward increase the possibility of longevity. Furthermore family genes might also have some weight, as well a what lifestyle one choose to live. So if planning a long retirement - I do, because I wish to have some of my tax-money back as government retirement pension - it might be a question of finding an acceptable balance, keeping in mind that happiness is the major portion to fulfill. I hope I've inherited some genes from my father - seems like that the more birthday parties you celebrate, the better odds you have to get old - he happily played tennis twice a week until he was 104 yeas old...????

–Perhaps I should consider to play tennis...????





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20 hours ago, david555 said:

not drinking, not smoking and no high BP or cholesterol i guess....? ????

Moderate daily drinking - i.e. not more than two a day - is actually healthy for elder people, according to science. It seems that a small amount alcohol in itself is healthy, however often red wine is mentioned, but also beer is considered healthy, as beer contains lots of vitamins and minerals...????


Before you jump too high, and can't get your arms down again, it's moderate small amounts that the scientists are talking about, double amount is not double as good, so it's not a six-pack or several a day...????

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10 minutes ago, khunPer said:

Moderate daily drinking - i.e. not more than two a day - is actually healthy for elder people, according to science. It seems that a small amount alcohol in itself is healthy, however often red wine is mentioned, but also beer is considered healthy, as beer contains lots of vitamins and minerals...????


Before you jump too high, and can't get your arms down again, it's moderate small amounts that the scientists are talking about, double amount is not double as good, so it's not a six-pack or several a day...????

I'm don't qualify as a scientist but no one knows how long they will live whatever they do. 

The choice is there nowadays I would say more so that when I was born back 1947.

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as for me 

over 65    i understand i will die  what i am doing now is making sure my wife will be taken care of ... i would love to do more travel  but covid and the idiots that wont get vacc are stopping me ..   

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5 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

Beer doesn't contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, which is why you have to drink so much of it

Drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer, by healthy people seems to reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Moderate alcohol use (one to two drinks per day) reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and heart attack by approximately 30% to 50% when compared with nondrinkers.

Source link HERE.


Though beer is often viewed as empty calories, it contains some minerals and vitamins. In addition, both types contain small amounts of potassium, calcium, thiamine, iron, and zinc. The content of B vitamins and minerals is a result of beer being made from cereal grains and yeast.

Source link HERE.

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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

You have a total misunderstanding of what I said, and what I do. For me, 95% of my life is about attitude and perspective. And one often has to engage in exercises to maintain perspective. This is simply an exercise I use, to make sure I do not take my health, my quality of life, my mobility, and my well being for granted.


Stop with the negativity tag words. They are spectacularly unproductive. 

Yes I did. 

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3 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

Yeah I agree with most of what you have said.

I had to make plans and make things happen when I retired. I had to also look directly at and process the change from a routine to the freedom, the space, and change that retirement brings.

Many people, not just men, have trouble 'being' with space and silence, and need activity because stillness and the business keeps the noise in our heads and guts at bay ... this is very, bewildering, frightening, and threatening. 

Many people have a 'job identity', a dad identity, a son, a mate, a boss, a great helper, whatever identity it might be and little else to say who they are - change that!

I am somewhat, just a tad, wiser than I was years back. I have learnt some things ... one is that I need to be more present and live in the now. Make every opportunity (well-almost every) to engage with others when your out and about, I do and if ai find myself telling myself to hide and avoid I look at why I feel n think this way and step forward (most of the time).

Look people in the eye with presence and focus. Make the most of life and work hard to stay fit as ageing while being inevitable can be slowed remarkably and the quality and vigour of life prolonged by staying really fit. 

I suggest:

Do things that you enjoy - if you don't enjoy anything (lots of us don't really 'taste' life then look back into your childhood at what gave you a jolt, joy enlivened you (I'm learning about gardening in Thai climate which is so fascinating. I have my 'orchid-man' who comes and visits and we work on the plants together (I'm slowly getting a stellar collection too ☺️).

Take up hobbies. 

Begin yoga practice - every day. I guarantee this will change your life if you let it!

If you smoke - stop

If ya drink a lot then moderate and have booze free-day/s - I enjoy drinking a lot and a mild buzz is very nice, but not getting drunk.

Eat plenty of fresh foods, veggies, fruits, food with variety.

Eat less red meat but good protein.

Eat les carb's.

Stop eating heavy stodgy foods (Traditional English, and processed American styled diets can be very bad for our bodies).

Eat smaller meals.

Do things that make you laugh out loud - uncontrollably.


Hump - ask for what you want from a woman and ask her what she wants! 

If you don't have a pet get one - a dog to walk and look after and look after you. I have two and they're a great source of balance and reflection - also a great way to meet cute women, and make other friends. Chances are if you lead a healthy fit life you'll meet fitter and hotter women ☺️ (My Dalmations are chick magnets!)

If you're depressed and avoid love/intimacy then go talk to someone ... NOW.

If I reflect on the story by our OP being maybe 5 to 15 (max) of life left (like some of the fellas he spoke with and others remarked about) ... if you have 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 sterling you'll have to work pretty hard to spend that in LOS unless you're totally stupid with it, or very posh and know how to spend big money. Share the joy of this money with others, have fun.


Brilliant!!!!! ????????

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

To create a sense of urgency, that compels me to really make the most of the time I have left in this lifetime, I measure it in terms of months. Maybe 240 months? Maybe? That is not a long time. Make it worth it. Make sure you are doing stuff you are passionate about. Make sure the remaining years count for something. 

you could break it down to hours, minutes or seconds, but you might lose some time doing the math... 

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On 9/22/2021 at 1:16 PM, Pravda said:

What are you talking about? Most 60yo posters here are in excellent shape and look better than Brad Pitt.

Wonderful example! Even a drugged up dog, will look better than that <deleted> drunk junkie.

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23 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

height 5foot 12 or 6 foot box to tick  ..............ill  give it a  miss methinks

I looked passed the 5'12 inches and gave it a go.  97!  I hope it's wrong!!


And how many 'driving violations' .... in Thailand ????


Assume it's designed for US only.  Some important details missing in my view:


Where you live?

Cancer diagnosis?

Ride a motorcycle?

Beep your horn in Bangkok?

Have a Mia Noi?

Chance of Thai wife finding out?

Proximity of sharp knives to said wife?

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2 hours ago, HAPPYNUFF said:

Wasted  40 years of my life, most of it a job I didnt particularly like, but paid well,  Retired  25 years now and its been  the best time ever, do what I want, when I want, how I want,   with the wifes permission of course.

I hear you - hind sight being 20/20 ...

If I had my life to do over, with what I know now, I would spend  LOT more time living and a LOT less time working.

Get a good trade - electrician one example - you can work all over the world.

Have at it until I got about 70K in the bank. Quit, ask myself "What should I do ? Let's learn to surf !!! "

Go do that until the bank balance gets low.


Don't buy no house, no fancy car, just LIVE.

Sure would have some memories - altho' I did all right  as it turned out, just worked TOO much.

Got married, got greedy, wasted a lot of time and money on that <deleted>

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On 9/22/2021 at 8:53 AM, chalawaan said:

I 'retired' at 53 it was a huge financial hit to do that, but, I decided that I wasn't getting younger, and life is short, I had a travel bucket list, and I went for it! I am so glad i did that, a mate the same age, stuck it out, he's, now been made redundant by the lurgy, and talking about going here and there, but he seems to be getting enmeshed in his property managements, and lets be honest, nobody is going anywhere -and expecting it to be any fun- for at least another year, and that's being wildly optimistic. He'll be 63 by then, and at 60 myself, I'm really noticing for the first time, I'm not able to do a lot of things I could do without even thinking twice, when I pulled the plug at 53, the rot is setting in. I'm so glad I cut and run when I did. Another mate with tons of cash has been wittering on about visiting Paris since his 30's But now, he'll likely die in South West Sydney before he hits 70. 

Yup. I'm still very active and surrounded by people mostly half my age at work ... but no doubt at 60 things get a bit slower. Out riding the bike all day today, now my back hurts.

At the same time though, time seems to speed up ...

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