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Thailand delays plan to re-open cities to tourists until November


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2 hours ago, chalawaan said:

Nana and Cowboy were indeed bastions of tourism. Apart from the mongers, foreign couples would invariably drift through to soak in the debauchery, and often have a drink or two as well. 

They claim tourism accounts for a fifth of GDP I think that's grossly underestimated.


The vast majority of Thais who worked in it, or supplied it, from drivers to laundry workers, were often in the grey economy, not counted, or considered. The ripple effects of just one major hotel and its suppliers and staff and their families needs and consumption and so on, is also underestimated.


Thailand's failure to tackle institutionalised corruption, and formalise labour relations and social security is now burning itself alive. Som nam na.

Good effort

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It would be interesting to know how many of the vaccinated 'tourists' that arrived in Phuket sandbox required hospital treatment due to Covid infection. Seeing as Covid is already rife in Thailand, the only issue is hospitals being overloaded with sick tourists? If they are fully vaccinated then they shouldn't be getting sick.........or am I over thinking things ????????????

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand has pushed back plans to re-open Bangkok and some other major cities to foreign arrivals until November, due to vaccination rates falling short of targets, a senior official said on Wednesday.

Which is the priority to open up properly, something TAT don't understand.

Phuket said it was ready, patently it wasn't and the health authority don't want that happening nationwide.

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Before they open to outside tourism maybe they should open and provide incentive for national Thai tourism.


Open travel to Pattaya and Phuket for Thais and those of us in country already.


See how that goes before letting airlines start making bookings only to find out there is a problem.


I include in opening bars and removing the liquor ban. But do it slowly.

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Oh my giddy aunt fanny, what a MASSIVE SURPRISE = Gov NOT supplying the HEADLINE PROMOTED vaccines they have DAILY promised the people of Thailand!!!

So now they confess that the THAI economy will continue to nosedive through the floor for more months due to GOV incompetence! 

I live in the heart of Bangkok and have all my life, LOVED THAILAND! When I travel out to places like Poonsup Market, about a hour from Siam BKK, you see "virtually everything" is open and the Thai people trying to bounce back financially and God love them for doing so!!!

Yet the THAI gyms remain closed! WHY? Don't the Jetts and Fitness First owners sling enough BAHTS into the pockets of those in power? OPEN THE GYMS!

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Just flown Phuket - Bangkok - Isaan - Bangkok - Phuket on business with a Thai colleague. Leaving Phuket is not an issue and neither is arriving at various airports in Isaan.


Returning to Phuket is absolute nightmare. No wonder the economy has tanked - nothing can move easily, especially people.


Be warned, if you work or have a business in Phuket - the failed Sandox procedure is a mess and not just the vaxxed, covid cert and proof of address (such as a rental agreement). Rental agreements are not accepted.


For the returning business owner or employee - the engine drivers of the local economy, you will need the vaxxed cert, covid free, (they don't accept a residential rental contract as proof of address in Phuket), a letter from your employee stating you are employed in the company, even if you are business owner, all company registration documents, proof of office address or business address in Phuket, work permit. You are also best advised to bring social security documents with name of travelers to prove that they are employed.


Non of these requirements seem to be published anywhere.... 


Local staff have to produce the same - infact their requirements to enter Phuket as a bonafide employee were even stricter.


Its take 30 minutes of documents checks at the airline, a mass of photography and discussion and those documents are then sent to the airline office so you can get approved to fly.


Then you have to complete the gophuket app ..... which asks you to upload the same documents and also ......... the car or taxi registration numbers of the vehicles you have travelled in and in which province ......


The sandox requirements are harsher on the business community than on a tourist. It is a complete mess.


Upon arrival in Phuket, they only look at the vaxx cert and glance at one covid test - there is no link between this mass of documents, gophuket and the arrival checks.


So ignore the Sandbox hype on the simple vaxx cert, covid free cert and proof of address. The complexity is with your own status upon returning to Phuket and proving that status to the airline - which has no idea how to deal efficiently with each different status.



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Ok.  Let's says "open" on November 15?  Great then all the closed businesses can suddenly open and all the employees can come back?  Opening for a country that was accustomed to large number of tourists and has been closed for more than a year will take more than 45 days.  I hope someone is planning to ramp the airport(I departed out  of BKK 4 weeks ago and the only place where I  could buy water was at a vending machine), immigration(only one officer working at departures), hotels(I stayed at  a hotel near BKK and was "dead").  

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