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People don't understand sarcasm on this forum?


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On 9/23/2021 at 2:43 PM, madmen said:

It's just boring bashing throwing around decades old clichés. There is very little genuine sarcasm. 

What precisely, is "genuine" sarcasm? It either is or isn't -there is no "try".

Apologies if you now feel bashed, or if this post is clich'd.

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18 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Snowflakes and those who are 'woke' are itching to meet their daily quota of using phrases like, "Deeply, Deeply Disturbing", and "I feel threatened by your micro-aggressions". Sarcasm opens the door, and they never pass up an opportunity. Then they run and hug their emotional-support animal and have a good cry. Their day wouldn't be complete without it.

I feel raped by your comments. I'm running to a campus safe space where I can hug teddy bears.

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9 hours ago, kiteman9 said:

      The forum moderator should filter stupid comments and topics. Move them and display them in a stupid topic category for the sarcasm addicts.

           Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say, especially in order to insult someone, or to show irritation, or just to be funny. ... Most often, sarcasm is biting, and intended to cause pain.

No one has mentioned "irony," which is often the better descriptor of satirical passages.

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For every definition for sarcasm, there's a different manner in which to define it. 

And numerous ways to twist it's usage, regardless what an homogenous dictionary definition might be. 



Still a mystery.

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12 minutes ago, kwak250 said:

Have you ever tried watching The office American version.

Its just missing everything the uk original version made so great.


Obviously you are  British. That's Ok nothing wrong with that. Well not a lot, but who is counting LOL

   Concerning" The Office" show, I found the Opposite of what you are saying to be true, But that is not because one is funnier than the other but rather that each show is tailored for it's particular  audience and their cultural differences and language. I think the British version would had been funnier if you all spoke better English LOL

The point I am trying to make is that there are a lot of people in this forum from different cultures and Ethnicities, and what the OP considers funny , others might not, or even get the references. 


Edited by sirineou
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On 9/23/2021 at 3:24 PM, Johnny Mac said:

Yep. This is the least 'street wise' forum I have ever come across. Also posters can't spot a troll and just believe almost everything they read. Very naive folk on here, who clearly don't venture out into the real world very often. It's very strange.

Or maybe there are multiple posters who have English as a second language who in their own country or mother tongue would be far more savvy and street smart than you. Or perhaps come from countries where sarcasm as seen as a low form of humour. Maybe they are responding sarcastically to a sarcastic comment and are executing it with such subtlety that even you as the epitome of street smarts and wisdom hasn't picked up on it. 

  All I know is very easy to pigeon-hole groups of people you don't know or have very little understanding of. They even have words for it.

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On 9/23/2021 at 8:39 PM, pookondee said:

I had the same trouble detecting sarcasm when i used to "puff the magic dragon" a little to much.


I'd read a passage over and over, wondering what everyone was laughing at,

alas in the morning it all became so obvious.

Piff is the only true magic dragon.404034084_images(50).jpg.55c39fc6182afa8a553e36f150552c81.jpg

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On 9/24/2021 at 7:44 AM, simon43 said:

I agree that many on this forum (and others) do not understand sarcasm.  It seems that unless you're a Brit, people think you are being serious.


To avoid this, I am forced to use [sarcasm]  [/sarcasm] tags.......

Come on we in Aus understand sarcasm, no good trying it on our Thai friends though you get a blank stare.

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