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I lost it tonight


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     I'm getting a slightly less-draconian version of constant sanitation warnings from my Thai partner.  I think we're all just getting so frustrated and tired of wearing masks, sanitizing, social distancing, being restricted in things--the whole works.  I try to keep my Dad's keep cool mantra in mind.  Bend with the bamboo.  

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Gee I wish my ex Thai wife had been that keen...about mosquitoes that is...and she was a nurse. Where we lived the council would regularly have all drains spayed to control the mosquito problem. Both Dengue fever and Leptospirosis infections were in our area at the time and there were signs telling people to avoid collection of still/stagnant water in gardens etc. Unfortunately my wife had several large containers of water (uncovered) in the garden that became infested with mosquito larvae and she ignored my suggestions to solve the problem. Things came to a climax one evening when upon opening the sliding doors to find the garden 'alive' with mosquitoes (like one of those horror movies, Ha). My wife claimed that the mosquitoes were from somewhere else and not from 'her' garden because she had put mosquito repelling plants in the containers of water. 'Oh yeah?' I put my hand in the smallest container and scooping the water, found several larvae wiggling in my hand. The containers were emptied and removed the next day and the mosquito population gradually dropped to a manageable level.

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On 10/30/2021 at 2:18 PM, Lemsta69 said:

this kind of attitude is why the 'plandemic' will keep dragging on for ever and ever. "i don't need no stinkin' mask, don't tread on me, i'm a sovereign citizen, new world order blah blah blah"

this kind of attitude is why the 'plandemic' will keep dragging on for ever and ever.


This is the reason, masks do next to nothing. Being vaccinated means you can still catch and pass on covid.

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I can understand the OP's feelings, we are all subjected to double standards at times, so in the house or car with just him & his mrs he gets sprayed with alcohol on just about every occasion, scratching his head, touching his face, scratching his balls etc etc, but it's okay for his mrs to totally disregard her precautions when shopping, she hands over money to someone wearing gloves and no doubt takes the change without a 2nd thought ?? Strange.

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I have observed the, "over the top" and the "total disregard". To each their own but if you are not wearing a mask here in Chiang Mai ... stay the hell away from me. What has worked for us to date is staying fairly close to home but ... we usually are out of the house every other day. We go food shopping at Rimping or Tops, visit country cafes. Usual activity curtailed only our going out for an occasional evening for music and avoiding Sunday outings around others. Everywhere has the temperature scanners, we always wear masks outside where there are other folks (not in our car or on motorbike). Coming home, I take a quick shower, as much for sweat but serves the purpose of getting rid of road spray if on the motorbike (usual transport). Me = 2 shots of Pfizer. Stepdaughter has had her 1st shot of Pfizer. Wife = awaiting access to Moderna. Oh, no, I don't usually do the repeated hand spraying ...

Edited by wwest5829
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On 10/30/2021 at 1:25 AM, Chad3000 said:

The Philippines are filthy and covid is out of control there anyone thinking that they're going to leave Thailand and find some Nirvana is sorely mistaken

So is every country. You're just in denial about it or your country's people are simply very good at hiding the filth you refuse to acknowledge is there. Bend over a tad more or use a mirror and I can assure you there's something there where the light never shines called "filth".


Generalisations are one way to measure intelligence. A surefire yardstick.



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Constant alcohol spraying, as soon as we get home she takes charge of the clothes to wash them, multiple showers per day it's okay I like feeling clean because when I was in the Navy we got one shower every 3 days because of water rationing at Sea because the fresh water was used to cool the engines.


And her using alcohol spray and doing all this other stuff gives her a sense of control which I understand and so since I've had both shots and she hasn't had any, I'm not going to argue with her... So I said hey let's washing hands let's do this you know in helps the relationship because she feels like I'm on board with the process.


And I figure I know that everywhere I go the people that I'm talking to or interacting with their phones and money so I actually think maybe I should have done this before because since covid I haven't got sick.  



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On 10/29/2021 at 10:17 PM, ArcticFox said:

Findings of these studies suggest that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection via the fomite transmission route is low, and generally less than 1 in 10,000, which means that each contact with a contaminated surface has less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of causing an infection.



Fomite, I haven't seen that word since I got my Med Tech degree!  Thanks for the info BTW.

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On 10/29/2021 at 10:47 PM, The Hammer2021 said:

Hand washing is one of the most effective ways of preventing covid and other such illnesses. I think hand washing  not surface washing was the subjects of the OP's submission. Wash hands every 20 minutes.

WHAT !  Both hands .

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Seems the real annoying thing was wife is a stickler on his actions but then sees a vendor violate rule#1 and handle food and money and lost it because wifey said nothing.   I agree she needed a lesson as she overlooked something major.   That fresh squeezed juice looks good but I never see a clean wash bin for the fruit.  

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3 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

The educated wife problem seems to be a natianal one.  Mine works in a hospital and I have gone throught he past year with the same thing.


add to it use one finger for atm and have to spray.

Get money from someone or exchange and have to spray.

get in taxi spray.


I just started refusing and told her that I was an old man and that I wanted a wife not a mommy.



As to what the people in the markets do well that is as you said hit and miss.  Probably mostly miss.


I take it as it is and let it ride.


Yelling at her was a definite OOPS.

Would suggest many WAI with flowers and what ever else she likes.


Might help you avoid the chop.Braves Chop GIFs | Tenor


Don't forget if you go to church , Let us spray .

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In with anger out with love buy your wife some flowers and apologies it’s that simple It appears you have allowed Covid to take over your life to such a state it could end up ruining your marriage ,you need to take a step back and look in the mirror and ask yourself how you have managed to get so wound up over using the alcohol sprays . You’ve got more chance of catching something if you don’t wash your hands after a dump than touching a pair of chop sticks “ Calm Down “

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I think she has basic good intent.....Probably a bit over cautious as uneducated Thais can be......

But 'I Think'..... If you look past this and judge by 'other things', You will love her to bits..... IF NOT..... Kiss her bye-bye..... It is so simple.....

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On 10/29/2021 at 9:36 PM, Havefunme said:

We're here to support not to complain I only been here 2 years and I'm ready to move to the Philippines 

Best of luck with that. The only country in which I have been mugged, twice.

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30 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

In with anger out with love buy your wife some flowers and apologies it’s that simple It appears you have allowed Covid to take over your life to such a state it could end up ruining your marriage ,you need to take a step back and look in the mirror and ask yourself how you have managed to get so wound up over using the alcohol sprays . You’ve got more chance of catching something if you don’t wash your hands after a dump than touching a pair of chop sticks “ Calm Down “


Yes....I think you completely missed the point of my rant

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3 hours ago, chrissables said:

this kind of attitude is why the 'plandemic' will keep dragging on for ever and ever.


This is the reason, masks do next to nothing. Being vaccinated means you can still catch and pass on covid.

cool story bro

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I understand the rant.


I think it's more about the double standards. An exacting standard is expected of the farang because he is a foreigner and supposedly doesn't understand how things are done in Thailand.


However, it is ok for another Thai person to break the rules. Besides it would be rude and a possible loss of face to get upset. Just shrug and think never mind.


The motto in Thailand is 'Do as I say, not as I do'.

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Don't worry my wife is the same, spray at every opportunity and even mop the floors evertime we go out and come home, as well as shower and change clothes. She also asked me not to go to gym or mingle in public, including no restaurant visits until she has had her second vaccine because she is scared. So I have reluctantly been a recluse, but I haven't complained to her personally because she has a legitimate fear even if I don't. But it is a hard way to live an enjoyable life when you are essentially in self imposed home detention. We have to just get through it until the vaccines are handed out I guess but I do wish she was more chilled over this.

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On 10/30/2021 at 3:37 AM, Kerryd said:

I can almost hear the kitchen knife being sharpened..........

Yes, that is a woman. She will wait in silence for three weeks then when you are settled and happy she will mention the orange juice issue  and start a fight.

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On 10/29/2021 at 9:17 PM, Pravda said:

If I don't spray my hands even after some trivial action I get a lecture about endangering her life.

Has your wife been vaccinated?  If so, she is now protected from serious illness and death.  She no longer needs to worry about anyone around her.  And if you have also been vaccinated, then you're both good to go.


Some of these gals can be right unreasonable with their Farang mates.  They won't read scientific data/analysis from other countries any more than they will listen to their husband's advise over the garbage hauler's, and certainly not over the Pu Yi Ban (interesting comparison there: International data on vaccinations, et al, vs Thai government and media.  Hmm.).


Good luck!

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