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Zebra crossings would you or won't you cross


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After reading these posts I almost have to start wondering how the Eye Doctor didn't see the Ducati motorcycle coming; it must of been at great speed. She had years of experience crossing streets in Thailand. Tourist have little chance compared to a Thai when it comes to crossing a street here.

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Reality of walking anywhere near roadways in LOS is ... 'enter at your own risk and, danger !'

The only place reasonably safe from being killed by traffic in LOS is in the MRT or in a high-rise building lol????????

There is NO security provided by zebra crossings. Never was never will be. If I assume there is some sort of immunity to collision while on them I increase the odds of being hit.

'Jay-walking' as Yanks call it, across roadways aint' safe either, but lots of folks think a diagonal walk across a roadway too is somehow as efficient and safe as a perpendicular, shortest, most direct route to cross a roadway.

Always walk purposefully across a road in LOS - NEVER dawdle! If older let go of the idea that your still 20 and can run like the wind across the road.

If at all in doubt that crossing a road is risky (see line 1-2) walk down the street and use an overpass wherever possible. This is what I do and would advise. 

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8 hours ago, Boyn said:

no in Thai they are called ,Whats that red light for?

Zebra crossings have flashing amber Belisha Beacons and are not the same set up as the original crossing started in UK.

The nearest thing that associates them to a UK crossing is what Thais call them " Zebra Path ".


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1 hour ago, IAMHERE said:

After reading these posts I almost have to start wondering how the Eye Doctor didn't see the Ducati motorcycle coming; it must of been at great speed. She had years of experience crossing streets in Thailand. Tourist have little chance compared to a Thai when it comes to crossing a street here.

It was because the normal law abiding drivers in the first couple lanes stopped to let her cross

On the other hand the cop seeing the stopped cars thought it normal to slam the throttle & blast by in turn killing the poor doctor

He also thought it normal to then leave the scene of the accident


So in reality a big hole in Prawits "need to educate drivers" speech





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