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How do Thai women compare with Western women as a wife?


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After 50 years of being with Western women, I found my soul mate in a Thai lady.

Sure, not all Thais have Your best interest at heart, but the ones that do are keepers.

Western women are way too materialistic. Thais seem to appreciate the little

things more.

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I think both my American & Thai wife are quite similar, both feisty bitches able to give as good as they get.


Now I'm a bit of an outlier here in as much as my American marriage failed on pretty good terms, to the point where I talk to my ex every week, we even all go on vacations together.


I think my two wives enjoy bitching together about my multiple flaws.


I simply go to the bar with my ex wife's boyfriend and shoot the sh&&&t


It's a weird old world, but in truth we're all pretty much the same

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9 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

If you can find a Thai wife who you can have an intelligent conversation with and likes sex after 40, she's a keeper.  

Intelligent conversation is the difficult one of your two demands that require a common lanquage .

Conversation often lasts far longer than sex , so number one for most individuals .


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8 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

The other thing we have to take into consideration is the majority of guys that come to thailand have hardly had their choice of pretty western girls . They  are not what i would call high caliber males . They have most likely been picking low hanging fruit in the west and then come to thailand and repeat it again but convince themselves this is real as they hold most of the cards now (money) its delusional to think some old farm girl rump is somehow A better standard then a decent western lady .  Keep Convincing yourself that up until the money runs out ….. 

A decent western lady. That can be interpreted in so many ways.


You mean one who has the education and intellectual power to debate everything you say, and in the process strip your life of any semblance of harmony? 


Or one who insists on managing the (your) finances, and puts you on an allowance? Thereby accomplishing near total emasculation.


Or the one who insists that all decisions be mutually agreed upon? (the Western way). 


Or the one who claims she has only been with three other man, and actually had 139 lovers before you came along? 


Or the ugly, 62 year old, 110 kilo one?


Which western one is better than the down to earth, lighthearted, sincere gal from the farm? Since most of us (British excluded?) did not grow up with class structure indoctrination, the fact that she comes from a simple, poor, farming family is not a big issue. Other than the fact that they may need some modest support. 

Edited by spidermike007
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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

Comparing women to dogs? Misogynist much?

It's called analogy, and it is a form of learning and comprehension that is probably unique to Human Beings. 


Analogy is taking what someone already knows about a thing they are familiar with, and showing  how that same thinking can be applied to something they are less familiar with, or perhaps not familiar, at all. 


Turns out a lot of new and difficult things can be understoog quickly and easily, if they have enough in common with something that is already known and understood. 


A trainer or educator might encourage something similar when they say, "Don't reinvent the wheel." What they mean is, don't start learning from scratch. Start by using what you already know! 


The author of the post in question effectively uses an analogy to convey a particular idea, and a pretty positive idea, at that. 


I see nothing misogynistic in it, at all. 

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8 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

Can you read ? Said i was married to one for 15 years . I get that  they are cheaper to run and you can control them through money . But writing off all western woman because you cant control them or get a decent one is nothing but cringe. 

It's not about controlling them. It's about the simple fact Western family laws have become so biased towards women it's courting financial disaster to have a relationship of more than one year, even defacto. Thai law is far more sensible in that regard, although I suppose it will change once the feminazis get an opening..

It's also about the fact Western women become lazy once they have hooked their fish. In contrast, my Thai GF keeps working at making me happy.

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You are totally wrong about the aging aspect.  Thai women often keep their youthful looks into their late twenties. A 25 year old might sometimes pass for a 19 year old, but somewhere around the age of 30 they do a  giant leap. Within just a few years they manage to look 10 or more years older. I have never met a Thai woman in her forties that was still really attractive(without layers of makeup) . But you do find some farang women and Latinas at that age who are still stunning. SEA women do not age well.Men on the other hand do, which might be one reason why there is so much "chao choo", promiscuity, in Thailand. Thai men leaving their partners for a more youthful version. 

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3 minutes ago, KanchanaburiGuy said:

It's called analogy, and it is a form of learning and comprehension that is probably unique to Human Beings. 


Analogy is taking what someone already knows about a thing they are familiar with, and showing  how that same thinking can be applied to something they are less familiar with, or perhaps not familiar, at all. 


Turns out a lot of new and difficult things can be understoog quickly and easily, if they have enough in common with something that is already known and understood. 


A trainer or educator might encourage something similar when they say, "Don't reinvent the wheel." What they mean is, don't start learning from scratch. Start by using what you already know! 


The author of the post in question effectively uses an analogy to convey a particular idea, and a pretty positive idea, at that. 


I see nothing misogynistic in it, at all. 

I know what an analogy is. I also know what a putdown is.

If you can't see the misogynism in the post, it does say something about your emotional intelligence.

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4 minutes ago, thecyclist said:

You are totally wrong about the aging aspect.  Thai women often keep their youthful looks into their late twenties. A 25 year old might sometimes pass for a 19 year old, but somewhere around the age of 30 they do a  giant leap. Within just a few years they manage to look 10 or more years older. I have never met a Thai woman in her forties that was still really attractive(without layers of makeup) . But you do find some farang women and Latinas at that age who are still stunning. SEA women do not age well.Men on the other hand do, which might be one reason why there is so much "chao choo", promiscuity, in Thailand. Thai men leaving their partners for a more youthful version. 

I must have someone special, then. 55, most farangs take her for 35-40. She works at staying young.

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2 minutes ago, thecyclist said:

Extremely special. Like one in a million. 

No way ,my wife is 52 runs and exercises daily ,has the same figure she had 25 yrs ago, takes care of her skin and looks great for her age . it all depends how mucg care you take of  yourself

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8 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

The other thing we have to take into consideration is the majority of guys that come to thailand have hardly had their choice of pretty western girls

I've heard this so many times but I disagree.  'Some men' would be more accurate as its clear that some may not have had much choice in their home countries but the majority? Have you carried out some form of survey?


Most of the foreign men that I know in Thailand, came or come following a divorce back home,  I'm no different - 21 years ago my (UK) wife of 19 years left without warning - it turned out she'd been having an affair for years. I don't consider myself to be particularly handsome but I'd never had a problem finding an attractive partner back home - my ex was a 'stunner'.


Following the divorce I spent a year in the doldrums, approaching middle age and thinking life was over.  I took a trip to Thailand. I regained my confidence and dare I say it, despite some relationship problems from time to time, I've had a much better time than I've ever had.  The bonus point is, in the UK a much younger woman would not even look at me, in Thailand I had a choice and to a lesser degree (these days ????), I still have.


As an aside, my UK ex wife wasn't so lucky. She moved in with the guy she'd been having an affair with but he turned out to be a pervert who sexually and violently abused her and ripped her of most of the inheritance she'd received from her parents - that lasted for 2 years.  We have a daughter so I still see her from time to time.........jeez, she's fat, everything's gone south and she's clearly made a bad decision on some form of lip filler/treatment. She now resembles a trout - a fat trout.

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Surely this all depends on personal experiences.  Thailand is full of ex-pats who have been taken to the cleaners by their western wives and "escaped" to the land of smiles, often guided by their "small head" rather than any real logic.  Thailand certainly ticks a lot of boxes for a divorcee looking to lick their wounds.


But Thailand should come with a buyer beware sticker as well.  In many cases you are not just marrying the girl, you are also marrying the whole family, which can be very extensive and consequently expensive too.  I was lucky, as my wife's family were economically sound with no sick buffaloes in sight.  However there were a few sticky moments, especially when it came to us getting married and my refusal to pay a dowry or have a traditional Thai wedding.  Fortunately my wife and I were on the same page over this.  We got married at the local government office in Hang Dong on a Monday lunchtime and then went to Tesco and got the food shopping for the week.  That was over twenty years ago.

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18 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

most farangs take her for 35-40. She works at staying young.

They're being polite, I say rubbish like that too ........... but I don't mean a word of it.

Never met a woman over 40, that I didn't spot as over 40 in a second.


I also tell my woman she looks like a 20yo .......... I don't mean that either.

But it costs me nothing, and makes her feel good.

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11 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

Wife at 36...true story.....was asked to move from the wing exit seat on a Ryan Air flight to Rome. She was told she had to be over 16.........not sure if the flight attendant was having a dig at me????

Not long after we moved to the UK, my wife was stopped in the street where we live by a concerned neighbour.  They said to her "Do your parents know you are here?"  My wife was 38 at the time and still loves to remind me of it at any opportunity!

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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Not long after we moved to the UK, my wife was stopped in the street where we live by a concerned neighbour.  They said to her "Do your parents know you are here?"  My wife was 38 at the time and still loves to remind me of it at any opportunity!

When we lived in Germany my wife would travel on the bus with her Thai mates, mostly younger than her, and she would only have to pay a child's fare.....they were not happy with that.

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9 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Even though my wife is very smart, I do not get much intellectual stimulation from the relationship. But, I get so much else. And in all of the relationships I was ever in with really smart women, who I got intellectual stimulation from, there was also so much grief to contend with. Such combative women. So much competition. Yikes. Thrilled to death to have left all of that behind. When I was only in the relationship for a year or so, I had dinner with a very sharp American friend. I asked him about that. He laughed. He said, when you feel the need for intellectual stimulation, call me. We can hook up for a meal, and break down the origins of the cosmos. Do not fret. That same brain that gives you that stimulation, also tends to give you so much grief, it is not worth it, on any level. Get over it. Enjoy all of the other qualities, that make your day so delightful and fulfilling. Great advice, that I have followed to this day. I learned long ago that an intellectual woman, who can match me intellectually, also tends to be a combative woman, and the chance of harmony is low. I for one, love a harmonious house, where my woman is joyful and light hearted, with a great sense of humor, and an amazing attitude toward life, and us. Just my point of view. Whatever works for you, stick with it.


One of the most wonderful things about Thailand, is that the judgment level of couples with signifiant differences in age, is not as harsh, as in the west. My wife is quite a bit younger than me too. It works really well for us. When I dated women close to my age back in the US, it rarely ever worked out. Most were very rigid, closed minded, and set in their ways. Plus, many liked to go to bed very early, and behaved as if they were 20 years older than they were. That was not fun. I find younger women to be far more vital, more vigorous, and if you are fortunate to find one, far more open minded and adventurous.

I find when we are out in public many men stare at her, as she is still very attractive and fit, and look at me with envy. Women here seem to be fairly neutral. In the US we get some attention. She gets alot of looks, and the guys look at me like they presume I am a centi-millionaire. The gals look at me like I a felon, and have committed a major crime, by refusing to jump over the hurdles prescribed by them, and taking a shortcut to heaven. That is so much fun. It is a wonderful feeling to watch the Western women squirm and to witness their confusion and disapproval.


Lastly,  I think a large part of the equation is the erosion of femininity in the West. It has gotten so bad, that masculinity is now considered toxic. This is an existential threat to civilization, no doubt. It is me-too, and uber-feminism that has been the real nuclear bomb to relationships and a woman's ability to express herself, have sex freely, date normally, manifest the incredible dignity within femininity, and relate to men, in a healthy manner. It seems to contribute to an extremely unfulfilled female gender, and has resulted in making life very difficult for most men in the West. With Covid, things are even worse than before. A real life Zombieland. Thankfully, little of that toxic nonsense has reached the shores of Thailand. Women here seem to intuitively know how powerful their innate femininity is, and they use it to the fullest. I am very thankful for that. I think many have simply rejected alot of mind numbingly, wrong headed Western notions, that women are saddled with. 

Now, this says posted 9 hours ago, but I'm sure I've read this exact same comment from you before.  Is it from a blog post or something?  Nothing wrong with that if it is, just curious.  (Could be having a bout of Deja vu, of course, but it feels very real.)

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7 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

When we lived in Germany my wife would travel on the bus with her Thai mates, mostly younger than her, and she would only have to pay a child's fare.....they were not happy with that.

sounds like a spinner

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