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No prostitution this Songkran: RTP makes priorities clear for safe holidays


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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The police hierarchy also demanded that individual stations come up with plans for Songkran that are clear.  

Better plan would be to say they wanted each station to decide what level if reduction in the police salary for the month can be withheld for failure to attain such Songkran plan results - i'd expect the bar pretty low if that happened

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Guessing I'll just be in violation once again of incessant, inane Thai rules and regs. No buying alcohol...BUYING. No drinking alcohol...DRINKING. No prostitution...IMBIBING. Wasn't even really planning on it, but now it's guaranteed! ????

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So let's get this str8 you can get drunk and drive

you can drive without a license

you can drive a motorcycle without a helmet

You can smoke pot


You can get a date at a bar

OOPS sorry bars are closed

You can get a date for the night at a restaurant

But you can not get a date on the street.




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"Some 50% of the entire police force will be directly employed in Songkran related activities." So, what are those 50% doing during the rest of the year, i.e. from Songkran to Songkran? 

They do not have to fight prostitution, as latter is forbidden by law anyhow and hence does not exist. In the unlikely case it would exist, where would some of the gifted boys in brown get "serviced", if services are halted during Songkran?

Questions over questions - very confusing indeed! 

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It reads typical of any major event. Operational orders with a clear mission and objectives that are left to commanding officers of jurisdictions to choose. 

Post operational debriefs are then made to the chiefs and officers will need to show successful results - whether that be reduced road tolls, traffic enforcement,  reductuon in injuries, alcohol related crime and other peculiar additions such as prostitution! A blitz operation.  

Rinse and repeat with police forces around the world.  

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5 hours ago, hughrection said:

RTP list of things to do.


1. Ignore bikes driving down the wrong side of the road

2. Give tickets to only foreigners who don't have a helmet

3. Try to stay awake in the booth

4. Stop people from getting their hole

5. Don't stop any high end cars no matter if they are all over the road

6. Have fun.


????  Have a great Songkran you guys in the colour brown.


Your item 2 is incorrect. I have seen many Thais being given a fine for no helmet

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