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U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, ending 50 years of federal abortion rights


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And the consequences of strict abortion laws are already being felt by women who miscarry. 

In Texas, abortion laws inhibit care for miscarriages

As the Supreme Court appears poised to return abortion regulation to the states, recent experience in Texas illustrates that medical care for miscarriages and dangerous ectopic pregnancies would also be threatened if restrictions become more widespread.

One Texas law passed last year lists several medications as abortion-inducing drugs and largely bars their use for abortion after the seventh week of pregnancy. But two of those drugs, misoprostol and mifepristone, are the only drugs recommended in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists guidelines for treating a patient after an early pregnancy loss.



The article goes on to say how the other treatment called a surgical uterine evacuation is procedurally identical to an abortion


And here's a link to another article from a practicing ob-gyn doctor in Alabama which backs this up in horrifying detail.



Here's a link to a scholarly paper on the subject





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17 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

It's a human life from conception.

It's a collection of dividing cells, if you can tell me when those cells become a sentient being I'm all ears.


It's  about religion, an area where America excels in variety and stupidity. Oddly enough, there are religious bodies gearing up for challenges to the ruling on the basis of infringement of religious freedom.




The lawyers must be overjoyed with the employment the Supreme Court has created.



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Just now, BangkokReady said:

Doesn't the woman in some way consent to this responsibility when she chooses to have sex?

when did choosing to have sex also insinuate you want a baby? This is a completely different argument and full of if's and buts, but more than happy to pursue it if you want?

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Over 40 percent of women who have had an abortion say they were frequent churchgoers at the time they ended their pregnancies and about a half of them say they kept their abortions hidden from church members, new LifeWay Research shows.

In a survey released Monday that was sponsored by the pregnancy center support organization Care Net, researchers from the Christian research group LifeWay found that about 70 percent of women who had an abortion self-identified as Christians, while 43 percent say they attended a Christian church at least once per month or more at the time they aborted their child


The hypocrisy of the Christian religious right is disgusting.  They will bad mouth and protest against abortion and judge others, until they need one.   Sad and shameful.

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I feel profoundly sad for all the women of this nation. As a man I cannot understand the experience of such a painful life affecting decision as to need to terminate a pregnancy.

It is not my place as man, or if I was of of the female gender either, to determine what another person choses to do with their own body.

So much for freedom, self-determination, and 'the shining light on the hill' BS. A nation devolving into a dark dystopian abyss.

I'm so grateful, humbled, and glad my passport hails me from a nation which is actually democratic, and most definitely not this one.

Edited by Tropposurfer
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2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

I believe that's more so, they rule on their conscious and doing so in line with what the Constitution says, rather than being politicized, and worry about not having a job, if they go against their 'boss'.  Job for life, erases that fear.


It IS the last checks & balance of the Republic & democracy base on the Constitution.


Granted, getting there, may have been political, but once there, the job is secure and in theory, politics shouldn't sway their rulings.  More than a few judges have voted, contrary to what 'their party' expected when appointed.


Remember, every appointee has to be confirmed by a majority of the elected representatives.  No system is perfect, but the Constitution has endured for 235 yrs.


If they, a Judge does screw up bad enough, in theory, they can be removed.


If only the voters actually paid attention to who they are electing, along with their voting record, instead of who puts out the best commercials at election time.


How many yanks actually 'know' what the ruling was, instead of 'abortions are now banned' by Republicans ... hmm


This thread pretty much proves that point. IMHO

I agree with you.

In a way it makes sense that their positions are for live - independent of the current political leaders.

On the other hand it seems they have a lot of space for controversial decisions. It would be nice if they would look at what the people want - together with the constitutional restrictions. 

I guess all in all it is like democracy: not perfect, but the alternatives are not any better.

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23 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

Your anger and childish unwillingness to bother to understand or engage with what I have written is noted. ????

"...childish unwillingness to bother to understand...."


Is that how you describe opinions that differ from yours? Not much point debating then and you can make a note of that.

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This is an emotive issue and very polarizing, plus there is little possibility of debate on it, as everyone seems to be a complete zealot one side or the other... and has thus been so for a long time. There is something to be said for just leaving it to individual states to decide, as it gives them the power to do so, rather than it being a federal law as it seems increasingly clear in the US that some one-shoe-fits-all laws don't really work because society, in general, is becoming so split on almost everything.

However, SCOTUS doing this is very unusual as it is essentially revoking its previous decision, which isn't exactly a great idea mostly, unless a very long time has passed that isn't really the case in this one. Although, they sure just pretty much tossed a load of gasoline on an already raging fire here.

Personally, even though I'm a man and my opinion doesn't really matter, I thought that the balance of very early stage abortion being OK but anything later wasn't, was about as reasonable a compromise as you're likely to get. Trouble is now, that things are just getting hopelessly out of control and bitter on so many issues and no-one really wants to discuss/debate anything... just pursue the "My way or the highway" angle goaded on by the media and its sensationalism.

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1 hour ago, Brian Allen said:

 .... United States Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade - ending 50 years of "federal abortion rights" .... 


A more accurate headline may have read: "united States' Supreme Court corrects Roe v Wade - sends abortion matters back to We, The People." Back, that is, to our Fifty Sovereign States.


And: thus; restored both legality and constitutionality to the, previously, lawlessly and from-the-whole-cloth and penumbra's-and-emanations-adjudicated matter -- and enlarged and expanded our beloved fraternal republic's range of options. 

Actually this decision takes back this matter from the "People", who could previously make a free and individual decision. Now, one part if the People will be imposed a decision by another part of the People.

Edited by candide
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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

I think the act of rape would make it a different scenario.

Not according to the laws of Texas and Louisiana, and maybe Alabama. In fact some States are planning to ban the morning after pill. It is possible fertilization hasn't even yet occurred, and if it has, it might be a 2-4 cell zygote, hardly ready for entry into Harvard or his/her first iPhone. Texas and Louisiana are also going to make interstate travel in order to seek an abortion a crime.


Now it's funny that those who argue a fetus is human might take exception in the case of rape. The 'fetus' is guilty of something like Original Sin?


Which is it...a 'sacred' life or a criminal deserving of capital punishment?



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As usual, it will be the poor people who will suffer.


The "hated" liberal educated classes are living in liberal States, or will be able to pay to travel to other countries and avoid legal traps.


On top of it, poor people living in GOP States are governed by a party which is keen on reducing social spending, cut family planning spending, favours subsidising married couples rather than single mothers, etc... 

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

It's a collection of dividing cells, if you can tell me when those cells become a sentient being I'm all ears.


But you cannot deny that it happens sometime. Correct ?


The whole topic is one of accepting that "subtle" elements exists. How else could consciousness arise ? Consciousness is not derived from matter as is the current scientific mantra. Has nothing to do with religion. Just a big scientific error. But this forum is not a place to discuss it I would suggest.


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14 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Not according to the laws of Texas and Louisiana, and maybe Alabama. In fact some States are planning to ban the morning after pill. It is possible fertilization hasn't even yet occurred, and if it has, it might be a 2-4 cell zygote, hardly ready for entry into Harvard or his/her first iPhone. Texas and Louisiana are also going to make interstate travel in order to seek an abortion a crime.


Now it's funny that those who argue a fetus is human might take exception in the case of rape. The 'fetus' is guilty of something like Original Sin?


Which is it...a 'sacred' life or a criminal deserving of capital punishment?



If they do ban the morning after pill, they are also banning the only pharmaceutical treatment for a miscarriage. The other treatment is surgically identical to the procedure for an abortion.

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15 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Not according to the laws of Texas and Louisiana, and maybe Alabama. In fact some States are planning to ban the morning after pill. It is possible fertilization hasn't even yet occurred, and if it has, it might be a 2-4 cell zygote, hardly ready for entry into Harvard or his/her first iPhone. Texas and Louisiana are also going to make interstate travel in order to seek an abortion a crime.


Now it's funny that those who argue a fetus is human might take exception in the case of rape. The 'fetus' is guilty of something like Original Sin?


Which is it...a 'sacred' life or a criminal deserving of capital punishment?



Please post evidence where the pill is going to be banned. I'm curious

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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It would be nice if they would look at what the people want - together with the constitutional restrictions. 

Unfortunately for some people, that not their choice.  Either adheres to the Constitution, or it's declared unenforceable.  Out of here ????


Although, coming from a federal level, there's a lot of leeway, for states to push the limits, until it violates the Constitution.  On other matters anyway.


Now on abortion, Feds are out of it, now it's entirely up to the states, and what the voters decide.  You really can't get any fairer than that.


TBH, I really don't think much is going to change.   Really don't understand all the drama.  Seems more like distraction to me.


Those with strict laws already, will probably move closer to a total ban.  Probably with an exception or 2.  People can always travel few states over, as if they aren't already doing it, or simply start acting responsible.  If not wanting kids, don't get pregnant.


Here's a map of now, and maybe, and really not any big surprises, accuracy unknown, source NY Times:




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20 hours ago, proton said:

The choice is having sex with no contraception, nobody should have the choice to kill a child because they could not be bothered to

No. Many pregnancies result from circumstances in which the woman has no choice whatsoever -- namely, rape. And even in consensual sex, the choice to have “sex with no contraception” is made by both parties to the sex, not just the woman, yet the male party bears no actual (legal) responsibility whatsoever for the consequences. How about a law requiring all men to undergo vasectomies until they are deemed mature enough to have sex responsibly, as determined by a panel of women judges, at which point the vasectomy can be reversed? Let’s start messing with men’s bodies -- seems only fair.

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2 hours ago, riclag said:

Can't imagine what its like to be aborted! Its heavily censored,all those transparent details!  Women still have the pill,planned parenthood and other states for "help" when and if they decide to abort a baby!


Democracy working again, tirelessly  in the states ! They apparently made a wrong decision in 1973 imop. It took all this time to bring it to the people(the states) to correct it imop

It's painful for me to say this but when a baby is aborted the doctor sticks a long needle into the baby's head, than the brain  it is sucked through a tube, than the rest is pulled out, the baby feels great pain if abortion  is late. So within a few days there will be protest everywhere in the states but more then half the people don't even know why they are going, to protesting about what? Abortions will still be taking place but you may have to travel to another state. Maybe this will give them more time to think about the baby.

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Add in 2017 to 2022, and you're probably knocking on the total population of Thailand.   That's a lot of irresponsible people.   One has to wonder if many are not simply using abortion as 'birth control.


"ABORTION statistics

The Consequences of Roe v. Wade. 63,459,781. Total abortions since 1973. Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2017,"
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