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Has the world gone woke or mad


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Yes:  Mad and Woke


Can you blame them?


Slavery is a terrible thing.

And, America has been paying the price for its sin of slavery, during the past two-hundred years.


I think that probably Lyndon Johnson knew much about slavery, and how slavery can tear apart any country.

Johnson was from Texas, after all.


But, it's all about STEAM CONTROL, as Tom Wolfe said.

You gotta know how to control the steam.


And, sometimes you just can't control the steam, and then, you see things like the Watts riots...





It's all about Steam Control.


It's all about what Lead Belly was singing about....


It's all about: Jumpin' Down and Pickin' Cotton


Slavery is not only wrong.

But, past sins will always come back to haunt.




There will always come the day when you can no longer control the steam.

And, maybe, now is the day.


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27 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Perhaps "mad" is more appropriately used for the 291 repub candidates on the ballot who are election deniers, or the repubs who think an appropriate Christmas Card is a photo of the entire family---dad, mom and the kiddies---all sporting AR-15 rifles, or the hypocrite repubs who bark about 'her emails' (a couple of lowly classified CONFIDENTIAL, later declassified), when they excuse the fact 45 stole hundreds of TS/SCI and HCS classified documents and kept them in his club---then lied about returning the stolen property.


The woke on the left are silly, but they are an extremely small minority of the side, whereas election deniers, fascists, democracy haters, QAnons and Incels are a majority of the right. The right, I would be willing to bet, is also the home to the highest percent of obese people. Nothing manly about a male looking 8 months pregnant or with spare tires that would fit an Airbus A380. The data shows that Red States are also the biggest parasites (get much more from the Federal Govt than their citizens pay in taxes), have the highest percentage of citizens on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI is the largest 'employer' in KY, TN and WV), and also the highest percentage of opioid addiction.


Oh, and the biggest whiny little b!tch in the entire world is 45, who is always crying about 'UNFAIR' and other things.


45 is also the biggest loser of the night, as many of the candidates he endorsed lost.

In a woke world there is no judgement.

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24 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Yes, thats where it gets dodgy.

A good sign Republicans haven't done well is when the election fraud stuff comes out.

3 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Putin invaded Ukraine cause Biden is so weak. Never happens under Trump.

If you are correct it looks like, not for the first or last time, Putin got it wrong. 

Edited by Fat is a type of crazy
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I don't know about you guys...however...


I just feel glad that the time is nigh!


The time is now upon us when we can finally lay down our white man's burden.


Such a very heavy burden that we have carried...


The white man's burden has almost broken our backs.

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6 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

I think we have a working definition of "woke"... just look up!


Someone who obsesses about former politicians and lets them live rent free in their head. Keeps a ready made, memorized list of grievances and complaints at the ready, eager to insert them into any discussion, no matter how irrelevant.

This is not the correct definition of woke, of course.


Why not do a bit of research?

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5 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

This is not the correct definition of woke, of course.


Why not do a bit of research?

Merriam-Webster added the word to its dictionary in 2017, defining it as, "aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)." 

But the meaning of woke evolved again with the rise of "cancel culture" -- as the two terms saw increased use, they became intertwined in the public consciousness. Often, someone gets canceled after they say something insensitive – something not woke. So in addition to meaning aware and progressive, many people now interpret woke to be a way to describe people who would rather silence their critics than listen to them.




Fair enough?

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17 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

I think we have a working definition of "woke"... just look up!


Someone who obsesses about former politicians and lets them live rent free in their head. Keeps a ready made, memorized list of grievances and complaints at the ready, eager to insert them into any discussion, no matter how irrelevant.

Your use of the adjective "former" is an illustration of the lack of awareness you possess with regard to the real peril America and the free world is in, and I'm not even American.

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1 minute ago, seedy said:

I never did any of those things, and refuse to apologize, make reparations to, or feel sorry for what happened 200 years ago.

How far back do you want to go - should Genghis Khan's Mongol people apologize for what was done ?

The world has to stop living in the past, resurrecting every harm done to one person by another.


You miss the fundamental crux of the matter. 


We will pay the price, and we have been paying the price, for the sins of our fathers. 


Or, do you think that hanging fruit on a poplar tree cannot affect generations to come? 


Get real. 

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13 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Just like Ripleys Believe it or Not....

Arizona: Democrat-run Elections Descend Into Turmoil

as Voting Machines Mysteriously Malfunction.

Lunacy of the unexpected results.

What are the issues that get you so stirred up? 


Are you voting for anything meaningful? 


Or, are you just voting for the right to drink Coke rather than Pepsi? 

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4 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Get real. 

So ... it is 'Real' to feel guilty for what someone else did in the past ?

If you wish to believe that - go right ahead.

When mankind first appeared, and person #3 was born, then it was 2 against 1.

The world Was - Is Now - and Forever Shall be "Survival of the Fittest"

In the Capitolocracy we now live in, "He Who has the Gold Makes the Rules"

They are the 'Most Fit' ... for now


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I see Candace Owens reported on a Norwegian able bodied bloke who identifies as, not only a woman, but a disabled one from the waist down. He wheels himself/ herself around in a wheelchair. Lot of wokeness borders on mental illness

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