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How bad are the hospitals really


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Yep, that sounds pretty much like what happens nigh on every week in the village that I stay in.


That's Thailand.


Have you not noticed before?



Edited by Enoon
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Sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation.

Unfortunately that appears the way government hospitals function in those  circumstances.  
You might contact this government hospital.  They might be able to help or advise 


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Good friend of mine hooked up with a Thai nurse years ago.   She worked at Bum for 13 years before going tp USA on an Ed visa.   She recently completed her two year degree in Nursing and is now enrolled in a 4 year program.


The comments of comparison from her are very entertaining.  But the most significant advancement in her opinion is the med staff working as a team and not being isolated as a Nurse.


She is also shocked a medical fees and doctor salaries in Yankland.

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I am privately insured and have been in the hospital on several occasions and have had the best service I could ask for. Yes it’s a private hospital, but you get what you pay for. I also have been able to get OxyContin for the last few years so it is here and available. It’s not cheap but if you need it you can get it. I found the hospital service in America horrible and so expensive that I wait until I’m here to see the doctor. I have always been treated with the utmost care. I guess it is different for the public hospitals by the sounds of it so take her to a private hospital and get her the pain medication she needs and treatment she deserves at the end of her life. 

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11 hours ago, worgeordie said:

While I have never actually been a patient in the hospital , I have had plenty of

Out Patient treatment  in Government Hospitals and it has been excellent,


One morning I woke up to find I was paralysed from the chest down , I had

stepped off a high curb in the market while carrying a sack of potatoes in

one hand and bag of onions in the other, I heard and felt a pop in my back,

but thought nothing more about it,


Went to OP every day for 4 months , cost B174 per day ,for different kinds

of treatments ,till I could move on crutches ,then walking stick , and after

that could walk again , but the left leg not 100 % , so I have only good things

to say about the Thai health system , 


Regards Worgeordie

Yes in your case, but in this cancer case and ALL cancer-cases here in Thailand it is alarmingly bad, really bad. Just as OP said.... People are being sent hoem to die home.. Discusting...

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12 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

Very sad situation for you and family but this is exactly the same as my late wife in Australia. She had cancer, had all known treatments but the doctors decided that they could do no more so sent her home to die. Hard to take at the time but probably the best way, being home with family and friends.

They do that in England send them home to die they can get home help from the social services, 

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i Travel and work   much in other countries 

had trouble in New zealand  crap service expensive left for 2 days on a examining trolly 2 days 

couldent diagnose  Back to Thailand they found the ecoly food bacteria was going wild in my system fixed in no time 

united kingdom waited 6 Hours to get 4 stiches in a bad cut hand 


india  realy no comment Bad Bad/  Russia  helpfull but  no medical kit drugs bandages 

 ect ect 

Here in Thailand my partner works in the hospital overloaded with work  starts at 6 gets back at 5 maybe 200 people arriving  everyone has a limit  In europe the medical system is also stretched 

and you have to wait maybe 6 weeks to get appointment  



a tip   most doctors that work in hospitals normaly have a private evening clinic  use that it need to be paid but isnt that all here 


was at Utradit private hospitall not a great difference in the service from them or goverment  just the waiting time but tats everywhere u have to wait and wait and wait thats life 

i think it is thai tradition to look after the sick at home especialy with the last stage of cancer 

we also look after her mother  she is also terminated 

but no one complains 


i say good luck to u hopefully  it ends good  


i dont know where you are from maybe u can compare your medical treatment in your country and Thailand     and waiting times appointment times  

Realy here is not to bad  





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8 minutes ago, glegolo18 said:

People are being sent hoem to die home.. Discusting...

This is an issue of control norms and not an issue of deprivation or cruelty or incompetence.


Please see the substantive comment by Nurse Sheryl ( @Sheryl) in another recent topic on palliative care in a forum post by a member who is about to die.

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From my experiences in governmental or private hospitals, at least in the bigger cities, the doctors and nurses do their very best. The health system is much better than in the real third world. However, in very special issues, treatments and surgeries, knowledge, equipment and medicine yet didn't reach the level of more specialized hospitals/clinics in more advanced countries (Japan or Switzerland for instance). Some people travel to Thailand to get a better treatment but some Thai people travel to Japan for difficult surgeries if they may afford.


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I have seen first hand the exact same thing with a former girlfriends grandma.

her grandma sent home to die after her mother took care of her at the hospital. I watched her lying on the floor in agony as the family tried to help her.

thai or falang, it doesn’t matter in Thailand, money is number one, don’t ever forget it!

healthcare can be good, if you have money! IF!

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