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Donald and the US expats.

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If I had suffered 7 years of <deleted> from the Dems, I would definitely want revenge on them. I hope he gets his opportunity.

His wounds are self-inflicted, nothing to do with the Dems, everything to do with his criminality and the American justice system.

His supporters swallow his lies, they are losers, just like him. $83 million E Jean Carroll, anywhere between $300 and $500 million for the NY fraud.

$55 million gone on lawyers who can't defend him, because he won't keep his mouth shut.

Hope away. As Bill Barr ( former ally ) said, he's toast.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I can think of a different candidate that has told a few porkies that has some gullible loser supporters too.

IIRC you accused me of TDS. Seems there is BDS as well.

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Not a joke.

Dead serious. 




Donald Trump is a dictator in waiting. Like other dictators, he is threatening to put his "enemies" in prison – and to do even worse things to them. These are not idle threats or empty acts of ideation: Donald Trump is a violent man who is a proven enemy of democracy and freedom.


Yup.  If I believed the author of that link, I'd be scared poopless, too.  But to me it looks more like confession by projection.  


Perfect example:  Douglass Mackey.  And he's just one of dozens (maybe hundreds).



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13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Interesting point, and something like that is entirely possible. This is a man who is guided by hatred, has an extremely dark heart, and has nothing in the way of a moral compass, so unless the people around him are able to stop him, unless Congress or the Senate are bold enough to stop him, there's no way to know how far he would go.


There's no question that he's an extremist imbecile who would attempt insane policy, if given a second term. Anyone but Trump!

Agree but who? Like many people Biden has made them question voting democrat.  I know many/most love  him and just like Trump, he could kill someone and they would still vote for him.   


Why all the lousy baby boomer President candidates?  Baby boomers seem to rule the world at the moment and I for one would love some churn. 

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9 minutes ago, impulse said:


Yup.  If I believed the author of that link, I'd be scared poopless, too.  But to me it looks more like confession by projection.  


Perfect example:  Douglass Mackey.  And he's just one of dozens (maybe hundreds).



IMO the closer Trump gets to looking like winning, the more desperate they will be to denigrate him, and making up lies will be the way they will likely go. IMO they already did so before with the Steele report.

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As an expat, my only concern is that my SS would be ended, halved, or frozen. I see it more likely under the Republicans than under the Democrats. The Republicans are always looking to kill entitlements, and it would be one that could easily done without much resistance and would put a feather in their cap.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No, I'd rather that they'd negotiated and not had a war at all.

Now it looks like Ukraine will end up at the negotiating table anyway and so many deaths and destruction in between.

Much of the world seems to live under tyrannical regimes, so why is Eastern Ukraine different? It's not like Ukrainian leaders have been beacons of love and light, is it? Democracy? Don't make me laugh.

So, a long way of saying that Ukraine should surrender. So if Putin decides to invade Lithuania next year, the Lithuanians should just surrender to avoid so much death and destruction? Where do you stop?

Ukraine’s leaders were anything but perfect, and there was much corruption, but you can’t even compare them with Putin’s evil. 

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I can think of a different candidate that has told a few porkies that has some gullible loser supporters too.

A few ... more like every one, except for JFK, as he was pretty straight up, aside from personal life.  No BS, and admitted his failure when having a policy oops. 


Reagan had Alzheimer's, so gets a pass, but Bush (ex CIA) had to know about the Contra BS.

Edited by KhunLA
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2 hours ago, impulse said:


SS isn't generally an entitlement.  It's money we paid into the system and now we're getting some of it back.  That's not the kind of program that conservatives are likely to cut.


That's very different from paying people not to work, especially those who have no right to even be in the USA.


Yes, but we don't live there. Ask the Brits or the Aussies about their benefits away from their home country. Think about it, why should they give us a COLA when we don't live in the country where the COLA set?

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They say that money ruins people, so a positive if trump was elected again  would be that I will not be ruined 

When trump took over non 2016 the dollar was 35.6 bht a year later it was 32,6 

Under Biden no the dollar is 36.8 .

When I transferred $1000 earlier I got about 4,000  baht more. than I would have has under trump.

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

1. In addition to passing a massive tax cut for wealthy business owners, Trump and Republicans in Congress have rolled back important worker protections, advanced nominees to key administration posts who have a history of exploiting working people, and taken other actions that further rig the system in favor of corporate interests and the wealthiest Americans.


2. President Trump and congressional Republicans have blocked regulations that protect workers’ pay and safety. Two of the blocked regulations are the Workplace Injury and Illness recordkeeping rule, and the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces rule. By blocking these rules, the president and Congress are raising the risks for workers while rewarding companies that put their employees at risk.


3. The Trump administration was able to fully pack the Fed’s Board of Governors with Quarles-like candidates, who gave Wall Street free rein while prematurely raising interest rates to slow the economic expansion just as it has finally begun to reach many working families.


4. On January 20, 2017—his very first day in office—Trump failed workers when he nominated Andrew Puzder, then-CEO of CKE Restaurants (the parent company of Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s), to be secretary of the Department of Labor. Puzder has opposed raising the minimum wage and the overtime salary threshold, criticized paid sick time proposals and health and safety regulations, and was CEO of a company with a record of violating worker protection laws and regulations. While his nomination was ultimately withdrawn due in great part to intense pressure from workers’ rights advocates, Trump’s original selection made a powerful statement—the president was prepared to support a labor nominee who is hostile to policies that would benefit the nation’s workers.


I could go on, and on and on. The environmental policies he passed were similarly atrocious. 




Keep voting for the woke party. You get Harris and wokeness.

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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

Believe me, if I had a decent Republican alternative, I would switch. Don Don is not that. He is nowhere near decent, and never has been. And he is an awful leader. No thanks. I would pick Vin Diesel over Trump. 

You are voting Harris then. Don't whinge when it's a mess.

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