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Thai university lecturer tried to murder me and got away with it.

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7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

The only win would have been for me not to have been injured in the first place. Even me killing the guy wouldn't be a win, as I don't wish injury on any other living being.


Quite frankly,

I'm surprised the police traced him.

I'm surprised my gov min covered the accident.

I'm surprised his insurance repaired my m/c.


I'll be astounded if his insurance give me 4 months sick pay they offered.


I assumed right at the start I'd be footing the bill for everything.


So far, after the hit an run, it's all been a win for me, I didn't think I'd ever ride my mountain bike again.

Drivers life has not had any interruption at all. Paid a few quid and business as usual. 

Nice story to tell all his mates over a bottle of Sangsom.

You had extensive injuries which would have taken a couple years to recover fully from if at all.

We have a very different view on winning. 

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Just now, pub2022 said:

Well, let's just say that many of them do not really like us.


Well, lets just say, thats your racist bigotry surfacing. 


Having been here for a couple of decades, I have on rare occasions felt that the person I am dealing with is particularly 'anti-foreigner' (one lady at the DLT Area 3 in Bangkok springs to mind)...  


But, I don't project a few minor negative encounters and then paint with a broad sweeping brush.


In contrast to your negativity [Pub2022], I find that the vast majority of Thai's have no opinion of foreigners whatsoever, they are simply indifferent as there is no interaction. 


I also find that across all socio-economic-educational brackets the Thai's with whom I interact, either on a regular or temporary basis show a level of respect and comfort around me that highlights your statement that 'many of them do not really like us' is completely false....    


...  You could be talking from a personal perspective and have found that for numerous reasons you may not endear yourself to the average Thai and encounter unfavourable response as a result, however, I think most on this forum find daily interaction with Thai's quite a normal encounter and not something which indicates any hint of what you are suggesting (Thai's being racist against foreigners - certainly not on a daily interaction face to face basis)... 



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The first priority for police and courts in Thailand is to close cases and resolve them without much fuss. I am speaking from experience.


If you don't press the police to file criminal charges then they likely wont by themselves. And if you don't press them then you can't complain that the police nor court aren't doing anything. A cheap lawyer will cost a few thousand bath to push it along. You said you don't need money so that shouldn't be an issue.


So either spend the time and effort to make something happen or accept it and let it go.

Edited by eisfeld
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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

As you did not die or suffer permanent disability, and the medical costs have been paid,  the police likely feel that the matter is settled.


We know from the OP that the university lecturer "admitted the attempted murder" and about "his insurance agreeing to pay all my costs"


We don't know whether the OP, on his part, agreed to anything, eg that with the insurance company paying all his costs he accepted that the matter was settled as far as he was concerned and that he would make no claim beyond that.


Anyway, the OP's lament is not about additional financial compensation but the fact that the university lecturer was not brought to court and sentenced. If that were the case, even a lawyer could not help him because where there is no accuser, there is no case to be heard and adjudicated by a court.

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As indicated by others, you need to take action first...  Of course, you will wait, wait, and wait... and the Ajaan Laughs all the way home... reverse this... get the press on your side.. look at that Swiss national.... plenty of press right now, causing some action... 

All the best mate.


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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

So October last year a Thai lecturer from my local university followed my m/c and ran me down in his pickup, hit and run.

Apparently I bumped his car that made him angry, my injuries 5 broken ribs, broken collar bone, collapsed lung, much lost skin and damaged muscles.

The police traced him from traffic light video, and he admitted the attempted murder.

4 months later ........ nothing ............


Why can Thais try to murder foreigners an nothing happens?

But insult a Thai and you will be arrested and deported?


Are we less important than dogs?


(evidence, police video of the hit and run, signed confession by perp, his insurance agreeing to pay all my costs)

Wow, extreme over reaction by the Thai professor.


But "Apparently I bumped his car that made him angry", ... apparently?

You were unaware?


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3 minutes ago, cdemundo said:

Wow, extreme over reaction by the Thai professor.


But "Apparently I bumped his car that made him angry", ... apparently?

You were unaware?




Indeed....   So...    Apparently BritMans bag bumped the Thai Guys Car....   


But this bump was not significant enough for BritMan to notice...  but significant enough for the driver to notice....


Seems there is something missing here....   Is BritMan being completely open with the facts ???   he's refusing to comment on this 'trigger point'....      


I'm wondering why...  Either...


- There was no impact and the driver is just immensely unhinged. 

- There was very minor impact, the driver heard it but Brit didnt notice and rode on, angering the driver more (due to lack of apology).

- The Impact caused damage, but Brit didn't notice ? and didnt stop.

- The impact caused damage and Brit rode on regardless and got caught by the angry driver.



It seems the aim of the thread is not to discuss facts, or even to discussion what may have triggered such a response. 

It seems the aim of this thread is to garner sympathy that a University Lecturer tried to Kill BritMan.....  facts are less important. 






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4 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Nonsense, just barstool talk.

if you think the police and the court judicial system is honest, fair & just .. then your extremely naive.  I've been there done that several times over the years ... kangaroo court it's called..


but you believe what you want Fritz ... or maybe you could go and teach them all a lesson ..😂

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4 hours ago, Lee65 said:

IF BritManToo had scratched the guy's car, flipped him the bird, told him his mother wore army boots, was flying a British flag on his motorbike, and mooned him ... would that justify "attempted murder" or even vehicular assault?


Well, there's the mooning ... :unsure:


But the others?


No you are correct.

But BritManToo is playing the poor innocent.

Didn't even know he bumped him "apparently" he bumped him.

But then he admits he knew he bumped him, was there a confrontation that led to this?

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Apparently, my misses thinks things are happening but very slowly.

(I've told her I won't be bringing anymore money into Thailand until this guy is in jail)


It's frustrating that a foreigner speaking rudely to a Thai doctor gets instant court action.

But a Thai attempting to kill a foreigner is not important!

@BritManToo Take it to the news media in your own home country.  You'll probably have a more understanding audience back home if you can find a paper who will pick up the story.  Find a paper or reporter who covered one of the "Thai Murders Farang" news stories and see if they'll run with it.

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2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

if you think the police and the court judicial system is honest, fair & just .. then your extremely naive.  I've been there done that several times over the years ... kangaroo court it's called..


but you believe what you want Fritz ... or maybe you could go and teach them all a lesson ..😂

I have been here for a very long time, know many people (from poor to very rich) and get along with a lot of them. There always will racist people as in every country.

If you make the effort to speak the language, respect people and behave normal, you won't have many issues. If you do get an issue don't run away but stand your ground. If you ignore the locals, don't respect them and marry a bargirl which could be your grandchild, you won't get any respect.

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You don't knock a bag into a car if you are properly following a vehicle in front of you. It seems this motorbike driver was weaving in and out of traffic like the Thais do. It is insanity to ride a motorbike in Thailand.

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Just now, connda said:

Yes - we are less important than dogs.  I mean, that's made clear annually for anyone who is a male farang married to a Thai woman. 


We, who is the 'we' ????  ...  Do you mean, yourself and anyone else so weak-minded to accept being treated like this ???


Because, I can comment with certainty that my Western Friends Married here and myself are most certainly not treated like a dog... i.e. we are not at the dog status in the pecking order...    I do know one who would believe so, but thats more do to with the way he acts, getting drunk every night and treating his wife disrespectfully and her him, he get treated like a dog and its not a situation I'd allow myself to be in. 



Just now, connda said:

Now if you had "kicked him in the back as he sat gazing at the stars" they'd be talking about throwing you in prison and deporting you. 


No they wouldn't... and they're not talking about that for the SwissMan either - in fact they have publically stated that they are not taking this course of action. 


You have also missed the point that this was a civil case and compensation was solved through 'civil channels' and no criminal case (as yet, exists - for the Swiss Man kicking the Doctor). 


Just now, connda said:

Institutionalized racism is the norm. 


No its not, but I imagine playing the victim is in your household is if you are so quick to jump to such a conclusions. 



Just now, connda said:

It's an unfortunate reality for those of us who have tried to make this a real "home" as we support Thai families. 


So you feel you are treated at the level of a dog, are treated with racism... and you accept this ??? - thats very depressing. 



Just now, connda said:

I feel for you.  Paying your medical bills doesn't quite meet what most of us would consider equal protection by the Thai authorities.  "Arf arf - errr hong hong" 


Its the same protection a Thai would receive in similar circumstances - do you think a Thai would get millions of baht in compensation ?

They wouldn't, unless the case were taken public by the media... 



I do agree, after all the pain and agony Brit faced, there should be some form of compensation. 


I also agree that Criminal Charges should be investigated, but only IF ops statement is correct and the driver has admitted in a police statement that he chased down Brit with the intent of killing him....  

But, I think it more likely that the statement includes the admittance that 'the Driver was angered by Brit who's bag struck the car and Brit rode off without apology so he chased him down and accidentally hit him' (or words to that effect)... 


We can't tell if Brit is being defensive and refusing to answer questions about the incident that may not shine a favourable light on his own actions. 


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11 minutes ago, steven100 said:

if you think the police and the court judicial system is honest, fair & just .. then your extremely naive.  I've been there done that several times over the years ... kangaroo court it's called..


but you believe what you want Fritz ... or maybe you could go and teach them all a lesson ..😂


I know of numerous cases where the Westerner has been treated fairly... 


On the other hand I know of nearly every single thread you have posted in Steven100 where you put down Thai's and accuse them of all negative things under the sun....   


With absolutely certainty you wont be relaying an stories which are without bias - its not in your posting DNA to be fair or factual when referring to anything Thai. 




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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

* It was an ex GF who assisted - not someone of influence herself, but an overseas Masters Graduate and someone from a background of relative wealth so the police could tell I was not your everyday breed of expat monger.... so I suspect that may have made a difference. 

Makes a huge difference! 

If the g/f was Buriram Noi, they would see that your influence would likely be very low.

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3 minutes ago, WhatMeWorry said:

You don't knock a bag into a car if you are properly following a vehicle in front of you. It seems this motorbike driver was weaving in and out of traffic like the Thais do. It is insanity to ride a motorbike in Thailand.


For anyone who's ridden a long time, it happens...  not daily, but it happens. 


I took off side panniars for that reason, but sometimes have a football kit bag on the back that sticks out at the sides slightly, easy to knock a mirror when splitting traffic etc... 


So the act of 'brushing' someone else's car is not cause for this escalation of 'chase down and vehicular assault'...  

So, either the driver is a complete wrong un....   or Brits side of the story needs balancing out a little so we can see what really triggered the driver. 

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18 minutes ago, connda said:

Yes - we are less important than dogs.  I mean, that's made clear annually for anyone who is a male farang married to a Thai woman.  Now if you had "kicked him in the back as he sat gazing at the stars" they'd be talking about throwing you in prison and deporting you. 

You sound bitter, I wonder of you are over 60?

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5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


I know of numerous cases where the Westerner has been treated fairly... 


On the other hand I know of nearly every single thread you have posted in Steven100 where you put down Thai's and accuse them of all negative things under the sun....   


With absolutely certainty you wont be relaying an stories which are without bias - its not in your posting DNA to be fair or factual when referring to anything Thai. 




I also know many cases where Westerners are treated fairly, or got special treatment. 

Of course, they weren't sex pats.  Sex pats are not liked in any country. 

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5 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Makes a huge difference! 

If the g/f was Buriram Noi, they would see that your influence would likely be very low.

Odd you should mention that, my wife runs the housing association (2.5mbht in that account) and the school PTA fund (another 350kbht in that account). What local responsibilities does your woman hold?

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