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Vaccine -- Will you take it or not?


Vaccine -- Will you take it or not?  

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Herd immunity gained from both the already infected and the vaccinated eventually means the pandemic phase of the virus is over and with that the extreme measures would be over as well.


or at least until the next novel virus. H2N2, H1N1, we got a bit lucky, Covid-19 less so. 


Between a limited efficacy, multiple applications (two, annual booster) and cost, I think Herders, Hoaxers and Anti-Vaxxers will somewhat limit the effectiveness of a vacine in the U.S.



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20 hours ago, RangerP703 said:

shut up and take my money.


when its available I'll be there the morning day 1.

I had to quote to get the box to appear to comment!

My young (40's) neighbor told me his Dad got very hurt by the polio virus, physically..

Then he told me about the 'virus Court's okay, NPR was talking about the billion dollars to give Moderna?, I forget, then they have to buy many doses. A scientific, good blind?, test has to be 50%,effective, therefore no guarantee of immunity for Me or Thou..


(Hey, no worry about Bill G, had him in my 4 Seasons taxi, nice folks!) Young people believe everything! Alohoho

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5 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


or at least until the next novel virus. H2N2, H1N1, we got a bit lucky, Covid-19 less so. 


Between a limited efficacy, multiple applications (two, annual booster) and cost, I think Herders, Hoaxers and Anti-Vaxxers will somewhat limit the effectiveness of a vacine in the U.S.



Hopefully we will learn and be better prepared for the next one. A strategic stock pile of essential meds, PPEs, and medical equipment should never be in a depleted state. Also a proactive plan to quickly limit the spread. Because these things were ignored in past administrations and a lot of catch up was needed. 

I was part of disaster preparation group at a large hospital in the US. We did regular inventory checks to assure amounts and proper rotation of supplies, disaster drills, etc. At the year 2000 there were fears of computer and electrical outages. We had 1) regular and local emergency electrical services covered; 2) Our back up generators were rechecked (beyond regular checks); 3) we brought in additional generators on trucks. 

Back up to our computer system we up to date and we were prepared to move to manual systems.

Each department had to do inventory checks to assure adequate supplies. 

All department managers and directors were on 30 minute notice to come in.

It wasn't a waste of time and taught us all about planning and teamwork. We were fortunate that non of our efforts were needed. 

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22 hours ago, dinsdale said:

The glaring flaw in this questionare is the assumption there WILL be a vaccine. This is not a given.

There will be some kind of vaccine. The US government has ordered a bunch before the testing. But what type and how effective it/they will be is open to question.


Also an antibody vaccine is close. Cheap and plentiful. How long it will last is unknown at the moment.

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"Wouldn't it just be easier to ban Chinese from entering other countries?

Almost all new disease comes from China."


Gets my vote......you are absolutely correct....They've done it 4 times in the last 60 years.


Edited by Suua
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For any uneducated person, far away from reality, that laughed at me because I said that there are already programs that will make sure everyone on this <deleted> earth will get the COVID(CertificateOfVaccinationIdentificationDocument)-vaccine, I attached the picture.


I would kindly request a reaction to that, that includes more than a „tinfoil-wearing conspiracy theorist“-comment



And here you have a scientific study that proves than unvaccinated children are generally more healthy than vaccinated children:





Edited by KohKood
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15 hours ago, KohKood said:

Ah yes, one question for all these people here shouting about conspiracies and tinfoil-hats:

Bill Gates mentioned several times that he thinks the world is overpopulated and the amount of people should be descreased drastically. Fact, you can see videos of him talking about this at TED and so on.


So IF this Coronavirus is really as dangerous and only the vaccine will keep the people from dying in masses, WHY a guy who wanna decrease world population should force the vaccine?!

It just makes no fukkin sense.

Don't think he wants to cull people or have them die from diseases in order to reduce the population.


The population can be decreased by using birth control.  I also agree that their are too many of us humans...and we are putting a massive strain on the worlds resources and natural environment. If the population continues to increase this will just get worse and cause suffering to us humans. 


I believe in vaccines...so long as they are rigourously tested and also studies for their long term effects. So I would not get the vaccine straight awaym .but rather wait a few years to check it's safety. 



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On 8/9/2020 at 8:03 AM, meechai said:

No...Have never taken any flu vaccines H1N1/SARS etc & do not see myself taking this one either


Not against it in any way & am glad it is there for those that want it

You're not against it, but have never taken any flu shots? It seems to be quite clear that you are against it. 

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No vaccine for the last 30 years, still alive and more healthy than many of these vaccine junkies.

I have my own strong immune system, I do not need Billy with his neuro toxins.

Last but not least I am not scared this covid Mickey Mouse virus.


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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't agree with you. Herd immunity gained from both the already infected and the vaccinated eventually means the pandemic phase of the virus is over and with that the extreme measures would be over as well. The virus stays with us but becomes normalized. 


This clip discusses the benefit of a vaccine with at least 50 percent effectiveness:





Herd immunity is in question now. There have already been reports of a wide variety of reactions to getting the virus and losing the supposed immunity quite quickly. Herd immunity is not a done deal, it may be possible but then again maybe not. I think the best case scenario is that we get a vaccine that will give us flu numbers and I just don't think that will be enough to lower the paranoia running rampant across the globe right now. This virus is with us for the long haul and unfortunately for normalcy's sake, it is not viewed as just a flu by a huge number of people so to convince them of this will be next to impossible. I'm just hoping that the virus is indeed weakening like its being reported it is and/or herd immunity is possible. 

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27 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

What exactly is a "fake scientist" - can you provide any examples and if you can, can you also show that these fake scientists are currently involved in conducting coronavirus vaccine trials?


In any event, the people I would trust to determine if a vaccine is safe are the same long-established regulatory authorities that have been doing this for decades and decades in the various countries, such as the MHRA in the UK.


Waiting a couple of years for more information and continued testing results. 


Waiting for the hysteria to die down by which time a vaccine may only be as necessary for those in high-risk groups anyway. 


The same long-established regulatory authorities that have been doing this for decades and decades in the various countries, such as the MHRA in the UK are under huge political and economic pressure to source, approve and distribute a vaccine - under such pressure I am somewhat cynical of results presented by any organisation or body.

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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't agree with you. Herd immunity gained from both the already infected and the vaccinated eventually means the pandemic phase of the virus is over and with that the extreme measures would be over as well. The virus stays with us but becomes normalized. 


This clip discusses the benefit of a vaccine with at least 50 percent effectiveness:





Find another video that explains the 50% effective vaccines better than this one. This one doesn't really discuss it at all. All that is on this video is that clown saying a 50% effective vaccine is better than what we have now. Well duh, no kidding but that proves absolutely nothing and doesn't show us any facts about what a 50% effective vaccine would do. There are plenty of them out there with good data, this one is junk.

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4 hours ago, KohKood said:

For any uneducated person, far away from reality, that laughed at me because I said that there are already programs that will make sure everyone on this <deleted> earth will get the COVID(CertificateOfVaccinationIdentificationDocument)-vaccine, I attached the picture.


I would kindly request a reaction to that, that includes more than a „tinfoil-wearing conspiracy theorist“-comment



And here you have a scientific study that proves than unvaccinated children are generally more healthy than vaccinated children:






Illuminating and important info. Thanks.

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13 minutes ago, Antonymous said:


Illuminating and important info. Thanks.


I can foresee a situation whereby we need to show we have had a Covid-19 vaccine before we are permitted international travel. 

i.e. as with the Yellow Fever Vaccination.

My Son would not be accepted at his school without the required vaccinations (we have to scan and e-mail the school his vaccination records). 


There has already been discussions of a Covid-19 passport. 


I agree with this in theory, in a perfect world. However, I remain highly sceptical of the safety of a vaccine rushed through invention, testing and production. Its difficult not to be cynical of this. 


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Global IDs are coming regardless of covid. It's a simple necessity to get anything properly done on a global scale. That's not the problem - the problem is the privacy of the data that gets collected and connected to an ID. World is full of authoritarian a-holios that would love to track every movement and throw any "suspicious" dissidents to a CCP gulag.

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I wouldn't be surprised if a vaccine shot for covid 19 will be mandatory in the future for travellers entering Thailand until the virus is completely gone.


So yeah i take a shot and then the nay sayers can stay at home ????

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6 hours ago, elgenon said:

There will be some kind of vaccine. The US government has ordered a bunch before the testing. But what type and how effective it/they will be is open to question.


Also an antibody vaccine is close. Cheap and plentiful. How long it will last is unknown at the moment.

Without getting too technical, the researchers are looking at T Cell (memory cell) response which is long term.  T Cell lymphocytes are what provide lasting immunity. They produce antibodies that counter the virus. Injecting antibodies ( as a therapy) would be OK but not long lasting. That's why giving someone serum from a convalescent Covid19 patient works (short term).

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7 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


or at least until the next novel virus. H2N2, H1N1, we got a bit lucky, Covid-19 less so. 


Between a limited efficacy, multiple applications (two, annual booster) and cost, I think Herders, Hoaxers and Anti-Vaxxers will somewhat limit the effectiveness of a vacine in the U.S.



I think most in US are smart enough to take the vaccine when offered. The hoaxers and anti-vaxxers are loud but small in numbers. Most will follow their doctor's advice and not that of the counterculture prophets of gloom.

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5 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Don't think he wants to cull people or have them die from diseases in order to reduce the population.


The population can be decreased by using birth control.  I also agree that their are too many of us humans...and we are putting a massive strain on the worlds resources and natural environment. If the population continues to increase this will just get worse and cause suffering to us humans. 


I believe in vaccines...so long as they are rigourously tested and also studies for their long term effects. So I would not get the vaccine straight awaym .but rather wait a few years to check it's safety. 



It will probably be required to travel and/or stay in Thailand. Then what?

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2 hours ago, uli65 said:

No vaccine for the last 30 years, still alive and more healthy than many of these vaccine junkies.

I have my own strong immune system, I do not need Billy with his neuro toxins.

Last but not least I am not scared this covid Mickey Mouse virus.


Probably a little scared of the needle though!

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