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Thailand reports 2,112 new coronavirus cases, 15 deaths


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Sounds like the Thai Army is offering to assist families with funerals for those who have died from COVID in Bangkok...


From the government's main COVID information Facebook page, and English translation:


"The Army provides assistance to organise funeral.

COVID-19 casualties in Bangkok
Free of charge.
At the funeral of the Army is:
Ginseng temple, Nasawi temple and Siriphong Thammnimit temple.
Contact us at the Covid-Registered Resistance Coordination Center. All 24 hours"
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46 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

No money coming in and now it's starting to leak and the economic ship maybe in danger of capsize.

With the closures and more people being laid off of work I would have to agree with you.  Exports, we are being told are growing, are they false stories or real.  Inflation, when it starts will be the tell all.  Covid has definitely played its part in Hotel closures until now October.  Maybe a few will make money as a Hospitel.  But I see the numbers more than likely continuing upwards, at least here in Bangkok.  We are now surrounded by clusters here in Sathorn, and as they grow so will the cases in Bangkok.  They may slow in other areas outside of the major metropolitan areas, but unless they kick the testing up nationwide to 100k a day they will never truly know the totality of this.  You would hope that they would want all people vaccinated in this country, but with todays article stating Thai nationals only and foreigners later you have to truly wonder what the end game is.  We are stockpiled up for at least the next 4 weeks here at the condo, and only need to order what we go low on and have it delivered.  The next 2 weeks will be a tell tale sign of whats to come.  My GF's family in Myanmar now has Covid, and so does the rest of the village.  Getting medication is not easily doable with the fighting between the Karen Militia and the Myanmar Military.  Many are fleeing Myanmar and this will only add to the spread of the virus here in Thailand as they filter across the borders.  They can not stop them all from entering unfortunately.  As I have been saying, stay safe folks. 

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21 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

You must remember that 3rd May was a National Holiday, and has to taken at all costs.

Yes good point, its a pity that the two days before it the 1st and 2nd May only had an average of 11,000 per day, also the lowest bar the 3rd for weeks. Lets hope we see these numbers go up now.

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1 hour ago, dinsdale said:

 Means nothing. It's a pandemic with a particulalry virulant strain spreading across Thailand. Coming soon the Indian variant may well join in.

Is that why new infections are down by almost a third since last months highs...and deaths too?

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3 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Contact tracing AFTER a positive test result. The lying comes before the positive test.


These people are not idiots, they know that stopping the epidemic is serious business. I have seen the results of their work in Chonburi. It’s not easy convincing a Thai lady to admit she went to a boy karaoke while she was infected.

And yet the Chonburi cases rose today.

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2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

And yet the Chonburi cases rose today.

Infections in Chonburi are flat over the last 3 weeks.


With a positivity rate around 5 percent, the results are no overall growth, and a daily random walk in cases.

Edited by Danderman123
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6 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Is that why new infections are down by almost a third since last months highs...and deaths too?


Apply a 7 day average and figure again, what do you get? 

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11 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Is that why new infections are down by almost a third since last months highs...and deaths too?

Please support your comment by the number of mass testing, not hospital presentation testing. As for deaths they will continue to fluctuate. Rediculous. As for last months high that was only a couple of weeks ago. Again real mass testing will give you a real number. Once again believe what you will. 

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12 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Doesn't mean a thing...how bunched up are the countries...how many cases separate 98 from 177.

You are kidding. Have you looked. 117 to 98 is a big jump for the worse in a short period of time. Are you really denying this? 

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I wonder if Thais residing in Western countries are discriminated against in almost everything as farang residing in Thailand. are ? ...My obvious sense of the issue is a resounding NO! What would happen if a Thai national living in the USA were denied an immunization because they were "Thai" and not American??? Well, knowing the USA, the Thai national would get an ambulance chasing American lawyer and walk away rich. 

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#BreakingNews Pfizer confirmed on Wednesday that its vaccine had not yet been imported into Thailand. The producer added that it was still in talks with the Thai Public Health Ministry on a deal to purchase the vaccine. #ThailandNews
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Just saw that Klong Prem prison has set up field hospital(s) to treat infected prisoners.  No numbers given, but then that makes e wonder if they are being included in the daily counts or not?  How many infections does the prison have if it needs field hospitals and not a field hospital.

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6 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

I just looked at the updated official lab tests which is for the 3rd May. Only 6,628 carried out, the lowest pcr test count for weeks per person. Unless they get a true grip on this Thailand is going to be in this situation for months to come, plenty of further peaks possible with that amount of testing.

To cap it all have you ever been to a Thai government hospital recently where you walk in , take a number and wait maybe 2 or 3 hours to see a doctor . The waiting rooms are packed with sick people and their families , so 1 sick person with 3 or 4 family members . All seats taken up plus sitting on the floor , the crossed out seats are being used and often face masks are worn around the chin exposing nose and mouth .  There is no supervision from the hospital .  Has to be a covid breeding room . I for one will not wait there and a private hospital  will normally be safer . So if I think like that , there must be many Thai folk under the same opinion ,concern , fear, stay at home untreated because cannot afford a private hospital , thus the true number of covid infections will never be known , only deaths but even that is doubtful if a comparison is made to the credibility of reported road deaths . 

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6 hours ago, pookondee said:


Why is that?

As you say, most of them are dirt poor, yet they will still receive treatment.


I presume the infected are getting dragged away to these field hospitals regardless of if they have money or not.


So one would think it must be free for Thais?

Can't get blood out of a stone.

"Can't get blood out of a stone." .. The Thais make a very good show of trying. 

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32 minutes ago, rabas said:


Apply a 7 day average and figure again, what do you get? 

You certainly don't get pull your hair out out of control increases in infections and deaths as the post to which I was replying suggests is happening (or about to happen).

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24 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

How is an increase from yesterdays 91 cases todays number of 110 a flat line it is an incremental increase

Overall flat line with a daily random walk. 


A no-growth scenario. 


If you think the numbers are wrong, check the hospital bed numbers. 

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10 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Just saw that Klong Prem prison has set up field hospital(s) to treat infected prisoners.  No numbers given, but then that makes e wonder if they are being included in the daily counts or not?  How many infections does the prison have if it needs field hospitals and not a field hospital.

Five field hospitals to be set up with a total of 500 beds (from the BP)

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