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Foreigners in Thailand can register for vaccine from June 7

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2 minutes ago, AJR3RD said:

Ignorant statement. Thousands of retirees have very substantial monthly income but not 30 grand to stick away in a Thai bank for year.

They can get a visa based on their "substantial" income

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42 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Why is it ambiguous ? Nobody other than you has mentioned a fee .


'Foreigners will need to register with either their social security number or passport number to receive the free vaccination.'                                            

Did I mention a fee? Take your own advice. Read carefully.????

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17 hours ago, CLW said:

Errmm.... Is this a joke? What about immigration? Aren't they supposed to have information about all foreigners in the country? For what am I doing my 90 day report

What facts do you have to support the claim that Immigration uses a central database.

It would make administrative sense for VE, migrants, extensions etc to be on separate databases.

The quote was,

"Thailand does not have a central database for foreigners residing in the kingdom,"

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43 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Let me see i I am understanding the situation.

I currently have a Line app/Pink card appointment at a public hospital for the 7th.

So I turn up and see if the appointment gets honored, if not, I put my pink card in my pocket and pull out my passport, then I can register for vaccine, that logically should be available because they just cancelled the original pink card vaccine appointment and have a spare vaccine.



Is that an official appointment to receive the vaccination, or an appointment to collect your official appointment. The official appointment notification states name, age, date, time and whether this is your first or second appointment, it also has a QR coded printed on it.


Some confusion at our local hospital, where some foreigners who registered last week have been given a date to return (which they think is to receive the vaccination), when in fact it's to collect their official appointment letter. They do not post the appointment letters, they have to be collected in person.

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5 minutes ago, AJR3RD said:

You really should be more careful about spreading false or misleading information. You are WRONG. The AstraZeneca vaccine is available now, and I have been registered to get it. Stop arguing over newspaper articles, and go down to your local hospital for some actual FACTS. Your local hospital might be different than mine, but it makes no sense to make broad generalizations. ALSO, for millions of Thai people, there is no CHOICE but to get the Sinovac vaccine. It may not be for you or me, but undermining public faith in vaccination is both stupid and dangerous.

Why should facts get in the way of false information or misleading information?

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7 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

I did go to my local government hospital to register... they said they had no information as to how to register me.

Keep trying, and try different hospitals, including public and private. Forget about where your records are. I got the same blah blah blah for a long time, but who can blame them? You and I just read about illogical conflicting remarks in the media; they have to DO BUSINESS with them. I kept at it, got an email, kept checking. Finally, this morning, I got the bar code scan for the registration, and 10 minutes later was successfully registered.  

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"This is because Thailand does not have a central database for foreigners residing in the kingdom, with data spread across multiple agencies"


another encouraging news and confirmation for all foreign thugs to take this as an invitation and invade the "hub of safe havens"


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18 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

I did go to my local government hospital to register... they said they had no information as to how to register me.

Go and pay for an annual checkup and you will be registered. Take passport.

Edited by SheungWan
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I asked  at  Bangkok Pattaya Hospital  on   21/5/2021,  when they will   be  giving the jab to foreigners  and others, the reply was......  "we dont know"

Edited by actonion
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12 hours ago, mancub said:

 Serious question though .

Having lived here 15 years and never visited ( at least been treated) in a hospital, which medical records am I supposed to show ? 

You just go and register at any hospital for anything say you've got a sore toe and they'll sign you up and sell you a bag of mixed lollies (medicine) and bingo you have medical records or you can just go in when you want to get the vaccine and they will sign you up.You have money they want so they make it easy to sign you up. 

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What happened to the last announcement that foreigners could register in August . now another turn around . the first one was may the 1st then June, that was revoked . then August now back again to June. I registered back in may on morprom again in may at government hospital again at the walk in center . Now i cant be bothered to do it all again.  Another App is available for Bangkok hospital . on Facebook Samui news and info. Is a scan code to get the app i believe this is for private hospitals ,worth a look    

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6 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

You just go and register at any hospital for anything say you've got a sore toe


Or simply get a health check-up.

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19 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:


Is that an official appointment to receive the vaccination, or an appointment to collect your official appointment. The official appointment notification states name, age, date, time and whether this is your first or second appointment, it also has a QR coded printed on it.


Some confusion at our local hospital, where some foreigners who registered last week have been given a date to return (which they think is to receive the vaccination), when in fact it's to collect their official appointment letter. They do not post the appointment letters, they have to be collected in person.

It says to get vaccine (if you use translate camera)




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23 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:


Is that an official appointment to receive the vaccination, or an appointment to collect your official appointment. The official appointment notification states name, age, date, time and whether this is your first or second appointment, it also has a QR coded printed on it.


Some confusion at our local hospital, where some foreigners who registered last week have been given a date to return (which they think is to receive the vaccination), when in fact it's to collect their official appointment letter. They do not post the appointment letters, they have to be collected in person.

My brain hurts!????

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18 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

We're ahead of the game. I registered at Pattaya Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, Jab will be Moderna done in October.

At last some positive news from Pattaya !!

And what will the cost per jab be ??


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16 minutes ago, actonion said:

I asked  at  Bangkok Pattaya Hospital  on   21/5/2021,  when they will   be  giving the jab to foreigners  and others, the reply was......  "we dont know"

They gave an honest answer.

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19 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Public hospitals?

Private hospitals?


All hospitals?

Have the hospitals been informed?

Note the requirement if using  passport that the hospital have your medical records.

What if they don't?

What you dont understand is that in every city in Thailand a hospital has already been inoculating front line doctors, dentists, nurses etc. The infrastructure is already set up and going. My wife has already had her 2 shots. They are now clearly ready for the rest of us. Dont be too cynical. Its all happening...

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16 hours ago, Sheryl said:


i don't think there is any restriction, especially not for private hospitals. Possible that government hospitals would turn you away and say to go to these places.


They seem to think that foreigners will need a special site with English speakers posted at it, which of course is nonsense (and I would not put much stock in the English  capacity of the staff who actually appear at these designated sites.). Hence the designation.


Plenty of people have gotten appointments at other Bangkok hospitals. But they are filling up  fast. And others are still waiting to confirm their vaccine allotment from government.



I went to my 'regular' hospital this morning where I have been going for the past 15 years.  They were unaware of the government program for vaccinating foreigners and told me that a customer service representative would call me to let me know whether they would accept registrations on 7 June or not.  They were accepting registration for their own 'fee for service' vaccination program but I did not inquire about the 'fee for service' program.

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19 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

We're ahead of the game. I registered at Pattaya Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, Jab will be Moderna done in October.

At last some positive news from Pattaya !!


I hope it will happen for you but have the flip flops ready

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