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Dr Yong: Praises Thailand's Covid-19 response and targets 70% jabbed in next four months


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3 hours ago, internationalism said:

he is a self-confessed thai neo-fascist.

that's his post just days before military coup, supporting far right to take over the country.

It reads "ข้าราชการ ขอให้ออกมาช่วยให้ รัฐมนตรึทึ่เหลืออยู่ลาออก หรือขับไล่ออก ช่วยกันหน่อยคร้บ"

His political stance has not changed since then.

That's why in every single statement he does support this usurped government



a few hours after his post, he did share post of thai neo-fascist, also urging to a military coup. This same persona is urging now the military to conduct yet another military coup, but bloody, with mass massacre of students and opposition


Yup they are all yellow shirts running the country for sure.

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For any of you scoring along at home, has Thailand purchased enough vaccine for even half of all citizens???



Admittedly, I have not kept score but all I remember seeing is 1 million doses here, 1.5 million doses there over past couple months.  Don't remember ever seeing 10s of millions of doses "on order."  Most likely not enough for 1/3 population from what I remember seeing.

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4 hours ago, EricTh said:

Yes, Thailand did a great job in the first two waves but failed badly in the third wave so stop patting yourself.


Other Asian countries like China, HK, Vietnam, Taiwan, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore have much lower total virus count.


The vaccine rollout was also too slow and messy.




Please don't quote anything about China other than the fact that they lie on reflex, are never transparent and have clearly hid any damaging info from the international community.

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Another vested interest "Doctor" prattling away. 


He also called for studies into how efficacious it would be to have a THIRD jab for long term protection from Covid. 


Well, he would, wouldn't he?


When it comes to virology and Thai doctors, I'd prefer to listen to Dr Sucharit Bhakdi any day of the week.

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4 hours ago, JonnyF said:

He must set the bar pretty low.


Keeping official numbers low by not doing many tests and not ordering vaccines in time does not constitute a great response.

It does from the governments perspective.

baby upside down.jpg

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

He also called for studies into how efficacious it would be to have a THIRD jab for long term protection from Covid. 

Thailand's poster boy for all things Covid.

Dude needs to reign in his effluence as he seems to be so enamored with his new found status that he already talking about booster shots when the percentages of the fully vaccinated on still in single digits and vaccines are scarce.
But I guess Thailand needs a Fauci-clone to cheer-lead the country's anemic vaccination response.

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6 hours ago, EricTh said:

Yes, Thailand did a great job in the first two waves but failed badly in the third wave so stop patting yourself.


Other Asian countries like China, HK, Vietnam, Taiwan, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore have much lower total virus count.


The vaccine rollout was also too slow and messy.



Cambodia and Laos figures are suspect because they don't have much in the way of a public health system. So reporting is sparse.

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1 hour ago, 86Tiger said:



For any of you scoring along at home, has Thailand purchased enough vaccine for even half of all citizens???



Admittedly, I have not kept score but all I remember seeing is 1 million doses here, 1.5 million doses there over past couple months.  Don't remember ever seeing 10s of millions of doses "on order."  Most likely not enough for 1/3 population from what I remember seeing.

It's all coming tomorrow, but you know of course that tomorrow never comes, like the bar sign "FREE BEER TOMORROW".

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32 minutes ago, mrfill said:

The UK started jabbing before Christmas, 5 months ago. The roll out has been very successful and praised widely and as of yesterday 56.8% had received at least one dose.

Thailand intends to jab 25% more people in a month less with little organisation or the vast number of volunteers which has made the UK roll out successful.


It also helps to actually have the vaccines rather than a dream that they might have.

Actually, Thailand has a huge number of health volunteers: 


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The problem with the ongoing 3rd wave is that it reveals for all to see that Thailand's "success" during the 1st and 2nd waves was mostly due to luck. The new variants spread more aggressively, even in Thailand.

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I wish that the political life of Prayut and for instance this Dr is connected to they 70% target in 4 months. I doubt it will happen as they are always reaching for targets that are set too high to inspire confidence to act like they are competent while in reality they are not.


Not a Prayut thing, its a Thai government thing. 

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