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Exercise is everything


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41 minutes ago, BigStar said:

Oh--"might," so better not try. Up 2 u. In fact, though, the evidence suggests precisely the opposite. Sorry. Me, I'd find living just to chase docs, meds, surgeries, and hospital appts pretty boring. Hate wasting time and money on them, too.????

I would like to see something that says those that have a small amount of chocolate, ice cream and beer, and exercise, leads to those things i.e. that those who have none fair much better than those that have a bit.

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On 7/7/2021 at 5:41 PM, Tanomazu said:

Calories are a key factor though. I guarantee you, if you eat a 800 calorie diet for 3 months you will lose weight. Guaranteed. And I also guarantee you that if you an 8000 calorie diet you will gain weight. I will win this bet any time of the day.

Can you put on more weight than the weight of the food you consume?

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effective exercise & diet are not up for philosophical debate.

they clearly confer life changing / life saving benefits.

diet should primarily avoid eating junk/processed foods ( plant/fish based).

exercise should be HIIT with near maximum effort each day (avoiding joint wear);  standing bike sprints, fast swims, heavy weights/ low reps.; increase resistance if appearing to easy.

beach & road plodding walks often seen are quite useless & delusional.

one level up from couch potato status I suppose.

try to lose significant weight first by diet ( 10%+) before any HIIT exercise......

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25 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

Can you put on more weight than the weight of the food you consume?

Yes, because molecules in your food combine with molecules in the air you breathe and the water you drink to form larger more complex molecules. Similar to the mass of a giant tree coming from carbon dioxide in the air that it transpires. It keeps and stores the carbon. The weight of the tree is much greater than the weight of the air it took in.

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47 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

Can you put on more weight than the weight of the food you consume?

The key point is that different foods have very different effects on the body. If you eat a pound of lettuce, a lot of it will be eliminated from your body - the water via sweat or urine, the fibre via your bowel. If you eat a pound of butter, most of it will end up on your body as fat.


So the idea of just eating cheesecake and chips within weight limits will not work.


But yes, it is of course unlikely that you will gain more weight than the food you consume.



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17 hours ago, BigStar said:

Guess you've been living under a rock.


Sixty-five to 79 is the happiest age group for adults, according to Office for National Statistics research.


The survey of more than 300,000 adults across the UK found life satisfaction, happiness and feeling life was worthwhile all peaked in that age bracket, but declined in the over-80s. , , , The over-90 age group reported by far the lowest levels of feeling their life was worthwhile, even though their reported levels of happiness and life satisfaction were comparable to those in their 20s and 30s.



. . . unhappy seniors . . . were twice as likely to develop diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and strokes. . . .


What makes seniors happy? Health diet and exercise are two important factors. WOT? More: The Way of Living: Being Happy and Healthy at an Old Age


Given the aging population, must be plenty of such to observe out and about. Why not get out of the old bathwater and ask them rather than posting Nonsense From The Tub here?


> The Bible speaks of 3 score and 10. In my case spot on. Since 70 it's been a steep declining curve to inevitable death, gaining more health problems as I go, and losing teeth.


Oh, it’s been on a much steeper decline than necessary for decades, and now the decline is of course even steeper than it would have been had you opted for a healthy lifestyle long ago. Guess it was all that Bible thumpin'.



You’re rather a classic case study for our members of what NOT to do while deluding oneself with sour grapes and a denial of personal responsibility. So that’s been valuable. ????


> In the military we used to say "life is <deleted> and then you die". Given that I had a few amazing bits in between the bad women and the bad bosses I don't think that is wrong in general.


Wrong military. Merely begs the question.


John Wayne had it right in The Sands of Iwo Jima: “Life is tough; it’s a lot tougher when you’re stupid.” Technically, now, somebody else said that later on, but John Wayne should have anyway.????

Your military experience may not extend quite this far back, but

Herodotus reports that just before the Battle of Thermoplyae, a Spartan warrior named Dienekes was told that the Persian archers could blank out the sun with their arrows. He replied "Good, then we shall have our battle in the shade."


> When the end comes all I hope is that it happens quickly, and doesn't hurt too much.


But you’ve worked to ensure it’ll happen more slowly and will hurt more. However, you’ve successfully avoided boring yourself through health and fitness and enjoyed your sweet tooth, so there's that.

Point of View is worth 80 IQ points.
     — Alan Kay



Ha, I think thaibeachlovers is on a windup. TBL must know about the info that is 'out there' such as;. People 90+ that play Tennis, live happy lives (well as happy as can be in current times) etc etc. Many scientists never retire and still produce good work later in life and so on.

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18 hours ago, BigStar said:

People have their preferred excuses or pseudo-fallacies to maintain their self-delusions. Yours happens to be sour grapes. ???? Got it.

> Life for the sake of living IMO just ain't worth it.


More of the same.

No one implied any such thing. Where are all those testimonials from, or studies of, those who’ve achieved a healthy, fit lifestyle that they’re bored, unhappy, listless, and living for the sake of living????? You haven’t done so, so what do you know? Same sour grapes above:



Oh--"might," so better not try. Up 2 u. In fact, though, the evidence suggests precisely the opposite. Sorry. Me, I'd find living just to chase docs, meds, surgeries, and hospital appts pretty boring. Hate wasting time and money on them, too.????

> Like someone said before, why suffer just to live longer in a "rest" home?

And just more of the same sour grapes fantasy.

Why live longer with suffering by pissin’ around and ensuring it starts a decade or so earlier, as you have, and thereby increase as well the likelihood of suffering longer in the “rest” home? 


But that question was fully explored for you earlier with documentation. If you paid attention and could remember, perhaps you’d stop repeating the same self-serving irrationality. Probably an indication of cognitive decline as predicted by your lifestyle and inevitable chronic disease:




Specifically, the Association believes there is sufficiently strong evidence, from a population-based perspective, to conclude that regular physical activity and management of cardiovascular risk factors (diabetes, obesity, smoking, and hypertension) reduce the risk of cognitive decline and may reduce the risk of dementia. The Association also believes there is sufficiently strong evidence to conclude that a healthy diet and lifelong learning/cognitive training may also reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

     --Matthew Baumgart, Heather M. Snyder, Maria C. Carrillo, Sam Fazio, Hye Kim, Harry Johns,
"Summary of the evidence on modifiable risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia: A population-based perspective," Alzheimer's & Dementia, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2015, Pages 718-726, ISSN 1552-5260, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2015.05.016.


I’ll give you the chance to read the answer again a bit later.



LOL. When one isn't winning, make it personal.



18 hours ago, BigStar said:

People have their preferred excuses or pseudo-fallacies to maintain their self-delusions. Yours happens to be sour grapes. ???? Got it.

Carry on.

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18 hours ago, BigStar said:

Guess you've been living under a rock.


Sixty-five to 79 is the happiest age group for adults, according to Office for National Statistics research.

LOL. Perhaps that was written by those living under a rock.

My 20s were by far the happiest of my life.

After 30, bad partners, and a bad career choice combined to suck most of the enjoyment out of my life.


The only good things that happened when over 30 was after I walked out on the bad partner and before the bad wife, and while it was a bad job, it paid enough to enjoy LOS as a single man.


However, had I avoided long term relationships with women, and had a better career choice I could have been happy now; as much as health would allow anyway.


Hindsight is always perfect though.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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On 7/3/2021 at 1:59 PM, robertson468 said:

Nearly the same, but 76 years young with 50 year old Wife.  I do exercise, but to get the endorphins going and of course to keep the blood cruising through the body and bones.  Blood pressure is a little bit high, but inherited that and have DVT, which is well under control and a consequence of the blood pressure.  That apart, feel great, eat properly (loads of veg and fruit) walk the four dogs for about 50 minutes per day, enjoy a social life and have "wine-o-clock and film night" each Saturday, with my beautiful Wife who spoils me at every turn.  Perhaps the secret of life is happiness and moderation, but having said that, perhaps I'll get run over by one of these very careful Thai Drivers?

Lovely story . cheers

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On 7/18/2021 at 6:42 PM, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

serious worthwhile subject......cue trivial childish nonsense......again

True, but the subject wasn’t intended to be discussed seriously. Members of the TVF Couch Sitters Assoc. (being very PC here; not fat shaming, nossir) regularly post about diet or exercise regularly to assure themselves that the exciting lifetime of medication really is superior to a boring lifestyle that includes diet & exercise.

After all, dealing with chronic diseases—you know, chasing after docs, meds, hospitals, and surgeries, waddling around with a big belly, feeling tired, feeling pain, having sleep disorders, BPH, ED, etc., wasting all that time & money—it all probably raises an occasional doubt whether treating symptoms rather than dealing with causes really is the wisest course after all.

So no advice is being sought; any given will be ignored. We want the little jokes, cartoons, bravado, excuses, sour grape fantasies and projections about those with healthy lifestyles, and a chorus of affirmations that we all want a short but happy life. Somehow, early onset chronic diseases help ensure all this happiness.


Ironically, medication tends to prolong the misery of dealing with chronic diseases and ensure that years spent dealing with them will form a greater proportion of one's total lifespan. I’m not sure why members turn to the Health forum amid all happiness and excitement, and then all the little jokes and bravado disappear. I mean, unless the ailment has something to with somebody else’s willy or anus. Those are SO funny! Hee hee.

Best just to laugh as I do at the same ol’ nonsense excuses they come up with. Also some of the advice our noobs come up with, such as our fake Japanese, can be funny, though most of it is just repeating what diet & fitness sites told them (starve 'n' sweat) to make money selling unneeded apps, plans, subscriptions, supplements, diets, consultations, equipment etc. But our couch sitters probably tried a little of that decades ago, and, sure 'nuff, it merely confirmed that medication is the only way to go.



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On 7/19/2021 at 8:44 AM, TKDfella said:

Ha, I think thaibeachlovers is on a windup. TBL must know about the info that is 'out there' such as;. People 90+ that play Tennis, live happy lives (well as happy as can be in current times) etc etc. Many scientists never retire and still produce good work later in life and so on.

Nope, serious as a heart attack. But you're otherwise quite right.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given the choice between a short but happy life and a long but unhappy life, who would choose the latter?

I suppose you've hired someone to effect your demise at some self appointed date then? Actually I'm joking. You sound very much like you are in need of help.

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36 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

I suppose you've hired someone to effect your demise at some self appointed date then? Actually I'm joking. You sound very much like you are in need of help.

The only help I need is to live in LOS with a lovely lass that ISN'T like my ex.

Unfortunately, my ex depleted my savings to the point that is never going to happen.


I suppose the usual guy will rock up with some personal comment about that, but whatever makes him happy.

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On 7/18/2021 at 8:48 PM, KannikaP said:

Can you put on more weight than the weight of the food you consume?

That doesn't make sense IMO. I might eat a ton of food in x number of days, but I won't weigh a ton more than before I ate it.


My weight can vary a kilo or more from day to day, probably depending on how much water I retain.

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The only help I need is to live in LOS with a lovely lass that ISN'T like my ex.

It's amazing how the majority of Western males can live happily without paying some impoverished girl in a Third World country to degrade herself by pretending he's hansum and interesting. How can that be? Why should it be a prerequisite for anyone's happiness? 


15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Unfortunately, my ex depleted my savings to the point that is never going to happen.

Whoops. Wonder how that happened????? Could there have been some skewed worldview at work here?


Well, I'd say it's all verification that treatment from a psychiatrist needed to have begun 30 - 40 years ago. Or more:


Is electroconvulsive therapy safe?


Doctors worldwide perform ECT under general anesthesia with minimal side effects. Today, it is deemed the most effective and safest treatment for patients with severe mental disorders once considered untreatable.



Maybe see if you can't get into diet and exercise. ????

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15 minutes ago, BigStar said:

It's amazing how the majority of Western males can live happily without paying some impoverished girl in a Third World country to degrade herself by pretending he's hansum and interesting. How can that be? Why should it be a prerequisite for anyone's happiness? 

I have no requirement for her to pretend to like me .............

Although the occasional nurses or flight attendant uniform is nice.


As for the majority of western males living happily without ........

1) They don't know it's any different here.

2) They may be lacking in testosterone.

3) They my not have the money to move/visit.

4) Their wife won't let them.

I've met all four types back in the UK, although I'd not call most of them happy, maybe 'resigned to a life without sex' would be a better description, or 'living a life of quiet desperation'.

Edited by BritManToo
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7 minutes ago, BigStar said:

It's amazing how the majority of Western males can live happily without paying some impoverished girl in a Third World country to degrade herself by pretending he's hansum and interesting. How can that be? Why should it be a prerequisite for anyone's happiness? 


Whoops. Wonder how that happened????? Could there have been some skewed worldview at work here?


Well, I'd say it's all verification that treatment from a psychiatrist needed to have begun 30 - 40 years ago. Or more:


Is electroconvulsive therapy safe?


Doctors worldwide perform ECT under general anesthesia with minimal side effects. Today, it is deemed the most effective and safest treatment for patients with severe mental disorders once considered untreatable.



Maybe see if you can't get into diet and exercise. ????

LOL. Still with the personal comments I see.

I don't believe in dieting, as the weight goes back on soon as one stops it. However, I have lost 10 kilos and several inches just by eliminating as much sugar as possible.

Exercise has never been a problem, as I spend a lot of time on a farm doing physical stuff. I spent a couple of days shoveling about 2 tons of dirt recently. I could have used a tractor, but I do it by hand precisely so I do get actual physical benefit. I don't need to pay a gym to get a work out. 

However, I suppose that doesn't fit your narrative that I never do any exercise and eat too much bad food.


I do so enjoy your posts. It's nice to have something to laugh at in a world gone sad.

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13 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I have no requirement for her to pretend to like me .............

Although the occasional nurses or flight attendant uniform is nice.

I find it sort of sad that a certain poster thinks he's on a higher moral plane than we that enjoy rumpty with Thai women.

I suppose he thinks we should all be living in loveless and sexless marriages back 'ome and giving all our money to some grasping western woman instead.


Good for a laugh though.

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48 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The only help I need is to live in LOS with a lovely lass that ISN'T like my ex.

Unfortunately, my ex depleted my savings to the point that is never going to happen.


I suppose the usual guy will rock up with some personal comment about that, but whatever makes him happy.

Alas, I wasn't wrong about that.

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7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I have no requirement for her to pretend to like me .............

Although the occasional nurses or flight attendant uniform is nice.

Nor do I, as she likes me (quite a lot, LOL) without pretense. She hardly needs to pretend, always having had a good job herself. To keep to topic: years ago I got her into both low carb and exercise. Hits the gym 3 times a week, does yoga otherwise, and is very fit. I like that.


You're also paying and supporting, quite a lot, too, when we consider the daughter. Guess it comes down to them uniforms, so do enjoy those anyway. ????  

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1 minute ago, BigStar said:

You're also paying and supporting, quite a lot, too, when we consider the daughter.

She moved out last week, finished university, got a decent job and an apartment in town she shares with a female friend. With that and the exchange rate, I'm quids in!

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20 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I have no requirement for her to pretend to like me .............

Although the occasional nurses or flight attendant uniform is nice.


As for the majority of western males living happily without ........

1) They don't know it's any different here.

2) They may be lacking in testosterone.

3) They my not have the money to move/visit.

4) Their wife won't let them.

I've met all four types back in the UK, although I'd not call most of them happy, maybe 'resigned to a life without sex' would be a better description, or 'living a life of quiet desperation'.

I don't know any men that live happily nowadays. Most of them are divorced.

Actually almost everyone I know has been divorced, whatever their gender.

If anything other than marriage had such a high failure rate, people would probably have stopped doing it long ago.

For some reason, people still think marriage is a "good idea". I can't say I really understand it, but perhaps they think their future partner is "different".

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