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We have a problem - Thailand's health minister finally admits the inevitable as search for beds continues


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

And the health minister is central to the ongoing fight. 

Yeah, yeah, what would we do, where would we be without this beacon of wisdom and rationality, this paradigm of professionalism and competence, this shining light of efficacious planning and foresight, this champion of transparency and uncompromising honesty. He deserves a bronze statue in a park for his tireless efforts, unparalleled humanity and unceasing charity.   

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3 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I'm back here in Aus (shortish trip) and staying in the Covid epicentre, Waverly.

Outside they seem to have had no transmissions. Inside, in enclosed areas they have had spread. It seems to be spreading in the suburbs now as families visit each other (coldest day in Sydney yesterday for awhile).

The advice with what is circulating here is still the same, stay home, limit trips, wear mask, wash hands, social distance. No different than the other variants. And get vaccinated. 

My wife and some falangs were vaccinated with AZ in our small Kalasin village a couple of weeks ago.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand's embattled DPM and Minister of Public Health Anutin Charnvirakul admitted to INN that there are many cases of Covid-19, especially in Bangkok and Greater Bangkok.

did he stop taking the yellow pills and came to reality  555


(sarcasm intended)

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2 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

did he stop taking the yellow pills and came to reality  555


(sarcasm intended)

He just finally removed his rose tinted contacts and saw the truth in a whole new color, the color of brown feces.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

I wonder if the deniers now start to understand why bars had to close. I mean now it is happening people dying at home and in the street the healthcare system is beginning to overload. Add the opening of bars and it would have been much worse higher numbers and even more deaths. 


Lockdowns and vaccinations are the only way to go. It sucks but just think what would happen if you were to catch covid and need to be hospitalized and there is no bed. Then all of a sudden the deadliness is a whole lot higher.

Is there anyone left here who thinks that the bars should be opened right now? 

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2 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Is there anyone left here who thinks that the bars should be opened right now? 

Im pretty sure if you ask there are enough who say they should open. Its the same crew that downplays covid. They call the people who are pro closing the non FUN loving people. 

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5 minutes ago, digibum said:


Had one guy the other day loudly ranting to his friend about how the average age of people that have died from Covid is 82 years (wrong). 


This garbage is a direct quote from Tucker Carlson. Nuff said.

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2 minutes ago, J Town said:

This garbage is a direct quote from Tucker Carlson. Nuff said.

The guy was British.  Not sure where he got that number.  Maybe he watches Fox News.  

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13 minutes ago, digibum said:

Every bar owner and alcoholic I’ve had the displeasure of talking to.  

Had one guy the other day loudly ranting to his friend about how the average age of people that have died from Covid is 82 years (wrong).  

He then said that if you’re 82, you’ve had enough time alive and it’s time for you to f-off anyway.  

He said there’s no reason why the life of some 82 year old geezer is worth having to wear a mask or not being able to drink in a bar.  


When his friend pointed out that that was sort of self serving and he might feel differently if he was 82, he proclaimed that he was in the best shape of his life and takes care of his body.  

The guy was easily 20kg overweight.  LOL.  

No shortage of people like this........had a guy the other night shouting out that everyone in Bangkok is safe as they have all had covid and are now immune.......and demanded people take off their masks........he was a Brit, wearing in a suit, well dressed!!!!!

Edited by Surelynot
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1 minute ago, digibum said:

Sadly, the worst are people that you know.  

I have a buddy (not really a close friend but we’ve known each other for 15 years) that owns a bar and every day he sends these group text rants about shutdowns and every Covid rumor or conspiracy theory that he hears.

But then again, he’s also the kind of guy that will spend half an hour telling you about how some hotel tried to screw him because he only drank one of the two bottled waters in his hotel room and the next morning when they cleaned the room, they only replaced the empty bottle instead of giving him two new bottles so he would have three bottles.    

All the drama of the call to the front desk and the verbal beat down he gave the hotel manager and blah, blah, blah.  


5555.....sounds like a real keeper.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Priority now in the Thai capital is finding beds for people who are showing symptoms.

There is already a large amount of people waiting at home and the minister is keen to find out who needs a bed most. 

How about this:

Create a website where these people can register for beds... 


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7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

It must be a lot worse than has been admitted, if he is now saying

its a problem, he, been the health minister has to take  full responsibility

for this cock up, not ordering enough vaccines, and not quickly  enough.

and relying too much on Sinovac, which I believe is not effective against

the Delta variant......but as he has said in the past nothing to do with him !

regards Worgeordie



When the going gets tough he will resign , end of.

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They're wasting all their time on 'field hospitals'....meanwhile COVID is spreading like wildfire throughout the country and they don't seem to have a clue.


It's too late now anyway, a widespread outbreak is already well under way.


Once they realise this (maybe they realise it already) a few weeks later when things become really bad they will have to act and then the full on lockdowns will come.


Right now they've got it easy.

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8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

If he had never been involved in health matters in the first place (being from a construction background), things would almost certainly be a bit better.

A good leader can steer a team in the right direction, whatever background he comes from, although it helps to know what you're talking about in a specialised field.

He doesn't posses either trait.


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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Working with several agencies in the health field he is demanding more testing.

Has he really just realised the concept of find and isolate cases to slow the spread. Maybe they've realised this is so out of control now they save more face by trying to get a grip with it than trying to make it look like they've control. Maybe he's just saying this now as the medical community is starting to call out the government.

Edited by Petey11
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10 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

It just snuck up on him? 

His clueless.  He's a construction tycoon posing as an expert in Public Health.  It takes awhile for the obvious to sink in after which he works on his excuses to deflect criticism.
There's everything you need to know about Thailand.  A construction tycoon leading the Health Ministry during the worst pandemic in history.  On his way out the door he'll blame the Thai public and the Covid Czar Prayuth.  He'll personally be blameless.

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10 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

Amazing.. The Government can't be blamed for Covid. However he is the sole culprit for appalling state of the vaccination campaign in Thailand. And isn't Mr. Anustin, the Minister for health, the main player in this sad game of brown envelopes. 

Would it not be nice if the Thai people could demand a full and open public enquiry as the wheres and whens of this whole saga... be nice to to see the the actual book keeping relating to the vaccine purchases, just a few anomalies me thinks. 

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6 hours ago, meechai said:

Well those are the facts 99.xx% survivable

I am sorry if your friend had it hard some do

Did you know in 2018 pre covid the death rate in Thailand for flu & pneumonia was roughly 122 per DAY?



Again those are the facts

As for overreacting...well when it cripples your medical emergency systems with non emergency cases then yes that is in fact an over reaction


I never said anyone was unconcerned but like yelling FIRE in a crowded theater it does not help anything to be crazy


I am saying I am living in one of the most visited US States I am telling you this is what the reality is here...Fact


Lastly I will also say we have a home in Thailand & lived there when this started in 2019

My sister in law lost taste & smell & had a high fever for a few days in Jan 2020 I also felt I had pneumonia

So I am also saying unlike the Thai party line of no covid in 2019-2020 I say yes Thailand has always had it but never tested for it


So why were hospitals all fine in 2019 & 2020?


Anyway good luck to you all there....We are seeing here in the USA the reality is a bit different than portrayed in the media

But do what you think best



Your survival rates are nice but they don't count once the health system overloads. So guess what is happening in Thailand


Also those ****** that keep quoting that covid is survivable forget the 10% long covid they don't count their suffering. The months of revalidation and feeling sick. Its not a flue and yes most survive but its not fun ride and when the health system overloads your 1% shoots up.

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Getting a test here in Sakon Nakhon is very difficult. 


We had our first COVID-19 case in our village after days of the people demand that this couple from Bangkok be tested.  They've been partying and visiting relatives here before the girl tested positive.


The price for a test can be 3000 baht.  Everything here is for profit.



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