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My /Your best Guess for Pattaya's re-opening


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5 hours ago, TimBKK said:

The many thousands of Thais who depend upon it for their livelihoods - you know, things like food and keeping a roof over their head.  Happy now?

You mean those who are now out of work, begging for handouts, the ones who have returned to their villages ?

The ones who, like the world over, will have to adapt and move on, find other works

But that does not change it from a dump, or make people who never want to visit it, care 

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4 hours ago, WineOh said:

At the current rate of the VAX rollout (2 doses) my best estimate is that everyone in country will be fully vaccinated within two years from now.


So normality shall resume immediately after the last man or woman has had their shot.

What does " everyone" mean ?

are you saying every living person on Thailand will be vaccinated ?

Even the ones who, for what ever reason, cannot have it ?

And if not everyone, what happens then ?


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I think they will definitely try to get this year's high season in - that's why they're shooting for September opening.


That's going to very bad news for the people who are unable to get vaccinated; anyone who lives in Chonburi is only maybe one or two connections away from someone who works in tourism/hospitality, and that makes for a very explosive situation.


The bigwigs seem to be ignoring the fact that fully vaccinated people are entirely capable of carrying and transmitting the virus. With next week's lockdown, expect the BKK folk to arrive in their tens of thousands - yet another massive transmission vector.


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I know a massage parlor owner and 1 of her workers who went home to their village and have both had a shot of AZ . They are waiting for  2nd  shot and hope to get back to work and will disply their  vaccination papers in window to attract customers.

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4 hours ago, champers said:

Pattaya will bounce back bigger than before Covid. There is too much money already invested and being invested here for it to be allowed to fail.

I believe there is a game of brinkmanship ongoing between the Government and the wealthiest of business owners in Thailand about who is going to cough up for the purchase of vaccines. The Government says it is running out of money.

An interesting article in the Business section of yesterday's BP which reported that 38 out of the top 50 wealthiest Thais have become richer in the last 15 months, some by double digit %. We are talking Dollar multi-billionaires at the top of the list, which only includes the ordinary mortals, BTW. Most of the usual suspects are raking it in, one notable exception being King Power who are down to their last $2 Billion.

So then ot's going to be King Powerless

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2 hours ago, Ralf001 said:

Yeah well in that context I doubt very few at all from the farthest borders of Thailand have Pattaya as a destination... but you know what I meant to my reply to the other poster.


so boot off A-hole.

Now now ralphyboy , calm down . Or where you the one that had that Taco at the Taco Bell beachroad and are still a bit jiggy ?? 

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"Thailand plans to fully reopen to foreign visitors in four months, Premier Prayut Chan-O-Cha vowed on Wednesday, citing the urgent need to save the kingdom's ailing tourism industry.

The coronavirus pandemic has hammered Thailand's tentpole tourism sector amid border closures and strict hotel quarantine measures.

The impact has reverberated across different sectors -- downing hotels, restaurants, bars and local transport operators -- and the country's present battle against a third wave has left local businesses clambering for more government aid.


Tourism previously made up almost 20 percent of Thailand's national income.

"I am therefore setting a goal for us to be able to declare Thailand fully open within 120 days from today, and for tourism centres that are ready to do so even faster," Premier Prayut said in a televised address on Wednesday evening.



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9 hours ago, Guderian said:

The government only has itself to blame for the mess it's in now. Back in February/March they could have imposed similar restrictions nationwide to those that worked a year ago, but for whatever reason they just weren't paying attention or taking things seriously and so they allowed the Great Songkran Travel Disaster to happen, and the rest, as they say, is history. They also seem to have been asleep on the job when it came to securing adequate vaccine supplies, but that's a common theme in many, if not most, East Asian countries. The problem has been compounded here by the usual corruption and embezzlement, but a friend told me that something similar is happening in the Philippines, so again Thailand is not unique in its problems. And, of course, Pattaya probably has the most corrupt and inept management of any large city in the country, which won't surprise anybody who's been here for long enough and is aware of the background story. The problem is, though, that all these powerful crooks only care about one thing, and it's not the health and well-being of the general public, so if they see a personal monetary advantage to reopening Pattaya as planned in two months time I suspect that they're just going to go ahead and do it, regardless of who's had a vaccine or how many might fall ill or die as a result. The only thing that will stop their plans is if the virus gets completely out of control in Pattaya, but would that be any better for us unvaccinated expats than reopening as planned?

A smart coalition of "Big Boys" would invest big baht in the Thai People because, if they don't, there is a "grave" possibility that a revolutionary "Peoples Party" will arise from the ashes.


Today, on Beach Road, there were 2 long lines of Thais queuing for food handouts, so at least the local government is providing some aid.

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12 hours ago, internationalism said:

sandboxes can be reasonable easy done on island with airports, but experimenting with a largish city like pattaya and close to 12mln metropolis, is just too risky even to think off.

in face of the looming 4th wave, not a chance for opening in October. They have thought that one jab would be sufficient to protect, now it's talk about 3 vaccinations - and that is an impossible task for thailand, will take over 1 year

It's not working so well in Phuket.

Of course you get the TAT version which is almost fantastically over board.

Then you slowly get the real news.  Less than 2000 people so far.  Many people getting herded into ASQ sh** ho** hotels at over 52,000 baht for two weeks.


Thaiger had an interesting interview on YouTube today with a nice lady that had to quarantine.


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14 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

It's not working so well in Phuket.

Of course you get the TAT version which is almost fantastically over board.

Then you slowly get the real news.  Less than 2000 people so far.  Many people getting herded into ASQ sh** ho** hotels at over 52,000 baht for two weeks.


Thaiger had an interesting interview on YouTube today with a nice lady that had to quarantine.


In theory, it can work. 


Fully vaccinate Phuket locals to 70%, seal off the island from the mainland, only accepting fully vaccinated international tourists via the airport. 


In effect, Phuket becomes a small version of what the world will be, post covid, but Phuket gets their earlier because being an island, they can enforce that only  vaccinated people can be on the island.    


Alas, the Thai's what their money now, and rushed it through, and didn't seal off the island from the mainland, which was just plain ridiculous.  


If they had more patience, and done it properly, it would have worked.  

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37 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

It's not working so well in Phuket.

Of course you get the TAT version which is almost fantastically over board.

Then you slowly get the real news.  Less than 2000 people so far.  Many people getting herded into ASQ sh** ho** hotels at over 52,000 baht for two weeks.


Thaiger had an interesting interview on YouTube today with a nice lady that had to quarantine.


over 2500 tourists, only some 14 quarantined (all from the same emirates flight, where there was 1 positive).

They are not ASQ  but ALQs and for 52k they are around 3* hotels. Cost most likely covered by insurance. Possible deduction from already booked hotels.

Yes, this is sandbox, the first one.

Each next one has a chance of getting better. 

Just phuket has bad timing - the 4th wave from delta. 

Thaiger is a rug publication and youtube is only for entertainment, never for any information

Edited by internationalism
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49 minutes ago, Dont confuse me said:

It's going to take at least 3 years to get back to anything like 'normal' 

What appears to have been overlooked is that even those tourists who have had 2 jabs are still capable of transmission of the virus and with variants developing it could never return to normal.




This is why the countries that are slow to vaccinate run the risk the virus mutates into something the current vaccines are ineffective against, then the rest of the world will quarantine those countries, and it's back to square one for them.  

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11 hours ago, Leaver said:

In theory, it can work. 


Fully vaccinate Phuket locals to 70%, seal off the island from the mainland, only accepting fully vaccinated international tourists via the airport. 


In effect, Phuket becomes a small version of what the world will be, post covid, but Phuket gets their earlier because being an island, they can enforce that only  vaccinated people can be on the island.    


Alas, the Thai's what their money now, and rushed it through, and didn't seal off the island from the mainland, which was just plain ridiculous.  


If they had more patience, and done it properly, it would have worked.  

I agree , in theory , just noting Australia is also an island and there also it doesn't work as planned.....

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10 hours ago, internationalism said:

over 2500 tourists, only some 14 quarantined (all from the same emirates flight, where there was 1 positive).

They are not ASQ  but ALQs and for 52k they are around 3* hotels. Cost most likely covered by insurance. Possible deduction from already booked hotels.

Yes, this is sandbox, the first one.

Each next one has a chance of getting better. 

Just phuket has bad timing - the 4th wave from delta. 

Thaiger is a rug publication and youtube is only for entertainment, never for any information

Good we have you... 555555

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15 hours ago, Tony125 said:

I know a massage parlor owner and 1 of her workers who went home to their village and have both had a shot of AZ . They are waiting for  2nd  shot and hope to get back to work and will disply their  vaccination papers in window to attract customers.

How does that help. They can still get infected and pass it onto a customer.

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25 minutes ago, Henryford said:

How does that help. They can still get infected and pass it onto a customer.

If both they and their customers are fully vacccinated with Prime vaccines such as AZ, Pfizer, Moderna  and not the Sinocrap  there should be no problem.

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15 hours ago, Leaver said:

In theory, it can work. 


Fully vaccinate Phuket locals to 70%, seal off the island from the mainland, only accepting fully vaccinated international tourists via the airport. 


In effect, Phuket becomes a small version of what the world will be, post covid, but Phuket gets their earlier because being an island, they can enforce that only  vaccinated people can be on the island.    


Alas, the Thai's what their money now, and rushed it through, and didn't seal off the island from the mainland, which was just plain ridiculous.  


If they had more patience, and done it properly, it would have worked.  

It's not only Crossing by car.  Theres many fisherman coming over with migrant workers.


The biggest problem is Sinopharm and Sinovac.

Despite the Arab man having two shots he still got COVID-19.  On top of that two of his children got it.


Singapore isn't letting people that use two vaccinations of Sinovac as proof anymore to enter.  

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Just now, MrJ2U said:

It's not only Crossing by car.  Theres many fisherman coming over with migrant workers.


The biggest problem is Sinopharm and Sinovac.

Despite the Arab man having two shots he still got COVID-19.  On top of that two of his children got it.


Singapore isn't letting people that use two vaccinations of Sinovac as proof anymore to enter.  

Herd immunity isn't going with COVID-19.  To many variants.  People are still shedding the virus even after they get vaccinated.

In my opinion everyone needs to be vaccinated.  Unfortunately thats seems impossible for Thailand.

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