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Pattaya: September plan to reopen resort to tourism is OFF - Koh Larn sealed off after 6 infections


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I have been stuck out as well. I guess it is by choice as if am not going to jump through hoops and pay 1000’s to get back. Hopefully I can get back in October or November if things ease up. Not everyone has money to waste on foolish rules. 

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2 minutes ago, sungod said:

OK, I'll say it.


Isn't the Covid Czar still buying Sinovac?

agree , which is absolutely wrong in my book.  Anyway,  what I said will likely be the case I suspect ......  

nothing will happen,  nothing will change ..... 

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:

quote "Still, everyone has the right to play Russian Roulette with their life if they want to."


But it does NOT give anyone the right to play Russian Roulette with my life or that of my families lives.

Vaccinated transmit the virus too.

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6 hours ago, ehs818 said:

The ONLY sane solution to dealing with Covid in Thailand is to fully lockdown the populatoin and vaccinate, both done simultaneously! Until that happens there will no return to any type of normal again in this country. Tourist will not return and risk their lives simply because the monied powers that be say so!

Lockdowns would not be necessary, if only people could learn to keep distance and wash/disinfect their hands often. Please also stop using those cheap and useless dust masks and buy some masks that at least gives a minimal protection.

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3 hours ago, gk10012001 said:

There are thousands upon thousands more infections out there. If you tested everybody you would probably find that over 20 % of the general population, had, has or will have the COVID.  During severe Flu Seasons, scientists estimate that between 5 % to 20% of a population get the flu.  Of course people are rarely tested for the flu, they just treat the symptoms.  If anybody thinks these lockdowns are going to stop anything they are fooling themselves.  They probably just delay the inevitable, while along the way, economies are destroyed which then rolls down hill to more problems

I totally agree with you. Lockdowns will just delay the inevitable, but will buy a decent government the necessary time to build more hospitals and educate more people to take care of the infected patients. In Thailand politicians seems to believe, that lockdowns will eliminate the virus. Only herd immunity can eliminate this virus, but that will never happen, due to the new highly contagious Delta strain, unless vaccination becomes mandatory.

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2 hours ago, dennnis said:

What about Israel? Before I posted this video, but has been deleted. Apparently does not got with this forum agenda.

What about Israel?


It is doing fine. The third wave is coincident with the opening up for international travel, people travel to outside Israel and the Jewish people travel to Israel. Sure, you would say Israel is not officially open for tourists yet. However, you need to pay attention to the word: individual tourist. What does that mean? Jewish groups that go to visit religious sites, attending trainings or individual families that visit relatives can visit Israel. And almost every Jewish can claim Israeli passports. Hence Israel was never closed. All these brings in virus. The third wave is evitable.


Plus, there are division among ultraorthodox groups whether one should get vaccine or not. Over 75% population is fully vaccinated is a huge achievement. But there is a ceiling and Israel will find it difficult to give it to 100% of the population. There will be resistance from the orthodox groups.


Based on above information, the you look at the death number of Israel. Sure, there is a beginning of third wave forming. However, look at the total death graphic in a linear scale, it has been flat since April 1st 2021. It means the vaccine is working. The vaccine was never intended to stop transmission but to reduce severe cases and death. Without vaccine, Israel would be certainly doing much worse. 


Plus, now there is evidence of Pfizer and Modena vaccine may have reduced antibody issue after 6 months, Israel experience may prove this newly emerged theory and a third booster vaccine may be finally approved by every government. 


Israel is doing fine. Better than many other countries.

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7 hours ago, redwood1 said:

Koh Larn was open but I bet no one came......So I guess to save face they decided to close again..... If you remember Koh Larn has repeatedly said to be covid free over and over and over......But now they pop up?? 

I thought they were 100% vaccinated.  Herd-immunity for sure.  What happened? 

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6 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

Covid cases will be around for generations to come. So your plan is to lockdown China-style indefinitely for years to come. But you think you're the sane one...

I believe his plan is more like "lock everyone down until the Army comes around to plunge and needle into the arms of every resident of Thailand after which the prisoners can again be set free.  That's sort of dark and dystopian, but there are some people out there that seem to be wired to want to live in that kind of totalitarian dystopia.  I'm not.  That's for sure. I'd be looking for a plane home at that point.

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Something needs to happen, to encourage these conservative, politically hypnotized goofballs to behave, and both here and in the US.


United States

CNN fires three employees who came to office unvaccinated - memo

Ahhh yes.  CNN, That Bastion of Conservatism.  There's plenty of goofballs in the entire political spectrum.  No party holds a monopoly on them. The above clip is from Reuters, just Google, "CNN fires" and it'll pop up.
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6 hours ago, sungod said:

Serious question, how are you stuck outside? I know plenty who have made the trip, some twice.

Completely agree ive jumped  through the hoops once and iam prepared to do it again in 3months. However the cost could be prohibiting for sum

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

The vaccine is very similar to the Sars vaccine which had years of testing

Sputnik vaccine is very similar to the Sars vaccine; mRNA is something completely new and never tested before. 


But now everyone is receiving mRNA vaccines even if they previously received AZ, Sinovac or Sputnik. 

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Refusing to take a vaccine, to benefit society and bring society back, is about as sensible as believing the earth is flat.


Lock them up? Fine them 100,000 baht each? Forbid them from leaving their homes? Something needs to happen, to encourage these conservative, politically hypnotized goofballs to behave, and both here and in the US. 


Imagine making a sacrifice for your country? What a concept. These same people who drape themselves with a false flag of patriotism, would <deleted> their pants if they were ever asked to truly protect their nation or serve in any manner.


Yet, they are being asked to do something they do not want to do. For their nation. Imagine? Make a sacrifice? Imagine? Do something you don't want to do, for the greater good. Imagine? 

Absolutely. Well said. 

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5 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Normally I return to the UK, but only for about 1 day (personal health reasons and ensuring my tenant has not wrecked the house)

I don't know about your personal health reasons, but man, ensuring your tenant hasn't wrecked the house could very easily be accomplished remotely by having the tenant walk around the place with a laptop running Zoom or another web-conference app and show it to you in real time! You don't need to fly back for that.

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I don't really care one way or another if someone wants to not be vaccinated.  I have a daughter, her husband and my grandson that don't want it.  Although vaccinated, my son points out that every zombie outbreak is due to mass vaccination. ????.  I note that there is a view that is never brought up.  The cost of treatment.  The vaccine is free (In the US and most places) so, I believe that if vaccinated and you have insurance, the insurance carrier should cover costs for treatment.  On the other hand, if not vaccinated, why should everyone who pays for insurance have to absorb the costs for your beliefs.  Your choice. 

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