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What about us? Furious retirees/expats in Thailand slam proposals to attract wealthy foreigners


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I own a condo in Thailand for 17 years. Bought cars, motorbikes, spent money in shops. Like many other expats / retirees.

Due to European regulations I had to return to Europe last year. My Lao partner could not come to Europe or return to Laos as borders and means of transport were closed for several months, so she stays in my Thai condo alone. We have daily Line-contact since more than 1 year now. She having to wait like cattle in dangerous Covid lines at Immigration regularly and pay, pay, pay, return, return, return for visa extensions.

Several Thai and Lao persons are supported by me for years already; even more now as they have no income due to Covid-19 and general lack of social security. Costs me many thousands of EUR each year. (I am not a rich guy but feel I have to share, till some point).

I have no criminal record, have 2 Pfizer injections plus QR code, have an excellent health insurance that covers everything for an unlimited amount. And like to be reunited with my partner in Thailand. However it is not easy any more to feel at ease and welcome in this country, reasons enough. So considering to go elsewhere, unless many things change for the better quickly, I keep hoping but have my fears.

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6 hours ago, Eibot said:

We already have visa options for retirees and people working in Thailand...

What they want?

Well, I don't know what you want, but what you do need is an English teacher. Good luck with finding a competant Thai to help you with that. 


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28 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

Tragically taxes aren't enough for it anymore these days. All Western countries have to take massive loans in the capital markets just to pay for health care, pensions etc.


It's not like people in those countries are paying for it, their children, their grand children, and their great grand children are.

Not in Denmark. But taxes I think are close to world record.

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Funny how so many retirees, who normally spend no more than they have to to survive here, suddenly become Thailand's unrecognised benefactors (in their own eyes) spending "untold millions over the years" and "supporting their local community", to the extent that they think Thailand would have collapsed without them as soon as it is suggested that investors who will actually spend millions get an incentive to come here!    

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I totally blame Prayuth, and the biggest joke. Immigration has gotten worse under their tutelage and their arrogance, and their insufferable xenophobia knows no bounds. This whole thing leaves a bitter, sour, nasty, foul taste in one's mouth, and the stench can be smelled for kilometers. Thailand is moving backwards on so many levels, I do not even know where to begin. I believe at this point, that if Brittany Spears were to declare her candidacy, she would beat Prayuth, hands down. That is how much he and the army are despised, at this point.


Tens of thousands of ex-pats have already left. Enough already. They have gotten sick of the constant nonsense here, and left. Immigration is like a moving target. It appears increasingly more obvious that the authorities do not want us here, and the level of toxicity on the part of immigration, and the government is annoying. Also, this administration is ridiculously incompetent and incapable of improving anything. They are the very definition of regressive. So, they want to get rid of most of us, and substitute us for wealthy ex-pats. It is not going to work. Why? We will defy them and stay. And the wealthy ex-pats will not come within a 1000 km. of Thailand for over a dozen very good reasons. They are just dreaming. They still think Thailand is the (COTKU) center of the known universe. They could not possibly be farther off the mark. 

I agree Prayuth is a joke, but Immigration is the same as it has been for the last 15 years!  It's corrupt and has always been that way.  Immigration was easy to deal with back prior to Taksin, but then he started the crack downs and tweaks on visas and since then it has never stopped. 

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14 minutes ago, EvetsKram said:

What gets me is a Farang woman married to a Thai gets easier extension of stay & can have free residency after 3 years of doing nothing.  Why not the married Farang men even after 5 years

How many Thai males have "marriages of convenience" to farang women compared to the other way around? 

Do I have to spell it out? 

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Thailand does not realize that their bread and butter are 1. Tourists & 2. Long term Expats. 

Most wealthy will go to some place cleaner, with less pollution, fewer trashed up beaches, better quality construction options, not so much freaking paperwork for everything you want to do, and fewer hassles/expense just to live & do business in the country. There are so many better choices that they can afford.

Expats just want a comfortable existence, and are willing to live with the ugly side of Thailand. It's a trade off. They feel good about supporting their communities, have families here, and spend a LOT OF MONEY collectively. 

Since tourists are a major industry here, they are a necessary evil, but they will never come back until the country settles on letting them in with only covid tests. Making people jump through extensive hoops and excluding people who cannot get a vaccine (there are many), or don't have the proper paperwork, will kill the tourism industry.

Hopefully, the govt realizes this soon, or there will be no going back.

Edited by BadSpottedDog
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5 hours ago, The Cipher said:

I read a few of these articles because I'm curious about whether I qualify and would want to apply for any of these (I'm still not sure). But I didn't see it written on any of those that the existing residents or their visa avenues would be impacted by the new move.


Maybe I'm wrong about this, but it sorta just feels like a case of bruised egos.

Try reading between the lines.....Its not good....

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7 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Respect. Most other retirees do complain about taking 1 hour out their hectic lives to get their extension. 

I believe these types would be whinging on about their life misery regardless of where they have settled and call home. 

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These articles always stir up peoples emotions. If you are not a citizen then you are at the will of the government, and if the government makes it hard to become a citizen then don't put down roots? There are lots of interesting places to live in the world and maybe its interesting trying them in retirement when you are sitting on your retirement pot (rather than giving it away to governments for half promise visa's allowing longer stays but not offering the elusive citizenship)?

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There are many expats who have invested money in Thailand in the way of housing and businesses. Some may have more to invest, but wont due to the very uncertainty of their visa status. Its not just the visa that could be a worry. I for one like so many others, was given very good advice in my early months here, which was 'Do not invest any more than you are prepared to walk away from'. It was and still is very sound advice. My wife and I have a reasonable business here, its not doing so well at the moment due to the Covid situation, but because I instilled the 'Save for a rainy day possibility', we are keeping our heads above water. We don't expect anything from the government, I would turn it down if they offered. What makes me angry are the people who have literally been thrown under the bus by the government, without a second thought. And now all they can think of is how to swell their own pockets at the expense of more rich retirees and anyone else with money they can fleece. Unfortunately, I am at a stage in life where a major upheaval of a move would not do me any favours, so I am destined to see out my days here. However, I have not for a number of years,  and will not bring another penny into Thailand. At least my wife and family will have enough to live on when I'm gone, and I have absolutely made sure lawyers or any government agency's wont see a brass farthing.      

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I assume those high flying earners with untold wealth to spend are intelligent people.  Ok so they are lured here to spend their billions.  Who will they talk to and socialise with.  The wealthy Thais - I think not as they will still be up their own, xenophobic behinds.  Good luck.

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Let's be honest. There is a significant percentage of expats here that game the system and don't have the means to meet the VISA requirements, 65,000bt per month minimum income.

I saw a shameless  bloke queuing up for free food the other day, blending in with the desperate unemployed Thais. Pathetic.




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4 hours ago, Smithson said:

So 20 years ago you worked illegally. If you were caught, fined and deported then I would have sympathy because the WP rules are unfair. This is the something else I wanted, it's called compassion.

Where do you get the work permits are unfair? I never had an issue getting a work permit. 

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6 hours ago, smedly said:

many people who have been living here for a prolonged period (10 years +) some more than 20 years have spent a considerable amount of money, importantly it is money that flows into Thailand and not out.


What do they get in return ?............nothing, in fact if anything the authorities seem hell bent on introducing more and more hurdles and red tape, they seem to get some sort of infantile sick pleasure of shafting the tens of thousands of expats and retirees - it is shameful

To me, the bottom line, the drivers/supporters of all of this is very simple and it's been said before; all driven by property developers who want to sell many more condominiums. 


It is mentioned 'allowed to own land' which would not be condo sales, however the supporters of this 'scheme' know very well, foreigners owning land will get mentioned every few years but it will never ever happen, not in a million years.


Can you imagine all the army/navy/air force brass in the parliament and the senate voting to allow land ownership for foreigners? The answer is NO, NEVER! 


Takes the whole thing back to greedy developers wanting to sell mass numbers of condos.  

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7 hours ago, mikebell said:

They are trotting out this hoary old chestnut more and more frequently now as desperation sets in.  The wealthy will not come to live in a place where there is no rule of law; no police force; dangerous roads AND a pandemic of corruption from the local cop up to the very highest in the land. Droughts and floods alternate regularly and then there are the dogs!

Not to mention the extreme air pollution that inundates the country for five months every year and getting worse! Chiang Mai made most polluted city on the planet two years in a row due to the unsustainable practice of burning the fields after harvest. ???? 

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