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Name the top three countries you would want to move to if you left Thailand other than your home country


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Vietnam, Laos and Italy. No particular reason except that I like this area of the Far East and I have always liked Italy after living there for a while.

A lot would depend on my age and marital status at the time if it happened.

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26 minutes ago, Hanuman2547 said:

Sorry mate, it's just the texting lingo that crept in here, 555!


555=the Thai word for the number 5 is "ha".  In this case three 5's "ha-ha-ha" it means to be laughing.  Does that help?

Maybe on Twitter, but not on forums like this.

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PIs, Malaysia, Cambodia. Reason being I'd prefer to stay in SEA. I like Malaysia, could easily settle in a town like Malacca. Cambodia - Kampot/Kep, haven't been to either place but from what I know about them I think they would suit me well. PIs great beer, lots of beaches/islands, no language barrier.

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30 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

More about the various countries, less about trivialities like how not everyone knows what RV means, por favor.


All forums have posts that go off topic - as yours above does.

Edited by seedy
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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Thanks, but I wish some posters would not be so lazy with their typing, or maybe they should just stick to their smartphones.

and I thought it meant Rendez Vous 555

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29 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

 "Lazy"?!!      It's Deja Vu all over again. 


Instead of being, right, lazy, as you say. Introduce yourself to a dictionary or an online search. Expecting to be spoon fed today gets you no where.

Forget about spoonfeeding, all I want is to enjoy this forum without posts coming up with initials all the time, except of course the obvious ones.

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6 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Forget about spoonfeeding, all I want is to enjoy this forum without posts coming up with initials all the time, except of course the obvious ones.

Yesterday, I met a BG

We talked about boom boom

ST 1000

LT 2000

Without CON not allowed

Her best mate is a LB, he takes it from RE


In english:


Yesterday, I met a bargirl. Short time 1000, long time 2000.

Without condom not allowed. Her best mate is a ladyboy and he takes it from the rear entrance.



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3 minutes ago, RafPinto said:

Yesterday, I met a BG

We talked about boom boom

ST 1000

LT 2000

Without CON not allowed

Her best mate is a LB, he takes it from RE


In english:


Yesterday, I met a bargirl. Short time 1000, long time 2000.

Without condom not allowed. Her best mate is a ladyboy and he takes it from the rear entrance.



what's rear entrance, I thought the rear was just the exit   555 


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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

Forget about spoonfeeding, all I want is to enjoy this forum without posts coming up with initials all the time, except of course the obvious ones.

and you can and do.............................. I understand you're making a point, and I hear you, but come on...RV,,,,,,you could have chosen a better example, the whole world knows what an RV is..!!!

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.........................meanwhile, back to the thread as instructed....!!!!..............Noone has commented/followed on from my suggestion earlier as to whether the DR (that's Dominican Republic, Possum!!) would be a good place to consider...........any thoughts...............................

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8 minutes ago, bojo said:

and you can and do.............................. I understand you're making a point, and I hear you, but come on...RV,,,,,,you could have chosen a better example, the whole world knows what an RV is..!!!


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4 minutes ago, possum1931 said:


Yes, generally knowledgeable Westerners with English as their first language will............... originally an American term I believe................

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35 minutes ago, bojo said:

.........................meanwhile, back to the thread as instructed....!!!!..............Noone has commented/followed on from my suggestion earlier as to whether the DR (that's Dominican Republic, Possum!!) would be a good place to consider...........any thoughts...............................

I visited there but only to Santo Domingo and a nearby beach resort. At the time it didn't appeal to me because:


Crappy public transportation 


Constantly hounded  by parasitic hustlers basically demanding to be paid to protect me from other scums


Food boring


Imported products exorbitant 


Vulnerability to hurricanes 


But lots of people do like it and there are other options on the island. 



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1 hour ago, bojo said:

.........................meanwhile, back to the thread as instructed....!!!!..............Noone has commented/followed on from my suggestion earlier as to whether the DR (that's Dominican Republic, Possum!!) would be a good place to consider...........any thoughts...............................

Without looking it up, it shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti. Can't believe it escapes unscathed the natural disasters that Haiti suffers?

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21 minutes ago, The Fugitive said:

Without looking it up, it shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti. Can't believe it escapes unscathed the natural disasters that Haiti suffers?

Perhaps the Western end of the country/bordering Haiti, does but it's relatively uninhabited for those very reasons and Haitians unfortunately, have no choice...?

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40 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Vanuatu ain't cheap! LOL!

Relative to ... Krung Thep - no  Other big metros - yes, maybe.  If leaving Thailand for cheaper or less corruption, then not a good choice.

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2 hours ago, bojo said:

.........................meanwhile, back to the thread as instructed....!!!!..............Noone has commented/followed on from my suggestion earlier as to whether the DR (that's Dominican Republic, Possum!!) would be a good place to consider...........any thoughts...............................

Nah, hurricane season kept me out of FL, USA, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.


Natural disasters, lack of, all pluses for Thailand.  Typhoons, earthquakes, volcanoes all fairly none existent.  Can't think of anywhere I'd want to start over again at, especially knocking on 67 yrs old.

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6 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Nah, hurricane season kept me out of FL, USA, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico.


Natural disasters, lack of, all pluses for Thailand.  Typhoons, earthquakes, volcanoes all fairly none existent.  Can't think of anywhere I'd want to start over again at, especially knocking on 67 yrs old.

That's the age I get my pension. I want to then spend half the year outside Thailand. 

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Philippines,Philippines,Philippines CEBU! Still have reliable friends there , country where my ex wife let my son travel whit me, more cheap than LOS (if you know what you are doing). Also i like when i get smile its real one ,not one of 6 fake's! And i really like when almost all call me SIR lol

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8 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Ooh... I'm dying to hear this one. Please define "true culture" and which countries/regions have it and which do not, in your expert opinion?

Thailand does not have much of it. I consider true culture to be a mix of great film making, poetry, fine art appreciation and preservation, live music other than just the latest pop star, live theatre, dance performance, festivals of all sorts (wine, film, dance, etc), and more. I could go on all day. Thailand is fairly devoid of interesting culture, unless you count the occasional puppet show, or Issan dancing. What else am I missing?

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21 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Mexico. Ridiculously rich culture, compared to near bankruptcy here, when it comes to true culture. Dance, theatre, jazz, wine, film festivals, people who understand their own language, when you try to speak it to them, a language in our alphabet, without the ridiculous tones, etc. And gorgeous seafood cooked by people who know the difference between a grill and a frying pan filled with oil.


Spain. Again rich culture. Good food. Real civilization. Proximity to Europe. But, the visa is not easy for an American, the taxation issues are daunting, and it is not cheap.


Turkey. Likely only part of the year in the south. Gorgeous areas, nice people, good food, decent standard of living. Antalya, the Bodrum peninsula area, Kalkan, Bursa, Fethiye, Alanya, Marmaris, and other great spots to live. 


I hear Croatia is very nice too. Have not checked it out yet. And Colombia is amazing too. Many of those countries are moving forward into the 21st century. Thailand is moving backwards at an alarming pace. This place represents the polar opposite of progress on a dozen significant levels. 

So many places to go to. I never thought I'd have the opportunity financially. I heard Croatia is good too, it looks good on the Game of Thrones. 

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