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Udon Thani police searches home of Swiss national who killed armed intruder at his house after mother of slain man claims almost 300,000 baht was missing

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11 minutes ago, ArcticFox said:

But the RTP promised "justice" immediately after the killing.
In this xenophobic, highly nationalistic country, "justice" in a farang-thai self-defense killing has a different meaning then we'd expect in a thai-farang self-defense killing.

I think we should not be to fast drawing conclusions, he might still walk free assuming they play fair and won't find anything. If he doesn't walk free I am quite concerned what to do myself if someone breaks in.

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29 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I think you got my point, but exaggerated it a little, if you didn't, can't help you there, so we can agree to disagree.



I got your point and for some woman it certainly goes that way. But those are woman who are not in a relation because they are attracted to the guy. But woman in a normal relation are often not like that.


I never once worried about it with independent woman.  Plus in my case as the GF is an expat and works it would pointless to even try to check her. Its just futile, IMHO if a woman wants to cheat she will unless  you keep her locked up at home. So i just don't worry about it because if she wants to cheat then I don't want to be with her. 


Its not just trust its also accepting that if something is not working then its better to break it then to try to force fix it. I would hate to be checked by the GF and so I don't check her either. She got a large group of friends from SG and i dont always want to join. So i let her go alone. Seems normal to me. Did the same with Thai girls never a problem. Except with the one who was in it for the money. 

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This is how it's done boys and girls!!!

Accuse the victim of a crime, then search the home without them present.

Boy howdy, you can see this coming from a mile away.


  • Haha 1
Just now, ArcticFox said:

This is how it's done boys and girls!!!

Accuse the victim of a crime, then search the home without them present.

Boy howdy, you can see this coming from a mile away.


For those who don't grasp why it's important to have cameras inside and outside your home when you are a farang (stranger) in a strange land.

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Just now, ArcticFox said:

This is how it's done boys and girls!!!

Accuse the victim of a crime, then search the home without them present.

Boy howdy, you can see this coming from a mile away.


yep you couldn't make this stuff up could you ...honest thailand eh

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

The raid followed the mother of the slain man claiming there was more to the story than the Swiss national was stating and claimed that almost 300,000 baht her son had on him from a recent land sale had gone missing following the incident.

If the guy is cleared (which I have serious doubts about now) he should take steps to clear his name and the accusation of theft (Defamation).

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Easy solved, Thai wife put out a hit on Swiss husband along come Stiff Willy as a volunteer and <deleted>*s it up. If he was carrying the doubtful missing money just look at first coppers on the scene. Clowns a plenty 

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26 minutes ago, anthobkk said:

That doesn't make any sense since the wife said she had been living on the pension of the Swiss guy for years. Why would she gave money to have him killed ? She would end up losing so much in the end.


That would involve forward thinking.  Thais tend not to look beyond tomorrow. 

Or, as a wife she might still get a reasonable pension.  And the house.....

4 hours ago, Acharn said:

Not sure if that's true. 45 years ago when I was considering divorcing my Thai wife I contacted a firm of farang lawyers (they had Thai lawyer partners, too) named Tilleke and Gibbons. I think they were Australian, but might have been British. It may have been that only their Thai partners could actually plead the case in court, but they certainly offered legal services.

Lawyer is a reserved occupation under the Royal Decree of, I think, 1970. There was some foreign lawyers before that who were grandfathered in and allowed to continue practising indefinitely.  But most foreign lawyers just get WPs as management consultants or trainers or something.  They don't want to plead in court anyway, so not a big deal for them.  Tileke & Gibbons is an old law firm that pre-dates restrictions on foreign lawyers.


I knew there was something fishy about his one-sided statement earlier.


Imagine an older man overpowering and 'accidentally' killing a younger man with a gun in his hand.


What's the result of the autopsy? What did he died of?

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8 hours ago, edwardflory said:

Go to your bank, withdraw 100,000bt, fold it and put in your pocket.


Makes quite a buldge, now multiply times 3.


Can you really believe a person carries around 300 X 100,000bt (+/-) notes, climbs a wall,  breaks into someone's house in the middle of the night and threatened the home owner with a gun?


This story gets better each day. Movie time!!!

There will also be a claim coming for the Gucci handbag the money was in .....or was it a Versace


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11 hours ago, meechai said:

Man with a gun entered another mans house


Owner beats him to death...where is the problem?


Who cares what dead man's mother claims he may or may not have had cash wise? That he previously "had" 300k baht does not mean  a thing in this story. This story is centered around an armed intrusion into another mans home period.


Bottom line any intruder found with a gun in my house at night will be found there in the morning (albeit motionless)


Side Show: This Thai man was supposedly having an affair with the Swiss mans wife....Now he shows up after midnight with a gun in the Swiss mans house? Guess what the plan actually was at that point?


Now dead Thai man's mother makes a claim the dead man had 300k baht & what?? Udon Police visit Swiss man why? They think maybe he set it all up? Had Thai man appear at his home with gun & 300k so Swiss could rob him? Amazing Thailand

All this really confirms is that when it comes to it,  nothing anyone says in these situations can be taken at face value. Lie after lie after lie and rarely ever a glimpse of the truth.


If the deceased and Rudolf's wife plotted to murder Rodolf, would they plan to use Sathien's own gun?  It was well known he had the .38 revolver and his nephew actually said it was registered? Surely they would have bought another gun in another caliber on the black market that could not be traced to him and could be disposed of after the murder or used another murder weapon, such as a knife or an axe. 

8 hours ago, KamnanT said:

My (albeit brief) experience with Thai police investigation scenes is that if something goes missing, it was most likely the Plod that nicked it.  In August, an unfortunate resident of my condo building passed in his sleep. When he was discovered four days later, the BiB were called and insisted that the building management stay outside while they "searched" his room. Family later reported cash and Rolex watches missing. When the rescue foundation arrived to remove his mortal remains, they nicked all the grog.

Similar personal experience.  2 RTP motorbike cops attended my house late at night, after a drunken neighbour assaulted me, forced their way in and handcuffed me.  They would not let me turn off the lights or lock the house before frog marching me to a back-up car that had arrived.  They then left me alone handcuffed in the car while the 4 cops spent 30 minutes in my house.  As they drove me away, I could see the crowd of rubber necking neighbours walking in and out of my house carrying many of my possessions, while being watched by the smiling motorbike cops.  Later at the Police Station, one of the motorbike cops came to see me in the cell and laughed as I noticed that he was wearing my distinctive motorbike mask and one of my wrist watches.   A few days later, when I was taken to court, my phone, wallet, Timberland shoes and belt could not be found and never re-appeared.  A friend eventually managed to secure my house and take photographs showing that anything man-portable was missing.  Foreign currency, equivalent to more than 250,000 baht, also disappeared along with external HDD, spare phones and many other small expensive items.          

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12 hours ago, meechai said:

Man with a gun entered another mans house


Owner beats him to death...where is the problem?


Who cares what dead man's mother claims he may or may not have had cash wise? That he previously "had" 300k baht does not mean  a thing in this story. This story is centered around an armed intrusion into another mans home period.


Bottom line any intruder found with a gun in my house at night will be found there in the morning (albeit motionless)


Side Show: This Thai man was supposedly having an affair with the Swiss mans wife....Now he shows up after midnight with a gun in the Swiss mans house? Guess what the plan actually was at that point?


Now dead Thai man's mother makes a claim the dead man had 300k baht & what?? Udon Police visit Swiss man why? They think maybe he set it all up? Had Thai man appear at his home with gun & 300k so Swiss could rob him? Amazing Thailand

In relation to your fourth paragraph, I suspect therefore we be reading a similar article to this one, minus of course any reference to extramarital affairs or missing money.


The police may never be able to find out exactly what happened on that night. There is only one living witness and if his testimony is suspect then it will be difficult.


The police may never find that money, it could be difficult trace a smallish amount of cash like that and there are many ways he could have spent it.


The police should be able to establish if the wife knew the dead man better that her statement suggests. Unless they were exceptionally careful, there will be witnesses who saw them together and phone records. 

Once there is more information about that, the story will fall into place. 





Can't believe you old Sherlock's haven't mentioned drugs or immagration status? Some of the facts . 

Some say swiss guy may have a small pension with no COLAs? Does he have the 400,000 banked or more? Is his monthly the minimum required? 

Did architect have military or medical training? He must be able to plan and visualize th8ngs. Sounds like wife was allowed some free time drinking. That's expensive.  Swiss hubby and his lifetime income string probably looks pretty good to most of Thailand farmers daughters. Maybe it was a deep true love bond?  Someone reported she was heavy drinker and having an extramarital affair, and they drank together and did drugs too.  

So here's how it went.  The plan between lovers had to be big money. 

Lover sells land to buy drugs for a drug flip. Plan is he is to bring money to swiss woman or maybe couple. Or he gave it to the wife at the bar the night of and possibly the gun. He changed his mind  and wanted money back. and or came for delivery of the money. Probably didn't take it to the bar that night.  Ambush or disagreement happened.  

I'm perplexed as to wife would try to hide the well known affair? Maybe hubby really was clueless?

14 hours ago, meechai said:

Man with a gun entered another mans house


Owner beats him to death...where is the problem?


Who cares what dead man's mother claims he may or may not have had cash wise? That he previously "had" 300k baht does not mean  a thing in this story. This story is centered around an armed intrusion into another mans home period.


Bottom line any intruder found with a gun in my house at night will be found there in the morning (albeit motionless)


Side Show: This Thai man was supposedly having an affair with the Swiss mans wife....Now he shows up after midnight with a gun in the Swiss mans house? Guess what the plan actually was at that point?


Now dead Thai man's mother makes a claim the dead man had 300k baht & what?? Udon Police visit Swiss man why? They think maybe he set it all up? Had Thai man appear at his home with gun & 300k so Swiss could rob him? Amazing Thailand

Simple. They are looking for anything that they can use to say Look! Its the frang's fault he is the BAD person, the Thai man was a good person.

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12 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

If the Swiss guy wasn’t there in the first place, then this would have never happened so its his fault.

Yes that is indeed their logic. The missing 300k story is there to extort money from a guy defending himself and coming up on top. No guy is going to take a gun and 3 packs of 1,000 baht to some foreigners house unless he was using them as home made bullet proof vest. Recent land sale? When was that completed at 23:15 on the same evening? Have the cops established when that deal took place and how long he had been walking around with 300k in his back pocket? You know because we all do that quite regularly! The entire thing sounds like a stitch up and I would not be surprised to hear the dead guy was involved with the police or has contacts there.

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14 hours ago, Gold Star said:

It all makes sense now. The armed intruder climbed over the fence to force the Swiss guy at gunpoint to take the 300,000 baht cash he had brought, so that's why he shouted 'Money! Money!'


The Swiss guy had enough money himself so he refused. They scuffled, fought over the gun, it went off, and he threw it into the pond.


He tied him up, woke his wife, and then she came and found the money.


Of course it is long gone now, as we all know with every Thai wife and money, there is never any change.

Put your own wife in that category.

I have been married twice here in Thailand.

Neither my first late or my current wife have been like that.

I know it happens and have seen it happen in other countries.

If you cannot say something conscructive.

Button up 



2 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

If the deceased and Rudolf's wife plotted to murder Rodolf, would they plan to use Sathien's own gun?  It was well known he had the .38 revolver and his nephew actually said it was registered? Surely they would have bought another gun in another caliber on the black market that could not be traced to him and could be disposed of after the murder or used another murder weapon, such as a knife or an axe. 

That would take a level of intelligence they night not possess. 

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the switz guy is getting target over and over for nonsense BS, he can never get away from these clowns, he should of stay home in switzerland instead of going finding exotic life

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10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Once the above can be established, then they can look at any deposits/withdrawals that put in/taken out of his bank account, as well as any transfer/s that he might have made to the Swiss guy's wife.

According to the deceased mother, it was in cash. There might not be a paper trail.

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