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How would you react to this


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18 hours ago, stigar said:

I totally agree with u..this sounds suspect.I would never ever accept this.

First of all..why she still close to her exhusband????

My wife never ever contact her ex..she blocked him everywhere and changed her number.


I don’t think it is suspect, the ex wants/needs a new motor for his business to (show off) he has been to the bank and with no security has drawn a blank,  his ex is probably the only hope, how about saying, we will own the car and be in our name at the bank and hold the insurance papers, default after 2 years and the car is yours to sell on, plus you want a slice of the new business, or easier to say NO, 


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19 hours ago, wtfracing said:

My wife was contacted by her ex husband asking her to go guarantee on a loan for a truck for 2 million baht over 4 years. Now he works for a government service but has outside business for which vehicle is for. He says he can't get any one else to do it and house would have to be used as security. How would you react to a situation like this?


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Impossible to say.


Against popular wisdom many people actually stay on good terms with their ex.


Both me and my wife are on good terms with our ex's, maybe because of kids, but hardly a week goes by that we don't talk.


Neither of us feel threatened by the fact that we both have good or best friends who we happened to have been married to previously.


Several years ago I co-signed a car loan for my ex, just because my credit rating was a helluva lot better than hers. I never blinked an eye.


But my situation may be totally different to the OP and his wife. It's complicated world

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If you really needed to ask this question, you need your head examined!  I am from the USA and in frequent contact with my ex-wife and she often does tasks for me that are difficult for me to do from here.  She is reimbursed for any expenses incurred plus something for her troubles,  She would never ask for money.  As you know (I hope) things are VERY different here especially when a woman is married to a foreigner.  For whatever reason, many Thais think all foreigners are very rich and would be an easy touch for a handout, and often a substantial amount.  Even the most distant relatives would believe your wife should help them with any financial needs.  Cosigning for a loan of the amount you mentioned would make her (YOU) responsible for the monthly payments not if, but when he defaults on the loan.  As her husband, you are legally responsible for any debts she incurs.  Yes, he has a job and a business on the side.  How many times have I seen a foreigner 'invest' in a business for his wife only to either have it fail in 3-6 months or to have her lose interest in it.  You have seen numerous NO's here but the one who said 'RUN FORREST RUN' said it best.  Good luck, you're probably going to need it!   

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Not sure how long you have lived in TH but the answer to any request for money from anyone anytime is NO.


Upon further reflection you can always change your mind.


Wishy washy answers like “let me think about it” are just weak (and stupid) and only lead to either bad feelings and/or bad results.

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I asked my Wife and she said "No Way, nothing to do with her any more his problem"  or to translate into Orstalian... "F*** **F"

My wife speaks good Orstralian after being here for 35 years..  ????  

She would have to be soft in the head, and the OP to even consider it..

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I mean, seriously, what a <deleted> show this is.


Our choice in life is either: fat, frigid, decomposing Old Margaret or Scammy Scummy Low-Life Ting Tong Noi.


This is why: never buy in Thailand; always rent.


Or, if you are able, try to get a girl that is at least middle class. We live in a feudal system without decent social security.

Edited by 2009
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20 hours ago, wtfracing said:

My wife was contacted by her ex husband....... How would you react to a situation like this?

I don't have this problem. All my wives (4 so far) were virgins with no prior relationships before me, 3 of them orphans with no family at all, so no problems ???? 

But seriously, when taking a loan for a car, the car is used for guarantee, not a house or any property. In some cases the bank or credit company asks for a guarantor that can show sufficient steady income.

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can only comment on provided info. no shared kids mentioned in OP. thats kind of relevant. normally thai men abandon their kids having left their mother. this ex could be levering the kids for attempted financial gain. extent of “contact” review required by current husband. and why the hell she forwarded to him this daft assumed scam request.

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6 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

Clearly you must decline, but do so in as friendly a way as possible. A situation like this in Thailand can become very nasty very quickly. 

I would disagree and say do it as strongly as possible, to make the point very clear . 

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