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Thirty eight countries in the frame for non-quarantine access to Thailand, Thai media


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1 hour ago, ratus said:

Initially, there is a list of 38 countries that meet the criteria to allow tourists to enter Thailand without quarantine, divided into 3 groups.

“First Group” European Union (EU) 24 countries, for example Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, etc.

Among the EU, the country with the most reported cases of coronavirus is France, as of Oct. 14, France reported 5,578 new cases, including 7,069,089 cumulative cases. lower than Thailand with an average of 10,000 new cases per day

Group Two” 5 Nordic countries in Northern Europe Includes Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden.

The Nordic group is very safe, the lowest infection rate in Europe.

The other nine “ group three” countries are Israel, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States, India, Japan, South Korea and Qatar.

In this group, the country to watch is the United States. Despite the world's 3rd highest vaccination rate, 401 million doses, covering 62% of the population, the United States. have daily infections the most in the world as well

As of October 14, the United States found 99,206 new cases, with a cumulative rate of 45,546,217 cases, making it the number 1 country in the world for cumulative coronavirus infections.

The decision to open the country Every government authority knows it comes with high risks and high stakes. If the infection is controlled, money from foreign tourists will help revive the economic crisis. But in the opposite corner, if the infection is mutated A new wave of outbreaks is more risky than before.

Now it's time for everyone to take risks together!... สามารถติดตามต่อได้ที่ : https://www-dailynews-co-th.translate.goog/news/375300/?utm_source=grf-eng&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=giraff.io&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=nui

For the past seven weeks Americans have been going to football Stadium by the millions shoulder to shoulder with out mask all 50 states you do not have to wear a mask does it bother you that they were doing so good

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11 minutes ago, CamaroZL1 said:

Well Australia should be clearly ahead of about 30 countries on this list at least.


Within a month will probably be the highest vaccinated country in the world (%) wise and compared to 98% of other countries have had minimal cases and deaths.

Doubt it, many freedom fighters there. 

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15 minutes ago, CamaroZL1 said:

Well Australia should be clearly ahead of about 30 countries on this list at least.


Within a month will probably be the highest vaccinated country in the world (%) wise and compared to 98% of other countries have had minimal cases and deaths.


However if the daily news is correct and the requirements re what countries Thailand let in first are largely based on vaccination rates and case numbers Australia will be one of the first few named.


When the official list is released I would bet good money on the fact Australia will be one of them

I doubt that their sudden epiphany and realization that zero-covid is an impossibility guarantees them any right to join the A-lists anywhere anytime soon. Because of their preposterous closed borders policy, they haven't even fully confronted the Delta variant yet. Same as New Zealand, just let them keep jabbing away and maybe in about 6 months, they will have the 'superior' numbers that the triple-vaccinated Israel has now.

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What is the saying?  Too much idol time on hand is the devils workshop? 


I think all these Thai leaders falling over themselves and trying the hardest to stand out and be relevant by suggesting and putting up road blocks that are just not necessary! 


First 10 countries, then 20, then 30, now some idiot has a idea that want to put them in categories short. tall, color it is getting way out of hand with all these suggestion. Maybe they are trying to be helpful whatever the reason instead of opening all they are doing is taking one restrictions and throwing it out the window and putting new one's in place the new one's are just STUPID!



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6 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

This will likely will change again by this afternoon. There seems to be little logic to the decision making, other than previous years tourist level arrivals (which fly's in the face of quality tourism). I see no link with any "Covid Risk Assessment Protocol" - My new acronym begins with C and ends in P - figure it out.



To answer your question (in the brackets), the sandfly is in the face of quality tourism.

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2 hours ago, boogiewoogie said:

Difference is quite simple.


I jab myself so i could fly to Phuket.

U jab urself so u could go to KFC 












So which of the two are you saying is better?

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12 hours ago, CamaroZL1 said:

Strange to see Australia not on the list

NSW doesn't set a good example does it ?  Should only allow WA.  Our problem is with doing quarantine on return. Places are all booked till March !  Thats why they are rushing to build quarantine centres. 

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When a country like Canada, 72% fully vaccinated and 5% more partially, is NOT on the list it seems there are ulterior motives in these decisions.  I get that they want to include countries with higher numbers of visits to Thailand but why at the expense of countries that are clearly near the top in terms of being safely included?

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14 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

Just wondering how they intend to solve the latest idea of a 1-day quarantine an PCR test, if tourists REALLY arrive in large numbers... imagine all the hotels who will have to accommodate thousands of tourists for 1 night only with all the cleaning requirements that the current covid situation requires for them... If I would be a hotel owner, I would NOT accept such tourists, except when the government pays me 2-3 nights for each tourist who stays 1 night for covid-checks. AND we need a new website with all the hotels who offer that service, I am pretty sure that all ASQ or SHA hotels are interested in that business

Don't worry! As long they want the tourists to test and pay money for that as well not many will come. My question is how do they protect the toursist from getting covid from the unvaccinated thais??

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15 hours ago, webfact said:

the CCSA were considering grouping countries according to economic value and vaccine coverage as a means to deciding which ones' nationals will be allowed to come to Thailand without having to quarantine

Economic value?  Is the quarantine's purpose to grow tourism?  Should sick people from wealthy countries be allowed in?  I don't understand why economic value would be considered as an official policy like this, but I guess this is the world we live in.  

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10 hours ago, newnative said:

  Am I the only one finding it hilarious that we have these old, clueless, incompetents apparently sitting around and weighing the 'value' of various countries before bestowing on them the supreme honor of 'allowing' their citizens to visit Thailand.  Too funny.  They will be lucky if anyone shows up with their requirements still not nailed down and it's the middle of October already.  

It's sad actually.

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It does genuinely make me sad to see that Canada has never been mentioned in any of these deliberations. 


I can't help but feel like that says a lot about how the country's international status has deteriorated in the past decade, likely for reasons that will remain unmentioned.

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16 hours ago, Fujionrye said:

Why does it matter where you come from? I'm triple vaccinated in Canada. We have way lower infections rates than US and England but I'll need to hotel jail for a week.

If Canada doesn't end up on this list, despite having higher vaccination rates than the US, I'll be seriously tempted never to set foot in this country governed by clueless, corrupt muppets ever again.



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Don't worry about this list of countries. Thailand is a developing country, and that means its brains are still developing.

  Soon the list will change, because, someone in the Thai government will actually get a list of the countries in the

world and a few more countries will be added to this newest list.   Developing ( think 3rd world) countries still

have lots to learn, and that includes Thailand.  This opening of the country is still in its infancy, so let this

wonderful government have time to get things right.


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14 hours ago, lujanit said:

I doubt any Ozzies would come anyway.  They have to go through an expensive 14 day quarantine upon returning to Australia.

That was the case a couple of weeks ago. Now it's 7 day home quarantine with monitoring.

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