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Thailand sets out seven conditions for foreign arrivals without quarantine


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So people who want to go straight to their home in Thailand can't do but must spend a night in a hotel first, or what? Either the regulation/announcement or the reporting is faulty. I know which I put my money on....

Edited by Speedhump
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54 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Double vacced people can still catch Covid on the plane. 

True but a test just after they land stands next to zero chance of a positive result if they are. If they want to catch people who are infected whilst in flight they will have to test from the 2nd day onwards.

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Okay, as usual, clear as mud.

Couple of red flags however (this may just be down to the way they have worded it - "lost in translation" etc.):

  1. Come from countries specified by the Thai Public Health Ministry as being low risk and arrive by air.

Odd that, since most countries have the UK and USA as high risk. The excuse for having them on the list is their high levels of vaccination rollout. (Not that they make up a large percentage of the toursts who traditionally come here of course.)

  1. Have certificates to confirm that they have received two doses of a recognised COVID-19 vaccine.
  2. Have negative COVID-19 results from RT-PCR tests conducted within 72 hours prior to arrival in Thailand.

Why the change? It has alays been 72 hours prior to departure. Does that mean that if your flight is delayed in any way you'll be refused entry on arrival because you're outside the 72 hour window?

  1. Have a minimum of US$50,000 health insurance coverage.

I suppose that must mean the cost of treatment for Covid has gone down 50%?? Also, that is just Health Insurance, not Covid specific health insurance, so either they have decided you won't catch Covid while you're here so don'tneed the US$100,000 Covid insurance they've been demanding for months or someone has messed up the figures.


And, as usual, this has all been released prior to being gazetted so prepare for it to all change again before Nov. 1st.

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1 minute ago, Flink said:

Okay, as usual, clear as mud.

Couple of red flags however (this may just be down to the way they have worded it - "lost in translation" etc.):

  1. Come from countries specified by the Thai Public Health Ministry as being low risk and arrive by air.

Odd that, since most countries have the UK and USA as high risk. The excuse for having them on the list is their high levels of vaccination rollout. (Not that they make up a large percentage of the toursts who traditionally come here of course.)

  1. Have certificates to confirm that they have received two doses of a recognised COVID-19 vaccine.
  2. Have negative COVID-19 results from RT-PCR tests conducted within 72 hours prior to arrival in Thailand.

Why the change? It has alays been 72 hours prior to departure. Does that mean that if your flight is delayed in any way you'll be refused entry on arrival because you're outside the 72 hour window?

  1. Have a minimum of US$50,000 health insurance coverage.

I suppose that must mean the cost of treatment for Covid has gone down 50%?? Also, that is just Health Insurance, not Covid specific health insurance, so either they have decided you won't catch Covid while you're here so don'tneed the US$100,000 Covid insurance they've been demanding for months or someone has messed up the figures.


And, as usual, this has all been released prior to being gazetted so prepare for it to all change again before Nov. 1st.

Oh, and the last one.... Covid test within 24 hours of arrival. Hmm, guess you'll all be needing to book your SHA+/ASQ hotel for 2 or 3 days of your 2 week holiday then because they'll be having "issues" with testing and be taking the FULL 24 hours to get round to carrying out your test and be needing a further 24 hours at least to get the results to you.

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7 minutes ago, Flink said:

Okay, as usual, clear as mud.

Couple of red flags however (this may just be down to the way they have worded it - "lost in translation" etc.):

  1. Come from countries specified by the Thai Public Health Ministry as being low risk and arrive by air.

Odd that, since most countries have the UK and USA as high risk. The excuse for having them on the list is their high levels of vaccination rollout. (Not that they make up a large percentage of the toursts who traditionally come here of course.)

  1. Have certificates to confirm that they have received two doses of a recognised COVID-19 vaccine.
  2. Have negative COVID-19 results from RT-PCR tests conducted within 72 hours prior to arrival in Thailand.

Why the change? It has alays been 72 hours prior to departure. Does that mean that if your flight is delayed in any way you'll be refused entry on arrival because you're outside the 72 hour window?

  1. Have a minimum of US$50,000 health insurance coverage.

I suppose that must mean the cost of treatment for Covid has gone down 50%?? Also, that is just Health Insurance, not Covid specific health insurance, so either they have decided you won't catch Covid while you're here so don'tneed the US$100,000 Covid insurance they've been demanding for months or someone has messed up the figures.


And, as usual, this has all been released prior to being gazetted so prepare for it to all change again before Nov. 1st.

Most insurance doesn’t distinguish between a Covid from any other medical condition now..


They probably realize treatment would never cost so much since the cost of medical care is much lower. The difference between $50,000 and $100,000 coverage is only like $10 anyway.

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  1. Quote

    Have negative COVID-19 results from RT-PCR tests conducted within 72 hours prior to arrival in Thailand.

    That was always prior to departure from first connecting flight.. To take a PCR test, get the results, and travel long haul is going to make that quite a challenge for some folks.. 

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5 hours ago, aussiexpat said:

Pretty easy to figure out the top 10 list to get no quarantine.


The already stated China, US, UK, Singapore and Germany are all on the list of top number of tourists pre-covid. The question is, which of these high tourist countries will miss out to make it a list of 10


I'm guessing the other five may likely be Japan, Russia, South Korea, India and Australia




The UK is predicting as many as 100,000 cases a day there in the near future. To put it another way, 3 MILLION cases a month. I guess the UK will coming off the allowed list.

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10 minutes ago, remifr said:

how about Thai partners ? They have to follow you for the 1st night or they can go straight home ?

how about those with single dose J&J vaccine ? rejected ?

Same requirements for anybody flying in internationally.


There is already a list of what constitutes “fully” dosed and single J&J is ok.

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2 hours ago, crazykopite said:

There will be more staff at the airport than tourists to much flip flopping by this incompetent administration the only so called tourists arriving will be the long term expats who got stuck due to Covid unless they open up bars and entertainment venues as well as ending the night time curfew tourists will choose more favourable countries .

And don't forget that, this being Thailand, having fulfilled all the criteria required to gain entry you could get to the airport to be stood in front of a semi literate IO who lost 5000 baht in a gambling den the previous night and is nursing a hangover who tells you your vaccine certificate isn't valid or some other nonsense and unless you pay 5000 you can't come in.

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1 hour ago, lazygourmet said:

At the moment, China still does not let its own citizen to leave the country and they are not issuing passports for tourism purpose.

They can leave if they already have a passport but will have to go through quarantine going back.

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There are a lot of conditions/hoops for people to go through to come here. Personally I would never want to visit Thailand during these failing times where the government doesn't know what is going on and changing policies and requirements like it was a merry-go-round. Will there really be that many people willing to jump through all these hoops to come to Thailand? It has changed so much here and is still a big risk for catching Covid-19. Down in the south where I live, it continues to be a problem and still very bad every day with people catching the virus, especially in Nakhon Si Thammarat. If tourists really have the money, patience and time then good for them, but I would stay away until next year.

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7 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

Does the $50,000 health insurance have to cover Covid-19? 

That was the original plan....but there has been an announcement in todays' media that the government will cover this....but it's Thursday...wait 'till Monday!

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18 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

The UK is predicting as many as 100,000 cases a day there in the near future. To put it another way, 3 MILLION cases a month. I guess the UK will coming off the allowed list.

It shouldn't be on it in the first place.  I'm British and know several people who are champing at the bit to get over here, but until the figures are much lower, I don't want them here.


Governments keep saying that they're following medical advice, but they don't.  Even when the real experts tell them exactly what needs to be done, they trot out some unknown who gives them the advice they wanted to.

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2 hours ago, edwinchester said:

There's 2 PCR tests to negotiate. One in the 72 hours before you fly and one on the day of arrival.

Not really required for double vaccinated tourists imho.

But if you read what's been posted and such it says 72hrs prior to arrival, not departure.  Just want to make sure on that as I have a friend on the west coast of the US who is planning a trip that takes him the long way around the glob to get to Phuket and obtaining PCR-RT test results quickly have been a problem in the past.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Have written/electronic confirmation of hotel bookings in Thailand.

Number 5. What if you have a house here or say family is coming to visit and stay at your house. Do you still need to book a hotel to stay in so they can know where you are? And if so how many days?

once again not very clear or detailed plan. 

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31 minutes ago, hioctane said:

Most insurance doesn’t distinguish between a Covid from any other medical condition now..


They probably realize treatment would never cost so much since the cost of medical care is much lower. The difference between $50,000 and $100,000 coverage is only like $10 anyway.

Yes, $10 difference if you're young and fit, over 60 and with underlying health conditions it can be a lot more so the drop to 50k helps there, so long as your policy cover includes all costs relating to an asymptomatic positive test, or, a negative test but classified as a contact trace by the government.

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