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Maskless Foreigners in Bangkok


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Westerners usually refuse to wear masks. There is one case in Malaysia where a westerner refused to wear mask and even call Malaysia a 'communist' country, later she was fined.




Edited by EricTh
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There are numerous studies showing that cloth masks do nothing to prevent the spread of viruses. The virus aerosol size is minute in comparison to the air gaps in the masks.

Why should people comply with regulations which make absolutely no sense?

If cloth masks did work, why are there not strict regulations to control how they are disposed of, since they supposedly contain so many virus and bacterial deposits?

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1 hour ago, nickmondo said:

rules do not apply to the arrogant foreigners.

not only masks, but also the non smoking rules........which do not apply to them of course.

its why i do not socialise with foreigners here.........

many a time I have started to enter a restaurant.......spot a (normally fat) foreigner lighting up his fag, so I about turn and leave.........

luckily i have many places to go that do not allow the football shirt brigade to do this.......


I always ignore all rules that appear pointless.

I live in a gated community of 250 houses, very few wear a mask inside the gates.

Edited by BritManToo
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41 minutes ago, Raphael Hythlodaeus said:

There are numerous studies showing that cloth masks do nothing to prevent the spread of viruses. The virus aerosol size is minute in comparison to the air gaps in the masks.

Why should people comply with regulations which make absolutely no sense?

If cloth masks did work, why are there not strict regulations to control how they are disposed of, since they supposedly contain so many virus and bacterial deposits?

you are and idiot      anti science anti mask probably anti vax  

wear your damn mask   


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On 11/29/2021 at 8:01 AM, sharecropper said:

What do people think you should do when you encounter presumably newly-arrived, smug-looking foreigners in Bangkok who refuse to wear a mask?


I was in Centralworld yesterday and have never in the past year (when it has been open) seen anyone walk around without a mask, Thai or foreigner.


Yesterday I saw 5 people not wearing masks (they were pulled down over their chins) - all foreigners - white males - separately strolling around looking smug and very pleased with themselves. My outraged (Thai) wife warned me not to get involved and instead went to look for security, of which, of course, there was none to be found anywhere.


If people don't want to respect the rules during a pandemic, why come here at all? Why go into a public place and refuse to obey the rules? Stay home instead.


Personally I think they should be arrested, fined and deported to set an example. They're deporting others for worse reasons these days, on the spurious grounds of being a danger to the public...

So you saw 5 foreigners - white males not wearing masks. You presume they just arrived in Thailand and speculate they were very pleased with themselves for not wearing masks. 

You ask what people think they should do in such a case and all you did was post here...

If you ask me what would I do, the answer is nothing. I do wear a mask when I'm public but not because I think it helps anything and I don't care what others do. 

The % of infected people around the world is negligent. The chances you'll encounter one are slim. If you're so worried just keep your distance and be happy you're healthy 

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On 11/29/2021 at 9:06 AM, VocalNeal said:

I generally wear mine below the nose as otherwise it fogs up my glasses.

You can get masks with a plastic strip at the top , which you push against your nose and that stops your glasses from getting foggy . 

   If you walk around without the mask covering your nose , you may as well take the mask off completely and stop pretending you are wearing one  , because having your nose on show makes wearing a mask pointless 

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19 hours ago, sharecropper said:

If a moron (wearing a MAGA hat or not) wants to splatter their brains all over the road, and the police don't care, that's up to them. If idiots refuse to wear masks in shopping malls and disrespect the hygiene laws of another country in the midst of a public health emergency, thereby endangering the health of all those around them, then they should be deported or jailed - or both.

I don't think it's your call to make, it's the authorities of Thailand whose job it is to deal with such things.


You just make yourself from your OP sound like a busybody or somebody who has been here in Thailand a while and thinks they are entitled to tell other foreigners how to behave and what they should and should not do.


It is the job of the mall security and the Police to enforce mask wearing.


Regards your wife being outraged, I hope she is equally as outraged if she looks around Thailand and sees the numbers of Thais flaunting the rules on mask wearing or upcountry where they listen to old wives tales and refuse to get vaccinated, thus enabling the virus to evolve through their selfish behavior.

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15 hours ago, it is what it is said:

how much detailed research did you carry out when forming this opinion? and do you really believe the thai government statistics?

16 hours ago, atpeace said:
Here in rural Thailand 95%  of Thais wear masks on motorcycles but many don't while in groups socializing.  It is a non issue regardless.  Outside of cities IMO Covid is not killing anyone.



I don't know where he lives but here in rural Kamphaeng Phet most of the motorcyclists wear a mask most of the time but less than 20% wear a helmet. Walking around the shops more than 90% of Thais wear masks. I can't comment on farangs as they are few and far between and rarely seen.


My research is local and personal as I tend to keep my eyes open to see what I am doing and where I am going.


Do I really believe Thai government statistics? Not really, but then I don't believe the statistics that most governments pump out either.

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7 minutes ago, scorecard said:
On 11/29/2021 at 9:04 AM, Sandboxer said:

Here in Phuket the a-hole maskless tourists make up at least 40%.

Speak to them and their response might well be 'but I'm on holidays'. 


While Sandboxing in Phuket I observed...


99% of people on the beach not wearing a mask. 

95% of people riding walking around wearing masks. 

99% of people sat at restaurants or a bar not wearing masks.

100% of people in a Supermarket, 7-11 etc, shopping Mall etc wearing a mask. 

50% of people walking down the road near the beach wearing masks.


IF someone wants to pull the wool over their own eyes they could go to the beach and report back that foreigners are not wearing masks !!!...  


People see what they want to see to suit their now prejudice and confirmation bias. 


Many foreigners want to prove so hard how they’ve assimilated into Thai culture they turn to pointing the finger at foreigners to prove how in tune with the Thai’s they are... funny stuff... (insect eaters).... 




Edited by richard_smith237
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1 minute ago, mikeymike100 said:
3 hours ago, nickmondo said:

rules do not apply to the arrogant foreigners.

not only masks, but also the non smoking rules........which do not apply to them of course.

its why i do not socialise with foreigners here.........

many a time I have started to enter a restaurant.......spot a (normally fat) foreigner lighting up his fag, so I about turn and leave.........

luckily i have many places to go that do not allow the football shirt brigade to do this.......



Sounds like you have some serious problems???

This is his problem.... 

.... he wants to be the only ‘farang’ in the village... 




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