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Opinion: Thailand’s vote against the war in Ukraine is a step in the right direction


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40 minutes ago, ezzra said:

If it wasn't for the other 140 countries who were looking on, Thailand would have voted differently 100%...

One wonders if the stance will change if asked to impose sanctions on Russia by the US, EU, and their allies over this very tragic affair.

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Yes, it is. 
yet it comes from the government rooted in 2014 and 2006 military coups, which murdered 90 its own citizens in 2010. 
and spends many percent of GDP on military hardware from the usa, russia and ukraine to subjugate its own population with a threat of using live rounds on the streets and at student campuses, as their predecessors did in 1976 at thammasat university and so many other mass murders. 
thai forces are responsible for 10 500 extrajustic killings since rhe beginning of rhe Cold War (not counting 2500 thaksins war on drugs)

Edited by internationalism
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amazing to read so many ill-informed comments by foreigners living in Thailand.    the murikan empire has been on the wrong side ever since the breakup of the USSR.    first saying it would not move eastward to threaten the newly freed Russians, then back-tracking and taking every opportunity to threaten and demonize Russia and its leadership.    reached a crescendo when buffoon Trump defeated that miserable woman, initiating the blame Russia nonsense which continued to grow during the period of the trump presidency.    since then, the narrative has evolved to "Russia bad, empire good."   the Russians in ukraine have been treated as second class citizens ever since the empire-promoted 2014 "revolution," when a legitimate and basically neutral ukraine president was deposed in a coup.    the Russians in ukraine then made a play for self-determination, which, IMHO, should be a basic human right.    however, the ukraine authorities sent their military to smash those Russians living in the Donbass eastern part of the country (BTW, some of those ukrainian solders still identify with the nazi ss galicia division).   with the mass of ukie army massing on the edge of the Russian enclave and threatening wider death and destruction and with the empire and its puppets pouring as much fuel on the fire as possible, the Russian president finally said "enough" - basically emulating former president Kennedy's actions in preventing the USSR from weaponizing cuba.   V. Putin did not want this war but the empire apparently did.  now the world is dealing with a mess created essentially by the bullying, hypocritical, and would-be world dominating empire elites.    bottom line is, if you don't kowtow to the empire, you are the enemy.....      

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So what's next.  Will Russian expats be forced to sign a loyalty oath condemning all thing Russia?  Why not.  Europe is now doing that.  Once people jump on that train is will be time for cultural cleansing.  That's a dangerous road to travel, but the precedent is now being set globally.  It will suck to be a average Russian citizen. 

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22 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

Any country that invades another country—for whatever reason—deserves the worldwide disdain and sanctions that come with it.

Shhhh.  The US invaded Syria and is embedded in Northern Syria and US troops are siphoning Syrian oil out of the ground and selling on the black market through Turkey.  But!  <crickets>
:thumbsup:  Shhhh.   Iraq.  Afghanistan. Libya.  Yugoslavia.  Not a peep about international sanctions when US/NATO are those doing the invading.  Not a peep.

Geo-political relativism. ????

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7 hours ago, TooMuchTime said:

I knew nothing about Ukraine before the war and still barely know anything about them but I will blindly support them because everyone else is.

You made the right decision.

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2 hours ago, watchdog2 said:

amazing to read so many ill-informed comments by foreigners living in Thailand.    the murikan empire has been on the wrong side ever since the breakup of the USSR.    first saying it would not move eastward to threaten the newly freed Russians, then back-tracking and taking every opportunity to threaten and demonize Russia and its leadership.    reached a crescendo when buffoon Trump defeated that miserable woman, initiating the blame Russia nonsense which continued to grow during the period of the trump presidency.    since then, the narrative has evolved to "Russia bad, empire good."   the Russians in ukraine have been treated as second class citizens ever since the empire-promoted 2014 "revolution," when a legitimate and basically neutral ukraine president was deposed in a coup.    the Russians in ukraine then made a play for self-determination, which, IMHO, should be a basic human right.    however, the ukraine authorities sent their military to smash those Russians living in the Donbass eastern part of the country (BTW, some of those ukrainian solders still identify with the nazi ss galicia division).   with the mass of ukie army massing on the edge of the Russian enclave and threatening wider death and destruction and with the empire and its puppets pouring as much fuel on the fire as possible, the Russian president finally said "enough" - basically emulating former president Kennedy's actions in preventing the USSR from weaponizing cuba.   V. Putin did not want this war but the empire apparently did.  now the world is dealing with a mess created essentially by the bullying, hypocritical, and would-be world dominating empire elites.    bottom line is, if you don't kowtow to the empire, you are the enemy.....      

In essence that is how it is ! The sad and sick aspect is that yet another population falls victim to the  script of power players. Populist propaganda that glosses over and  obscure the determining factors that in one way or other has led led to this situation that has evoked so much more emotional reactivity than that over the death and  destruction imposed on multiple other nations. Outright lies and false imagery to support the illusion the Ukraine was/is a "democratic" nation. The truth is Zelensky has defended his position to remain by using the very same tactics Putin is accused of !

Even the  public  illusion that the NATO nations  are now shocked and just coming to terms  etc etc is  pathetic when the reality is that since  many months ago when Russia started to move  military assets to the border of Ukraine so did they!

Putin has no intent to listen to Zelensky ! He wants  a signed sealed and delivered assurance that the US led NATO Alliance  will not now or ever co-ordinate  any further military advantage of military power directly on to it's (Russia's) borders on any front including the Ukraine.

It is actually just that simple.

So it leaves the question Putin has been asking  until he lost patience " Why not?"

If is so many try to  suggest that  if Putin is obliged in that demand what will stop him ? Again an easy answer. His demand is met with a reciprocal  assurance, in writing, signed sealed and delivered, that existing territories that desire independence are entitled to do so so long as consensus is established and acknowledged. Most  would be unaware there are  many such  territories outside of the Ukraine separatist regions.

Now the UK is leading (Maybe  by the nose? ) other countries to petition the IWC(C) over allegations of war crimes  by Russia.  Please  note that the USA is not a participant because it has long declined to  sign into such an organization and thus considers itself immune to any such jurisdiction..

The perception being fed wholesale to the world that this issue is a simple twitch in the mind of Putin  need reassess their comprehension of the greater complicated reality involved in corporate dictate  and geopolitical monopolies.



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