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Dual Pricing Reconfirmed In Thailand National Parks


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6 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

"He said the agency wants to introduce an identity card for expats, helping to distinguish them from tourists so they will be charged the same price as locals"


Don't overcomplicate it, just ask for passport if they must



Tourists would also have passports, and can hardly expect park officials to leaf through passports and figure out visa stamps.


However, there are already cards that could be used to identify resident expats as opposed to tourists:


- pink ID card

- Thai Driver's License



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30 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

All you can do is boycott places that do it, and very clearly object to it on forums, and social media platforms like FaceBook and Twitter. You know how much Thais hate their bad practices to be publicly exposed for the world to see. Maybe one day they'll be shamed into doing the right thing.


Surely that's got to be better than trying to justify it, or pretending it's OK?

I remember 10 years ago, I went into a hardware store with my then Thai father-in- law and when we came out he was <deleted> as he was charged tourist price as well. It took me 2 days to stop laughing

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Can you please explain how Thai's are now monied enough to be no longer subsidized?  Many workers do not argue about the extra fees required, they just point to the signage.  End of their discussion at that point, you either accept it, pay, or then leave.


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I used to run a business in California. I always found it comical that I couldn't  charge a person more if they used a credit card.... ......... (on which, as a merchant, I had to pay a processing fee of roughly 2%)..............but I could  give a "cash discount"............. as if that wasn't the exact same thing!*





*(Truth is, I DID understand the "consumer protection" reason for it. Your merchandise has a price, is tagged with a price. You are legally obligated to honor that price. If you suddenly say, "It'll be xxx more because you're using a credit card," then you're charging MORE than the tagged price, which isn't legal. It's considered fraud. [The work-around turned out to be to charge a flat-fate "credit card processing fee" as a separate and distinct charge from the price of the goods. So, you're still charging more........... but not charging more! LOL!]) 


Ah California, where four quarts do not equal a gallon........... but THAT'S another story! Hahahahahaha! 



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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Dual pricing is not just a Thai phenomenon with many countries having such practices

Not in Mexico, amongst others, a lot more nice things to see, sites, museums etc, and all the same pricing (as far as I remember).

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Just make a list of national parks and I'll know where not to go. I've been to Khao Yai national park and there's really nothing to see or do. No facilities of any merit. So I'm happy not to contribute to these money gouging schemes.

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1 hour ago, bristolgeoff said:

I would avoid dual pricing or farang price entry.went to cnx zoo when i could get in as a local price.now not available.One day they may realise this  that tourist are not stupid and will see  for themselves  why they avoid places like that

They dont give a <deleted> about that, they enjoy having the power to rip off froreigners


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25 minutes ago, Millcx said:

Talk is all these illiterates do .. TAT is biggest joke in every country .. 

Y'know, if you don't read and write Thai in Thailand, you are, by definition, "illiterate" in Thailand. 


That hit me as tragically comical one day.


I......... who have a pretty good command of the English language---a thing I take a certain amount of pride in---am officially ILLITERATE in Thailand! Wow! 




So I wonder, as you attempt to cast aspersions with the word "illiterate"............ here in Thailand, who reads and writes the Thai language better........... you, or them? 


Cuz no matter how "literate" you feel you are in English (or any other language) ........... that don't mean jack, here in Thailand! 



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I think its a great idea, most Thai people have a lower income than many Tourists and it's their country, it should be free for Thais the same as it should be free for every National of their respective country. Its not ok in my opinion  for citizens of a country to pay to see whats their birth right take the UK as an example everyone has to pay the same money to visit outstanding areas of natural beauty  so a thai comes over for a holiday and he has to pay several days wages to visit a National Trust place for example then get mugged off for parking and food and a guide book they can't afford it we have to fork out a couple of quid in Thailand which is nothing to most tourists  and we cop the hump cos the thais pay little or nothing we should be copping the hump cos we are getting ripped off to see things in our own countries.Rant concluded 

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2 minutes ago, rainham said:

I think its a great idea, most Thai people have a lower income than many Tourists and it's their country, it should be free for Thais the same as it should be free for every National of their respective country. Its not ok in my opinion  for citizens of a country to pay to see whats their birth right take the UK as an example everyone has to pay the same money to visit outstanding areas of natural beauty  so a thai comes over for a holiday and he has to pay several days wages to visit a National Trust place for example then get mugged off for parking and food and a guide book they can't afford it we have to fork out a couple of quid in Thailand which is nothing to most tourists  and we cop the hump cos the thais pay little or nothing we should be copping the hump cos we are getting ripped off to see things in our own countries.Rant concluded 

It seems you dont live here , tourist stay here 4 weeks have a holliday budget and they dont care.

Living here and spend a lot of money here and support thai family and get confronted by scames regulairy you realy get <deleted> off by the mentality here.

Nothing about being a cheap charly but living here you are a walking ATM for them,

They love tourists money because they go home.

Living here they dont like you because you know it all.

When they start give back in 100 bath notes from 1000 bath i already know 1 bill is short many times.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

The announcement shows a continuation of the long-standing dual pricing policy with foreigners being asked to pay higher fees, in this case, five times those asked of Thai people.

Please get the facts right.

Foreigners pay the normal price and Thais get a discounted price, like happens all over the world. 

As a Thai, I paid $550 for a game of golf at RMGC in Melbourne, but my Ozzie friend got 5,000 baht local discount.

Similar in Disneyworld USA. 





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7 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

"He said the agency wants to introduce an identity card for expats, helping to distinguish them from tourists so they will be charged the same price as locals"


Don't overcomplicate it, just ask for passport if they must



There's already the pink ID card.


I got an old codger's MRT pass when I bought one using my pink ID card ..... 25% discount ????

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Whilst farang are often charged more than Thais, there are many things that work in our favour. I am let off by traffic police all the time, for example, especially with my little one in the car. I can get discount that Thais wouldn't have the nerve to ask for, and better service in shops. Bank workers go out of their way to help me. I don't lose face very easily, which enables me to get away with a lot more than my Thai brothers and sisters.

People remember me which used to be a bad thing when I was a 'naughty boy' Now it is an advantage. Thai people are not all after money(anymore than foreigners) and the longer I live out of Bangkok/tourist areas, I realise this.

I hate to hear the farang saying, "they can't do this to me, do you know what would happen in United Farangland if they did this?". Quite simply, I have started a new life in a country, which will never accept me as one of them, even if I pass a degree in Thai, become a monk, or have Toxin's daughter as a "mia noi".

I have to chill out and adjust certain ideas and attitudes. I must remember that this is not my home country, and therefore has different ways of doing things. Christ, that is one of the reasons I love it here. I used to want them to keep doing the things I liked and stop doing the things I didn't like. What a <deleted>y attitude!

Realise what I can change and what I can't. Don't let the things that you can't get on top of you, they're not worth it. Once you have done this, weigh up the pros and cons of living in a new land and decide if it is for me or not. I have not been sentenced to live in Thailand, it is my choice.

Some things like double pricing are the Thai way an I sometimes think I should simply respect their decision - when I do this I usually see that they have a valid reason for doing something that thought 'racist' or unfair.

It's my fear of being take advantage of that I have to address. "can't have them Thais getting the better of ME, the almighty!

I know that if I want to become a Thai citizen I can, but when I weigh up all the pros and cons, I would rather keep my British passport.

Once you've seen one park, you've seen them all anyway.

Something I wrote here 15 years ago, not much has changed. 

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55 minutes ago, PEE TEE said:

My days of giving any tips are over These days lots of Thais are far richer than expats  

I haven't  seen to much evidence of that tbh whats the average joe earning in Thailand £20 a day if they are lucky I'm on a minimum of £300 a day here £2.50 is nothing to me to visit an attraction in Thailand i would be paying £25 plus to visit a National Trust place in the UK and that's before the usual rip offs £3 for a bottle of water etc the Thai government has got it right imo

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15 minutes ago, rainham said:

I haven't  seen to much evidence of that tbh whats the average joe earning in Thailand £20 a day if they are lucky I'm on a minimum of £300 a day here £2.50 is nothing to me to visit an attraction in Thailand i would be paying £25 plus to visit a National Trust place in the UK and that's before the usual rip offs £3 for a bottle of water etc the Thai government has got it right imo

Phom jon mak mak ... ????


Seems everyone in my neighborhood is sittin' prettier than me.  Renting (1 of 2 available, how embarrassing), can only afford a cheap a$$ Chinese MG.  Have E-scooter, since can't afford petrol.  On that, just noticed 91/95 knocking on ฿45  ????  Can only afford to feed 1 small dog.


They all own their homes, got multiple high end cars, got multiple big guard dogs ... it's damn embarrassing.

Edited by KhunLA
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8 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

"He said the agency wants to introduce an identity card for expats, helping to distinguish them from tourists so they will be charged the same price as locals"


Don't overcomplicate it, just ask for passport if they must



As you said.Dont overcomplicate it.It already exist an ID card for residing expats

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