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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I put mine back into my Amex HY Savings account making 4%...... I will make over 30k thb a year instead of 3k Thb by moving it

Which is good -- everything else being steady. But my 800k here for retirement was brought over from the left side of my balanced retirement portfolio, namely, the preservation of capital side. A few years back, this FDIC side of portfolio had some 5% CD's; but mainly it was lower paying savings and checking accounts, where I had flexibility in withdrawal without penalty (i.e., CD withdrawal penalty). And I really didn't care what they were earning (as long as capital was preserved), because my earnings were on the right side of my balanced portfolio, namely, the 30% of portfolio in equities.


And this is why I said earlier "everything else being steady" because today my equities on some days lose what I would annually gain by moving my 800k back to an Amex 4% savings account. So, things not being steady, is why it's not terribly important to consider "opportunity cost" with keeping 800k here in Thailand -- if your balanced retirement portfolio has equities approaching the old rule of thumb 'age from 100' percentage -- 'cause history says equities will eventually trump that opportunity cost (of course the overall size of your retirement portfolio needs to be a lot larger than that 800k in a Thai bank).


Anyway, we seem to visit this subject fairly frequently. Why folks with a fair amount of equities in their portfolio need to nickel and dime lost income with 800k in Thailand -- is beyond me.

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1 hour ago, Pib said:

So I self insured instead.   

Congratulations on your approval!  Re the self-insurance:  Did they accept brokerage accounts (like in some other cases above) or did you use a bank deposit?

Just now, K2938 said:

Congratulations on your approval!  Re the self-insurance:  Did they accept brokerage accounts (like in some other cases above) or did you use a bank deposit?

bank savings.

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1 hour ago, JimGant said:

Why folks with a fair amount of equities in their portfolio need to nickel and dime lost income with 800k in Thailand -- is beyond me.

I think it mostly comes down to a matter of choice versus compulsion. I keep a lot more than 800k in cash in US accounts, but I do that because I want to, and because it makes me feel safe to have that money readily available, even if it's not the best use of those funds by any reasonable financial standard. 


The 800k in a Thai bank, by contrast, is there only because it's required to be there - and it isn't even readily available, because drawing on it (other than during the middle part of your extension year) would result in losing my right to keep living in Thailand.


Is being forced into maintaining the 800k deposit a big deal in the grand scheme of things? No, but it is a mild irritation that I'll be glad to be rid of when I finally get my LTR...even if all I do is keep the same money in the same bank, but with total freedom to use it as and when I wish. 

13 hours ago, lextsy said:

Can some one explain what the digital work permit is for?

I have LTR-T for remote worker and i didnt check the digital work permit.. Could have i? Does it allow you to work actually in thailand for a company there?

This is simple curiosity on my part--my ship has sailed on this visa--but how did you manage to get an LTR-T? Especially after the additional requirements that were tagged onto it after the initial launch, this is Mission Impossible for the common US mortal/contractor.


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2 hours ago, Northwest87 said:

This is simple curiosity on my part--my ship has sailed on this visa--but how did you manage to get an LTR-T? Especially after the additional requirements that were tagged onto it after the initial launch, this is Mission Impossible for the common US mortal/contractor.


80k usd salary a year which I make slightly over which I provided by annual tax statement plus bank statement. 

certificate of employment from my company saying my salary and start date (to prove over 5 years in industry) 


name of company and stock market ticker 


that’s about it reallly but I wa very lucky I work for a huge Indian IT Company obviously 

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2 hours ago, lextsy said:

80k usd salary a year which I make slightly over which I provided by annual tax statement plus bank statement. 

certificate of employment from my company saying my salary and start date (to prove over 5 years in industry) 


name of company and stock market ticker 


that’s about it really but I wa very lucky I work for a huge Indian IT Company obviously 

Thanks for the reply. It gives a good idea of the situational profile of applicants who will make it.

And congratulations ????


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3 hours ago, lextsy said:

80k usd salary a year which I make slightly over which I provided by annual tax statement plus bank statement. 

This curiosity question is for any folks who have been approved for any category of LTR visa....well, it's probably more directed more towards the Pensioner category.   Where lextsy said he provided an annual tax statement were any of you able to avoid providing a tax return statement?   But instead you only had to provide other income evidence like a monthly/annual pension statement, salary slips, etc.  


Now I got the Pensioner LTR visa where my primary evidence of having the required $80K income was providing my monthly/annual pension statements.   I did not initially provide my tax return because of LTR website security/privacy concerns but also in my case one of my pensions is 100% tax free/non tax return reportable (i.e., a Veterans Administration (VA) pension)--no IRS 1099R generated for VA benefits as they are tax free by U.S. law.   And due to this VA pension it allows my military retirement pension to only be partially taxable which lowers the taxable/reportable amount on that pension.  Then I have another govt pension that is also only partially taxed/reportable.  


Now my pension annuity statements (including the VA monthly statements) clearly showed the gross amounts, whether taxable/tax return reportable or not.  But since a very significant portion of my gross pension income is non-tax able/non-reportable on my tax return (which is a joint return with the wife) when comparing amounts tallied-up from the pension statements to lower amounts shown on a tax return a person can get concerned that if the BoI relied primarily on only a tax return for the pensioner category where some pension(s) may be non-taxable/non-reportable...or maybe even some other LTR visa categories like the Work from Thailand Professional....then the applicant could become very worried that although their pension statement(s) show they have the required LTR income "but" their income tax return shows a significantly "lower" pension income due to the pension(s) being non-taxable/non-reportable.  


Anyway, as mentioned, I did not initially submit a copy of my last tax return from 2021 due to security/privacy concerns and concern about conflict/confusion with my pension statements but about 30 days after submitting my application BoI did send an Additional Docs Required Request to provide my tax return.  I did such, which was a PDF copy of my tax software e-filed return (i.e., the PDF copy you print for your records after uploading/e-filing your return) and I did not submit an IRS tax return transcript although I had one ready if requested.   


Now, I'm pretty sure that BoI used my pension statements as the primary evidence and required the tax return just for some double checking purposes, some additional validation of income....or maybe just to confirm you are a tax-fearing/paying good citizen.  Or maybe doing a certain degree of comparing your pension statements to your tax return to see if they are at least in the same ballpark. The BoI showing flexibly in reviewing/confirming your income as I'm sure with all the various tax laws and tax return documents used in different countries that if only relying on a tax return it could misrepresent/greatly understate actual gross income for some people.  So, I'm giving the BoI a big thumbs-up in showing income evidence flexibility.


So, I was just wondering (curious) if any of you folks who were LTR visa approved were you able to get your application approved "without" providing your latest tax return?  



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On 7/9/2022 at 1:03 PM, Captain Monday said:

Not much anymore  to rely on to last "back home"

Yep.  A million dollar net worth nowadays is basically broke.  Especially with inflation in the 7-10 percent range for at least the next 5 years and near zero returns on stocks and bank accounts.

30 minutes ago, Adumbration said:

Yep.  A million dollar net worth nowadays is basically broke.  Especially with inflation in the 7-10 percent range for at least the next 5 years and near zero returns on stocks and bank accounts.

Obviously you don't have a million nett worth. That should get you over $40,000 per year in a standard saving account which is about 120,000 baht per month to live in Thailand.  More than enough to live very well in Thailand and definitely not broke 


13 hours ago, Pib said:

Just as FYI, when my application was approved the online acct Status column displayed Approved.....after I made the appointment to have the LTR visa put in my passport the Status changed to Appointment......and now after getting the visa put in my passport the Status shows "Complete."    I just love the sound of "complete."   ????





Just some more FYI....one other change I noticed in my online acct after my status moved from Approved to Complete.....and that is a "Work Permit" selection appearing in my acct menu (see below).  Click on that Work Permit selection and it takes you into a Work Permit application.  


I did not apply for a Work Permit for my LTR Pensioner visa (i.e, selected No in the LTR application area where they ask if you were also applying for a work permit).   So guess since I initially declined a work permit in the LTR application that my online acct updated to provide a separate area to apply for a work permit if some day I decide I do want the permit since I'm allowed a work permit with a LTR visa.




After clicking the Work Permit menu selection you see below.




And then after clicking above Work Permit icon you get below where you could create the Work Permit application and upload necessary docs.  But when I clicked "Submit" assuming it might take me to another screen to actually start the Work Permit application it just took me back to above icon.  So, I guess if I ever do change my mind after getting a work permit....going to work in Thailand (which I can't image doing such since total retirement is just fine with me) I would probably have to call BoI to have them fully activate the Work Permit menu selection so I could actually submit a Work Permit application. 






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2 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

Obviously you don't have a million back home. In Australia that will get you over A$40,000 per year in a standards saving account which is about 80,000 baht per month to live in Thailand.  More than enough to live very well in Thailand and definitely not broke 

Well it is (almost) broke in the eyes of the Australian government.  Any less than 850K you qualify for welfare (OAP).


And if inflation is running running at 8-10% and you have your money sitting in a bank account yielding 4% you are not making $40K per year you are losing $60K per year.  So you are going broke at a rate of about 115,000 baht per month before your out of pocket living expenses.


Did you fail math at school?

On 10/19/2022 at 3:08 PM, Misty said:

The ability to cancel or change an existing visa/visa extension seems to be limited to the BoI and its associated IOs.  Some have described this as the BoI's "magical powers."  

@MistyWhen you applied for the work permit, have you provided the medical certificate? 

8 minutes ago, Zuman said:

I applied for the WP LTR for Mrs Zuman (dependent) and myself on October 4. I received final approval on December 16


2.5 months.  Did you have some intermediate communications with the BOI or they only got back to you in the middle December for the first time when they told you about your approval?

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49 minutes ago, Zuman said:

I applied for the WP LTR for Mrs Zuman (dependent) and myself on October 4. I received final approval on December 16. Mrs Zuman received final approval today. We will fly to Bangkok from Phuket for our appointment which is scheduled for next week.


Update:   Known LTR Approvals as of 27 Dec 2022 based on posts in this thread I saw.  Added "Zuman" and his wife who got approved 16 & 27 Dec, respectively.    See his post above for more details.    Congrats!!!


And I know of one other poster in this thread who just got approved and hopefully he'll announce his good news soon so we can add him to the list.   


Seems like December is turning out to be a good month for LTR approvals.  In below list 5 were approved in Sep, 9 in Oct, only 3 in Nov, and 5 so far in Dec.  Remember, this list only accounts for those who have announced an approval in this thread. 


Poster & Date Approval Notice Rec'd

1.   BKKNono  -  15 Sep

2.  ashkale  - 28 Sep

3.  ThailandRyan  - 28 Sep

4.  pepper402  - 29 Sep

5.  gajah  - 30 Sep

6.  Alotoftravel  - 4 Oct

7.  James7  - 4 Oct 

8. & 9.  Misty (and family member)  - 4 Oct

10.  mudcat  - 4 Oct

11. & 12.  stuarty (and wife) - 4 Oct

13.  Boomer6969  - 5 Oct

14.  aublumberg - 12 Oct

15.  JJJJJJJJ  -  8 Nov

16.  smic - 28 Nov

17.  Paul3456 - 30 Nov

18.  anotherexpat4444 - 7 Dec

19. & 20.  Juman - 16 Dec (and Mrs Juman on 27 Dec) 

21.  lextsy - 21 Dec 

22.  Pib - 23 Dec

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On 7/9/2022 at 4:26 PM, Tropposurfer said:

I posted on these subject  before. My apologies if I repeat myself. I agree with you JTOPO.


The LTV has some preferences and benefits for some. But for me the benefits of my Elite far out-way this newer long term O or OA retirement visa.

I estimate at my usual yearly rate of play projected forward and allowing for a downturn in games played as I approach my walking frame years lol ???? my free golf alone will pay entirely for my 20 year Elite visa over its life, leaving aside the other in country discounts and services I receive. 

There are lots of other benefits in an Elite that this LTR thingy does not offer. Yes its much cheaper but offers far far less in benefits than an Elite.

I encourage others to read the fine print and you'll see what these disparities are. Of course if you cannot rationalise paying for either then the point of one versus other is a mute one, and the standard O or OA is for you.





On 7/9/2022 at 2:03 PM, ThailandRyan said:

Wealthy Global Citizen * Qualifications and Criteria 

  • 1$ Mil USD assets
  • income 80k USD per year last two years
  • 500k USD investment in Thailand

Does the applicant need meet all three criteria or just one of the three?


I'm not in a mood to invest $500k USD in Thailand at this time.


7 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

Wealthy Global Citizen * Qualifications and Criteria 

  • 1$ Mil USD assets
  • income 80k USD per year last two years
  • 500k USD investment in Thailand

Does the applicant need meet all three criteria or just one of the three?


I'm not in a mood to invest $500k USD in Thailand at this time.


If your 50 or over the LTRWP visa works with just having over 80k USD in a pension you obtain every year and a 50k USD health Insurance policy.


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18 hours ago, JJJJJJJJ said:

@MistyWhen you applied for the work permit, have you provided the medical certificate? 

Yes, the BoI staff said that the medical certificate was required for issuing the digital work permit.  Since there was no section designated to upload it to, I uploaded it to the "Other" category. 


The BoI staff said I could also have attached it to the WP46 pdf and uploaded it there.

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"Why do some places prosper and thrive, while others just suck?" - P.J. O'Rourke

58 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:
1 hour ago, Captain Monday said:

Wealthy Global Citizen * Qualifications and Criteria 

  • 1$ Mil USD assets
  • income 80k USD per year last two years
  • 500k USD investment in Thailand

Does the applicant need meet all three criteria or just one of the three?


I'm not in a mood to invest $500k USD in Thailand at this time.


Yes all three criteria

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10 minutes ago, Misty said:

Yes, the BoI staff said that the medical certificate was required for issuing the digital work permit.  Since there was no section designated to upload it to, I uploaded it to the "Other" category. 


The BoI staff said I could also have attached it to the WP46 pdf and uploaded it there.

how can you fill in WP46? That form looks like you have already had some employer in Thailand to hire you.  

12 minutes ago, JJJJJJJJ said:

how can you fill in WP46? That form looks like you have already had some employer in Thailand to hire you.  

Yes, that's correct. I'm employed by my Thai company - I cancelled my old work, paper work permit to apply for the digital work permit.

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"Why do some places prosper and thrive, while others just suck?" - P.J. O'Rourke

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