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People are getting stupid-er or am I just getting older/wiser?


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55 minutes ago, SmokeandIce said:

Do you think knowing what a slide rule makes you smarter than others ?  It just makes you older than most. I don't think you are correct in putting people down who have never been exposed to a slide rule, they are just from another generation.  No better, no worse.

One had to use one's brain to use a slide rule, but to use a calculator requires no brain input at all, other than knowing what button to push, and how to read the answer.

It's not surprising then that staff in 7 11 were unable to work out the change for 100 baht when I bought something worth 50 baht, in their head, and had to use a machine.

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On 9/18/2022 at 8:50 AM, VocalNeal said:

Yes I like fixing my own cars as well. The knowledge of which you speak has always been available. It just depends on how much time one is prepared to devote to finding it. 

We don't seek out an "expert" because he has more knowledge than us but because he has more experience. Not the same.

Yikes. I fail in the experience due to spending my life studying and teaching history. I asked for a "Starter halo deck" so I could have my students experience history ... reply was something about not having the budget nor technology ... Go easy, I am just playing with thoughts. it has already been observed that there is a world of difference between finding information and having the critical thinking ability to apply that knowledge.

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12 minutes ago, puchooay said:

Technically speaking, inoculations prevent illness. Not vaccines.

Old or new definition:

"The CDC previously defined vaccination as: “The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.” Now, as per the update in September 2021, it defines it as: “The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection to a specific disease.” 


read into that what you want, I have my thoughts why...

... nuff said

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1 hour ago, allanos said:

A New Zealand researcher, 

Dr James Flynn, discovered, a number of years ago, that, over the past approximately 5 000 years, IQ's have increased generation on generation, and not the other way around. The finding has become known as the Flynn Effect.


Possibly, the proof can be found even at a modern-day tribal level.


Not so very long ago, an American Indian would say "How"!


Today, he asks "Why"?

The Flynn effect seemed to be working for a while, but global IQ levels have been declining since the 90's. I wonder why...




"This is the opposite of what happened during much of the 20th century when IQ scores rose by around 3% a year.

This is known as the Flynn Effect, named after James Flynn, the scientist who discovered the trend. His research, published in 1981, showed that IQ scores had risen steadily over the 20th century, with an 18-point gap over two generations.

Flynn concluded that this was down to culture – society as a whole had become more intelligent as it got to grips with bigger ideas."



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On 9/18/2022 at 12:50 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

I heard about that movie only this year and because it was highly recommended I watched it. Great!

It's supposed to play 500 years in the future (from when it was created). Now I got the impression that it too not even 10 years. Amazing, and sad at the same time.


Here is the opening scene, also very relevant for this thread.


Great movie.  Has a lot of truth to it.


It's got electrolytes!

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Stoo-pider by leaps and bounds. No independent thought or critical thinking skills. No manners or common courtesies either. Oblivious to their surroundings. Zero situational awareness.


Definitely stoo-pider. ????

Edited by Skeptic7
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18 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

In answer to the OP's question, the former. The first indication on products was probably warning people that the coffee in their cup was hot. Then there was the label on some clothes to remove child before washing. and now.....


Screenshot 2022-09-23 184134.jpg

You forgot to mention the label on jars of peanut butter warning people that, 'this product may contain nuts'. 

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On 9/18/2022 at 8:35 AM, Peterw42 said:

It depends on how you define intelligence or knowledge. Nowadays, I dont need to have great bodies of knowledge committed to memory, I just need to know where to find it.

Years ago a trade/profession was essentially paying someone who had acquired knowledge in a certain field. Nowadays that knowledge is available to everyone.

I happen to know where the panama canal is, but if I don't, am I stupid or just have no need for that knowledge. If I start shipping goods from Asia to Europe then that knowledge would probably benefit me, otherwise not.


The ability to find, process, filter information is probably a more relevant measure of intelligence. I know that cleaning my teeth stops decay, I have no need to know who invented the toothbrush. 





'I don't need to commit bodies of information to memory.' But if the power is off,You're buggered. Er, what is 11 x12. ???? 

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2 hours ago, dingdongrb said:

"...........but I believe ppl have become way more stupid."   (from OP)


I don't think that is true. There has always been stupid people. It's just folks are more informed these days with the use of the Internet.

Back in the day, we did not have internet comments, and we had no way to plumb the depths of stupidity; we laughed when Einstein said “Nothing is infinite but space and stupidity; and we are not sure about space”.  Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, and his observation about space, may be of little use in our mundane existences.  But never under-estimate the depths of stupidity, quicksand or puddles. Or audits

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2 hours ago, blackshadow said:

could the panama canal b in panama.......

could the queen who has died.....come from england......

difficult to say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are all African monkeys, who came down from the trees.


It is difficult to say something about IQ, but the truth is, we have (most of us present here at this fora) less pressure on us to staying alive day to day, and I believe that makes all of us a bit slow, and passed down to next generation, it will dramatically accelerate in the wrong direction unfortunate when society continue to support people who do not produce zero nada nill, and who again pass their living culture to next generation. The same goes for people who heritage wealth not risking anything! 


Also for those who living in almost total controlled environment kills their creativity responsibility and energy to do something for them selves.


Why is Jewish people so creative and innovative as they are? 

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28 minutes ago, Hummin said:

We are all African monkeys, who came down from the trees.


It is difficult to say something about IQ, but the truth is, we have (most of us present here at this fora) less pressure on us to staying alive day to day, and I believe that makes all of us a bit slow, and passed down to next generation, it will dramatically accelerate in the wrong direction unfortunate when society continue to support people who do not produce zero nada nill, and who again pass their living culture to next generation. The same goes for people who heritage wealth not risking anything! 


Also for those who living in almost total controlled environment kills their creativity responsibility and energy to do something for them selves.


Why is Jewish people so creative and innovative as they are? 

Maybe it is because they do not live in trees.  Or maybe because they do.

Why are black people so creative and innovative?

Why are priests and vicars so creative and innovative?

Why are Nobel prize winners so creative and innovative?

Why is the bloke that burgled my house so creative and innovative?
Why is Jewish people singular, but other people are not?
Why is the Jewish people singular when it is made up of so many individuals?

If I had more answers than questions, I could have refuted my grandmother's allegation that people were becoming slower and denser, but as I decline into decreptitude, I cannot but concur that those younger than us, despite their tremendous scientific advances, are still unable to answer the most simple of questions, and the fault must lie with them.


It is sadly unfortunate that there is not a young person that subscribes to this forum that could provide us with evidence of their increasing knowledge, wisdom and undensity.  Or at least an antonym for density.

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9 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

But whose home? 


This is why we lock our doors at night, I guess. 

there is nothing worse tha...
OK - I am not going to talk about the things that are worse, but suffice that it is quite embarrassing to accidentally take a wrong tuning out of one's hotel bathroom and find oneself in the corridor naked.  I can imagine that is may be similarly embarrassing for a fellow guest to come across a naked person trying to get into their room, although my view was that it was laughably entertaining - albeit 30 years ago we were all much younger, and times may have changed.
My experience is that any time you think to yourself "This could not be any worse", fate conspires momentarily to prove you wrong.
So anyway, to respond to 1FO's comment above - lock it securely, and keep the key nearby on the way out.

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2 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

Maybe it is because they do not live in trees.  Or maybe because they do.

Why are black people so creative and innovative?

Why are priests and vicars so creative and innovative?

Why are Nobel prize winners so creative and innovative?

Why is the bloke that burgled my house so creative and innovative?
Why is Jewish people singular, but other people are not?
Why is the Jewish people singular when it is made up of so many individuals?

If I had more answers than questions, I could have refuted my grandmother's allegation that people were becoming slower and denser, but as I decline into decreptitude, I cannot but concur that those younger than us, despite their tremendous scientific advances, are still unable to answer the most simple of questions, and the fault must lie with them.


It is sadly unfortunate that there is not a young person that subscribes to this forum that could provide us with evidence of their increasing knowledge, wisdom and undensity.  Or at least an antonym for density.

Great civilations even in Africa have rised and falled, and thats one of the few absolutes truths wevhave. The question is,  why do great civilations finely implode often from inside threats, for then  finely be overtrown by other external forces who is more hungry and willing to take higher risks to reach their goals? They had the technology, they had the power but their lines getting stretched at the same time people have been used to their position, wealth and security by keeping the conflicts outside their empire. 

Alot to learn from earlier great civilations and history. 

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9 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

In answer to the OP's question, the former. The first indication on products was probably warning people that the coffee in their cup was hot. Then there was the label on some clothes to remove child before washing. and now.....


Screenshot 2022-09-23 184134.jpg

While hilarious, the "stupid" labels are because of the IMO insane US court system where people can sue for anything and win large amounts of money. Ergo the labels are a sane reaction to an insane system.

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2 hours ago, Hummin said:

Great civilations even in Africa have rised and falled, and thats one of the few absolutes truths wevhave. The question is,  why do great civilations finely implode often from inside threats, for then  finely be overtrown by other external forces who is more hungry and willing to take higher risks to reach their goals? They had the technology, they had the power but their lines getting stretched at the same time people have been used to their position, wealth and security by keeping the conflicts outside their empire. 

Alot to learn from earlier great civilations and history. 

Civilizations rot from the inside out. In the end a less rotten country takes over.

One has only to look at what is happening to western countries to know we are rotten to the core. When the nonsense that there are more than 2 genders is taken seriously one knows that the end is nigh.


NB, I don't care what a person thinks they are- that's their business, not anyone else's, but biologically there are only 2 genders, unless we include hermaphrodites as a separate gender.

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8 hours ago, Gandtee said:

Years ago a trade/profession was essentially paying someone who had acquired knowledge in a certain field. Nowadays that knowledge is available to everyone.

Knowledge does not mean that someone can actually do something. Much is learned by experience.

Would you have a root canal done by someone that learned how to do it from google?


During my time as a nurse, I found that some university educated nurses couldn't actually nurse very well. They knew the theory, but the practice was too difficult, given that they had to deal with real people. It was well recognised that nurses trained under the old system of training while actually working in hospital were often superior when it came to actually looking after people.

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