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How do you resist temptation?

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1 minute ago, Liverpool Lou said:

But they're bars.

You could have beer with eggs on toast. I think most westerners doing that need help though.

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Having been a party animal most of my life at 82 I now find all the local attractions easier to resist. If you can survive into old age your temptation problem will fade. 

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On 3/3/2024 at 10:16 AM, bob smith said:

Temptation is everywhere in Thailand,

from the countless bars that open their doors at 8am,

to the lovely young girl dressed in a short skirt that grabs you by the arm as you walk down the street,

it’s all around us.


yet many seem to resist such things,

or live so far in the boonies that they never come across it.


when one lives in or frequents a tourist ghetto then it is very easy to slip into a life of alcoholism, drug abuse and casual sex.

I am a victim of such vices,

I find it extremely hard if not impossible to resist the temptations that come along with living life as an expat in Thailand.


god help me.



Let your brain decide, not the prominent thing of your bottom part.

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On 3/3/2024 at 10:16 AM, bob smith said:

Temptation is everywhere in Thailand,

from the countless bars that open their doors at 8am,

to the lovely young girl dressed in a short skirt that grabs you by the arm as you walk down the street,

it’s all around us.


yet many seem to resist such things,

or live so far in the boonies that they never come across it.


when one lives in or frequents a tourist ghetto then it is very easy to slip into a life of alcoholism, drug abuse and casual sex.

I am a victim of such vices,

I find it extremely hard if not impossible to resist the temptations that come along with living life as an expat in Thailand.


god help me.



God helps those who help themselves

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On 3/3/2024 at 10:16 AM, bob smith said:

Temptation is everywhere in Thailand,

from the countless bars that open their doors at 8am,

to the lovely young girl dressed in a short skirt that grabs you by the arm as you walk down the street,

it’s all around us.


yet many seem to resist such things,

or live so far in the boonies that they never come across it.


when one lives in or frequents a tourist ghetto then it is very easy to slip into a life of alcoholism, drug abuse and casual sex.

I am a victim of such vices,

I find it extremely hard if not impossible to resist the temptations that come along with living life as an expat in Thailand.


god help me.



walk another street..ignore the temptation...help yourself.

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1 hour ago, khunPer said:

I use an ice cold shower to stop temptation from girls and something that looks like girls...:whistling:




the Iceman doesn't cometh much anymore!

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As said in the movie 'There's Something About Mary', you must masturbate before you go anywhere you might encounter attractive girls. Not doing so is like going out with a loaded gun. You will get sidetracked, into trouble, fall into lust and waste your money. Empty that gun as many times as necessary and enjoy a relaxing time with your mates, and save money too.

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20 hours ago, Dolf said:

You could have beer with eggs on toast. I think most westerners doing that need help though.


Geez what a dry, miserable outlook on life you have bignok. 


PS. it's you that needs help, not the fellas that have the occasional pint with their Full English.

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3 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

Here are a few Bible verses for your consideration:

Proverbs 27:12....A prudent man foresees the evil and hides himself from it; but the simple pass on and are punished.


1 Corinthians 10:13... No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.


James 4:7...Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.



The simple answer is to flee from the temptation as fast as you can, and if necessary, remove yourself from the environment if you can't resist the pull. If you can't do that in your own strength, then call on Jesus and ask Him to give you the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome the addiction to sin. All things are possible through Christ Jesus our Lord!



The Bible........Wasn't that written by Hans Anderson? Well, it's pretty Grimm 🙄 Or is it just a conspiracy theory manual?

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On 3/3/2024 at 11:57 AM, fredwiggy said:

When you have someone in your life, and look at her as more than a body, resisting is what happens. I've been with her over 3 years, and have many women give me the "look", as I'm in pretty good shape for 67, and although I know it's the cash they're thinking more of, you can tell when they are attracted to you. When you care for someone, and really love them, you don't hurt them, period, no matter what crosses your path. There are untold numbers of pretty women here, but again, if you're really a man, all you need is one good one. I can see how many are tempted with these girls, as to me they are the prettiest on earth, so you have to think of what it will do to your relationship, how it will make her feel, and how it will make you feel if you have a conscience.

You may be a 'Superstar' but consider this:


I presume the women you are talking about are younger as you talk about them being the prettiest on earth and Thai women in general don't seem to age well. So lets be generous and presume you are talking about 35 year olds giving you 'the look'.  Just think back a few years, well 32 years to be precise............how many 67 year old women did you give 'the look' to?


I think we all try to kid ourselves that young Thai women find us attractive - even when we are aging.  The only thing they are attracted to is your wallet.  There are some that are in it for the long term payout and are prepared to stay with you until that comes but I doubt many, if any at all, 35 or even 40 year old Thai women would actually choose to be with a 60-70 year old foreigner unless there was a financial benefit in doing so.


You might possibly not believe how many Thai women that are with an older foreigner also have other, younger Thai 'boyfriends' or even husbands. I know of several in my neighbourhood including one that has 2 foreigners that both think they are her husband. When neither of her 'husbands' are in country, her Thai 'ex husband' moves in and she also has at least one young Thai 'boyfriend'. I could get angry when I see her drive past in the Mercedes that her German husband bought but I just laugh and think 'more fool him'


That's just one and its rife - the 'brother' or 'cousin' scam is another widespread phenomenom.


As for me, I couldn't care less, I've had a few try to 'bite' me but their bite has not pierced deep and I got shut before they had the chance to get much.  One who by the way, convinced all my Thai friends that she was genuine, did manage to rip me for a short time but a court summons sorted that out and the assets I bought were returned.


I am now single, enjoying it and staying that way.  I play them at their own game, take whatever fruit is on offer then move on. I have one regular who is a really nice girl, possibly genuine but I'm not prepared to go down that path again because history has taught me the chances are that she's not. I'm younger than you and she's 35, there is no way I'm going to kid myself she's after me for my boyish good looks.


I could be wrong and you may be very attractive to young Thai women but as I say, think back to your younger days, I doubt you were giving 'the look' to many 67 year olds.

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