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14 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:


Removing Section 112 has nothing to do with overthrowing the democratic regime of the government with the King as the head of state.


The UK has a democratic regime of government with the King as head of state without a Section 112.



I think the UK does have a les majeste law but it it hasn't been used in ages. 

Just now, Chongalulu said:

The box is being removed - acquiescence will return...

Acquiescence is the silence before the storm, you can't cover a hole in the ground with a tarpaulin and pretend it isn't there, somebody may fall in.

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14 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Getting rid of the possible problem before they have one...Thai style politics...bad guys in...good guys out!

u misspeled rich guys in poor guy out. noone care bout ur idea of bad bro, u think the politicians aka military are good?


Let this be a lesson to all of you out there who seem to think you have some kind of say in what happens in what you think is your own country!  Now get back to work!

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12 hours ago, MangoKorat said:

Each time I read such things I think.......riots! And riots is exactly what would happen in most countries where any group tried to remove the democratic rights of the people. Imagine trying to do this in France?


Sadly, the Thai people seem totally resigned to the fact that the Military will always be in charge of the country and there's nothing they can do to change that. So sad.

You're forgetting Freedumbland - now they riot FOR dictatorship in that place. 

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1 hour ago, ericthai said:

you're really trying to compare pol pot to Thaiskin??  do you even understand what pol pot did?? 25% of the population was killed


 I'm no fan of Thaksin as he started the stricter visa/overstay rules, but Thaksin didn't tell the police to go out and kill people.  That happened for various reasons, mainly being the typical shootouts between drug dealers and the police.  Others being the BIB protecting their own interests, but the police said it was self defense which all know was BS...

Think you need to read Thai history on Thaskin  and Yes he did tell the police to go out and kill people he had kill lists made up. and it was not all drug dealers

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15 hours ago, Artisi said:

They must be worried, very worried. 

They, including 'Him' gotta keep the $$$$ flowing, and the freedom of speech stemmed. 

Otherwise we might all find out some more bad stuff.  

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15 hours ago, MangoKorat said:

They cannot be serious........wasn't the result of the last election and who was actually allowed into government the real 'overthrow of democracy'?

I would love to see the wording of the reform, it seems to never make the news, but seems to get  blown out of proportion, that we won't know unless it's published. 

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22 minutes ago, paymaster said:

Who are the faceless men/women that make up the Constitutional Court? Are they inspired by pheua Thai or the military?

Prayut's puppets.

30 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Not just Asia. It is the way totalitarian dictatorships work. I won't call Thailand an outright totalitarian dictatorship but it is a dictatorship by stealth. The military and who they serve are the true rulers here. The people are mearly subjects who get token elections every now and again with the real outcome know well in advance. The govt (military) does not rule for the people. They subjugate any sniff of democracy to maintain their power.

Well said.

  • Thanks 1

Your article states "democratic regime of the government with the King as the head of state" is an oxymoron. With a head of state who is untouchable the democratic regime of the government is NOT democratic.

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There will not be a democratically elected government in Thailand in my life time. Perhaps in 2150, but I will be all out of breath by then.🤣

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37 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Not just Asia. It is the way totalitarian dictatorships work. I won't call Thailand an outright totalitarian dictatorship but it is a dictatorship by stealth. The military and who they serve are the true rulers here. The people are mearly subjects who get token elections every now and again with the real outcome know well in advance. The govt (military) does not rule for the people. They subjugate any sniff of democracy to maintain their power.

Not just Asia, very true! In all the so called Western democracies the people are merely subjects who get token elections again and again by parties whose leaders all are alumni of the same cadre factories e.g. in Davos, and voter fraud after the elections is committed by routinely and intentionally breaking campaign pledges after the elections. 


In Germany nowadays the police raids the homes of people who criticise politicians, for example for asking if the minister of economy is able to count from 1 to 3, that's the new German form of lese majesty. And the cartell of old parties plans to abolish the biggest real opposition party, while critical voices are silenced by the DSA (Digital Services Act of von der Leyens corrupt EU). That's now the new guided "democracy" in Germany. And Germany is just one example from the West.


Is that all really better than Thailand?


I am all for democracy. But during the last four years in the West I learned that real democracy exists nowhere on this planet.


Thailand is not so different to the West.

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15 hours ago, smedly said:

how can government function without the largest party present, forgive them for they know not what they do


laughting hub of the world............shameful 


The party will still be there either as an independent or under a different name.


Remember, this is the same thing they did to Thaksin when he started, and he just kept coming back.

Thai rak Thai 1098- 2007

People Power Party 2007-2007

Pheu Thi Party 2007  - present


You also have to remember that schools are out, and students only have a little to do. Yes, it is hot out, but that will not stop the protestors.  


If this passes and is accepted by the courts, I think the water fights will start sooner than expected.


Just what the government needs when it is trying to convince people to come to Thailand.  protests and unrest leading up to Songkran.


The joke of it is that they are not trying to get rid of the article. They are only trying to limit who can charge someone.


How many times have we seen the PPP attack dog threaten people?


Thaksin is coming up on charges do you really think the PTP wants this hanging over their head when that happens? 





2 hours ago, bob smith said:

MFP is a totally organic, homegrown movement.


nothing to do with the west.


leave your conspiracy theories at the door next time please!



Is that so? Read its manifesto and compare with that of the Democrat party.


"Conspiracy theory" is a work out term coined by the CIA in the 50's - it's used to denounce an opponent, rather than conduct a sensible debate, so go away if you have nothing sensible to say.

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