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Major hurdles remain for Thailand’s vaccine drive


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By Cod Satrusayang


The government of Prayut Chan-ocha has finally prioritized vaccinations as a means to stop the pandemic but major hurdles remain to inoculate the population including production concerns and vaccination capacity, a source told Thai Enquirer on Tuesday.


Over 56,000 people have been infected since the third wave of the pandemic began on April 1. It has been the deadliest period of the pandemic so far in Thailand with over 300 deaths and counting.


The government’s previous lethargy in vaccine acquisition and distribution has meant that the majority of Thais have not been inoculated leaving the Prayut administration to play catch up.


Full story: https://www.thaienquirer.com/27340/major-hurdles-remain-for-thailands-vaccine-drive/


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It will simply mean that many more Thais will get sick and die and the economy will suffer further which will cause this government to lose face and perhaps power to continue to govern,

other than that, there isn't much than can be done, and Thailand will have to endure longer losses and suffering to get to the other side of this Covid business...

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1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

Major hurdles remain for Thailand’s vaccine drive


I imagine the lack of vaccines is the major hurdle 

Also implementation of the nationwide vaccination program and who is in charge in Bangkok, the BMA or the MoH.

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They just installed a pair of those temperature checking machines at my condo this week. Aside from being mildly offended that I am expected to validate my health just to return home it just seems pathetic. Over a year since this started and that is their solution? 98% of residents walk past the machine anyway so not sure who's bright idea that was. Glad I'll be gone in a week. But will gladly return once I'm vaccinated and things calm down here... whenever that is.

Edited by wasabi
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1 hour ago, wasabi said:

They just installed a pair of those temperature checking machines at my condo this week. Aside from being mildly offended that I am expected to validate my health just to return home it just seems pathetic. Over a year since this started and that is their solution? 98% of residents walk past the machine anyway so not sure who's bright idea that was.


Bip ! Bip !


It's farcical. Everywhere. It's "Cargo Cult".


Bip ! Bip !

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

The government of Prayut Chan-ocha has finally prioritized vaccinations as a means to stop the pandemic but major hurdles remain to inoculate the population including production concerns and vaccination capacity, a source told Thai Enquirer on Tuesday.

No bl**dy vaccines?

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The government’s previous lethargy in vaccine acquisition and distribution has meant that the majority of Thais have not been inoculated “


I suppose it is technically correct to say that the majority of Thais haven’t been vaccinated, but it’s misleading to use that term.


try: 99% of Thais haven’t been vaccinated, or, hardly any Thais and no foreigners, or…..something else along those lines. It conveys a more accurate meaning of the reality.

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Even if we get 20 million vaccines from them in June, it doesn’t matter because we do not have the capacity to vaccinate at a high number,” the source said.

“That is the reason we are asking private hospitals for help because we don’t have logistical capabilities to administer millions of vaccines per month.”


They should be sorting this now. Hopefully Thailand is only a month away from the commencement of mass vaccinations so they need to be training people to administer jabs, as there probably aren't enough medical personnel to go round, and they should be sorting out locations where the public can go to get the vaccines without interfering too much with the day to day running of the hospitals.

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5 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

I once said Thailand will be amongst the last of the developed countries to be vaccinated, and that that wouldn't happen until 2022.


Glad to see I'm still on track for the win and the old spidey senses are still working


Agree. The problem many expats (on this forum and elsewhere in Thailand) have is they forget how professionally managed countries are run. They become desensitized to the cartoonish place Thailand is and can't compare it properly with other countries. Many of them have probably never lived in many other countries also.


This is the danger of the Thai charm. A smile or kiss from a young, fit Thai beauty is enough to make a man forget everything he knew prior.

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5 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Major hurdles remain for Thailand’s vaccine drive


I imagine the lack of vaccines is the major hurdle 

And Thai's are waking up to what vaccines will be available, and the free ones may not be their choice, no matter how many pictures they show.

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3 hours ago, wasabi said:

They just installed a pair of those temperature checking machines at my condo this week. Aside from being mildly offended that I am expected to validate my health just to return home it just seems pathetic. Over a year since this started and that is their solution? 98% of residents walk past the machine anyway so not sure who's bright idea that was. Glad I'll be gone in a week. But will gladly return once I'm vaccinated and things calm down here... whenever that is.

The pandemic has been around for a year and STILL Thailand relies on temperature checks for screening. Not just your condo, but everywhere from 7-11 to airports.


when are they going to understand what being asymptomatic means? Temperature checks will pick up symptomatic people, but they are pretty obvious anyway because they are perspiring, wheezing and a variety of other things.


temperature checks are a psychological crutch, very little more.

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19 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

The pandemic has been around for a year and STILL Thailand relies on temperature checks for screening. Not just your condo, but everywhere from 7-11 to airports.


when are they going to understand what being asymptomatic means? Temperature checks will pick up symptomatic people, but they are pretty obvious anyway because they are perspiring, wheezing and a variety of other things.


temperature checks are a psychological crutch, very little more.


Exactly. The temperature checks are purely theater -- giving a false sense of comfort and letting people say, well at least we did something in the event someone does come down with Covid. Furthermore the machines are wildly inaccurate. Vaccines are the only solution and the arrogance and incompetence of the people leading the charge has caused them to stumble with this mandate at every step of the way. If Thailand had not let people travel at the worst possible times and focused on vaccination the country would not still be at step 1 as their neighbors will soon be opening up and enjoying the tourist dollars. Possibly mine. Whatever money they thought they were going to save or make via their boneheaded in country manufacturing scheme whilst refusing vaccines from other nations because "Thailand #1!" is now very minor compared to the tourist dollars they could've been making.

Edited by wasabi
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